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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by thomaskm1

  1. Its will run from 5:30-8 ------------------
  2. On the top terrace of a 700ft. water tower... ------------------
  3. I am, come by and say hi @ the Clubplanet tent... Enjoy! ------------------
  4. I might have missed th etalk on this one, but the TIME magazine article on E and the E-generation was very unbiased and never really said it was a bad thing and came up with a number of positive stories. Everyone should give a once over. ------------------
  5. If Two cents are all you need... Dave & the DeepDish bros are here every other month, MY MONEY WOULD BE ON PARKS & WILSON + QUIVER ON THE 23RD.... Plus it would give us more time to organize more peps to come for the meet-up but majority rules... Or we can do both... How about 2AM in the lobby alcove on the 23rd @twilo? ------------------
  6. Got it today.... so good it hurts!!!! Parish ------------------
  7. Hey, if you're meeting up, come by the ClubPlanet tent, if it's raining, shelter... We're giving away free stuff too. Parish ------------------
  8. Lets get some sort of meeting going then. On the 23rd, Parks& Wilson & Quiver will be at Twilo. How about then? LAst time I heard them all play together was at a Renaissance night @ the Cross in London. They are amazing! By the way I'm 6'0, light brown hair, medium build & blue eyes.... It is about time there was a proper CP meet up! ------------------
  9. I will be there. There will be a clubplanet booth, so everyone come by and say Hi. Parish -We giving away a lot of free shit too! ------------------
  10. Globalbeats.Com is throwing an openturntable party tonight and every Thursday after. Tonight there will be guests sets with registration for the following weeks. Parish, Seth Lawerence & David Hollands tonight. It is at Shampu (9 Avenue A, btw 1st and Houston) Free for ladies and 5 for studs. Parish (selfless plug) ------------------
  11. You go Pepelove! Montreal does rock. I am down for August we should all plan a trip. NYC meet MT sort of thing, get group hotel rates in effect and party till the next Tuesday! Parish ------------------
  12. Not really, sort of trendy clubby. It's a fat spot. I foresee a number of parties going down there in the near future, hmmm... ------------------
  13. Hey all, I am 26, Been doing rounds since I was 17, big Nasa & Caffenine head from the beginning. First club experience was an excursion to Disco 2000 and I haven't hit the groud yet. I work for ClubPlanet so.... No sleep! Parish 'MY NAME IS WILD 'E' COYOTE...' ------------------
  14. Hey there is the old Sound Factory thingy, but I would suggest you go the Touch party @ Chealra (38th st. btwn 8th&9th). They do once a month jams and they always rock. Intimate settings, a total up-for-it crowd and great music. Tell them ClubPlanet sent you and you will get reduced addmission, 10 bucks, can't beat it. Parish ------------------
  15. I saw the movie last week and I can't wait to see it again. It will be released in NY on the 16th. Really great movie, totally true to the scene and realistic to the nature of of the magic. GO PEEP IT ASAP! Parish ------------------
  16. We use AUDIOGRABBER from Xing technologies here at CP. Works well with most formats. Winamp is dope, but I never use it. parish ------------------
  17. We all live for the bootlegs! From the minute it hits the tape or someone elses hand its a bootleg. If you're so worried about someone enjoying you're tape and not giving you a spot you're missing the point totally, music is to be shared with everyone. Go become a stockbroker instead, that way you can keep everything you make for yourself. But seriously, just dub a promo-byline over your set with a mic or editing program. Credit should be given when credit is due. Parish ------------------
  18. Sounds cool, but are you serious or is this a hypothetical message board situation? Interacctivity is key,virtuality reality games and simualators would be amazing Parish ------------------
  19. Yeah really. Both Jimmy and Luis are from Florida and both of them are amazing DJ's/ producers. It is important to remember that not everyone is in top-form every night. Good night and bad nights are the yin & yang of club scene. They may also roll with another sound that is differnet than you are use to or like. But on the same note, if the crowd is not feeling your set, you must, you must you must kick shit up a notch! Parish ------------------
  20. FUCK! I knew I should have went.... ------------------
  21. After reading the X posts, a few things popped into mind. Like it or not we are considered by the masses a counter-culture, one obsessed with drugs, loud noises, make-shift communities that gather together to release the tensions that are placed upon us by the modern world. We are shallow, superficial, group of mislead misfits, regardless of our everyday lives and contributions to society. According to the media and the current city administration, a good club/party/rave is a closed one. Have we brought this upon ourselves through years of flagrantly open drug use and illegal parties? DO WE NEED DRUGS TO REALLY PARTY? Be honest, next time you are out check how many around you are using compared to those not? Remember your first real E-experience and how it felt. While I don't condone drug abuse, I will never deny that numerous vertibrae in the spine of this scene are filled with a plethora substances. This backbone keeps us together and moving, hopefully on the up&up. Music is at the heart and PLUR & commonsense should always be on the brain. Where would we be without drugs? ------------------
  22. Sasha and Digger's first Renaissance mix compilation...absolute classic! Recently, Taylor's United DJ's of America Mix CD or Sasha GB Ibiza mix. Parish ------------------
  23. Thursday is the fucking jam. You need to go next week. Period ------------------
  24. Whats the party all about. i am afraid to say that I know nothing about it. Who's playin? ------------------
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