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Everything posted by Addaboy1

  1. Did I hear my name mentioned?? *grin* Now, now kiddies!!! Scramble you Siiiieeekkkk. Blondeee you siiiieeeekkkkk. Gene you siiiieeeekkkkk too!! Truth is none of you can dance! None of you flex, bop or bounce like the true dancers....the juice heads! Make some room kids here they come!!! Gotta love em! lol "*yawn* No, no you can't do that! Oh move, I know him...yes I can!!!!" Hey blondeee, what's that thing with the hands that Scramble can't do?? Scram, what's that a nordic track that girl is on? Tired argument, you all and your JUICEHEADS (tomato can included) SUCK ASS! Thank you. xoxo, addaboy PS - As for Juiceheads and SF...I'm sorry, but am I not reading my club flyers properly, does SF advertise free Creatine or something...what brings all their puffy asses out in masses? Oh well, just watch out for TURF BURN...damn that hurts!
  2. Talk about sticky fingers!!! lol addaboy
  3. Talk about sticky fingers!!! lol addaboy
  4. I actually just really did LAUGH OUT LOUD b/c of that!!! Never pick up socks in your friends rooms! EVER! lol addaboy Anybody else used to steal their brothers/fathers,etc...pornos, watch them and set the timer/counter and rewind them to that exact spot not to get caught?? Not me, I just hear some kids used to do that! *giggles*
  5. I actually just really did LAUGH OUT LOUD b/c of that!!! Never pick up socks in your friends rooms! EVER! lol addaboy Anybody else used to steal their brothers/fathers,etc...pornos, watch them and set the timer/counter and rewind them to that exact spot not to get caught?? Not me, I just hear some kids used to do that! *giggles*
  6. What growing boy hasn't tried that? C'mon and then you can close your eyes b/c the sound comes it perfect and unscrambled! You all do it! Everybody does it! lol addaboy
  7. What growing boy hasn't tried that? C'mon and then you can close your eyes b/c the sound comes it perfect and unscrambled! You all do it! Everybody does it! lol addaboy
  8. Tried it. Doesn't work. Still got the damn points! We can dream though can't we! addaboy
  9. Yeah it's at the end of August. Definitely a party worth making! Was AMAZING last year! Usually one of his Top 5 nights all year. Be ready for a crow though, it gets PACKED!!!! addaboy
  10. Hey blue angel, Great review you gave there. Have a few questions about the island though that maybe you or some others could help out with... Mind if I ask about how much you dropped for this whole trip? I mean, $8 for water...that's nuts? Was thinking of going and wondering how much $$$ would a person need to stay, etc... Also, I know it's Europe, but is all the music at the clubs mostly trance or is that just what you went for? I've heard a bunch of the DJ's you went to see and am not a fan of them. Is that all that's there?? Do more people drink or were people rolling there too? Was it all over like people say? Last one...would you go back? Or is it, seen it once and that's it? Please let me know. Thanks in advance and glad you had a good time! addaboy
  11. Anyone know the address? I can't get through for some reason. Thanks. addaboy
  12. Most hated songs recently.... Zombie Nation Arrival Oompa Loompa RELENTLESS!!! - Sorry been hanging at the shore too much...Does every DJ have those horns cued up at all times??? addaboy
  13. Denny, Every DJ has to play to a certain crowd. That is a given. Even the bitches like Junior do to a degree. Yeah I think he does play more of what ever the hell he wants and his LOYAL fans love every minute of it even when he plays shit, but usually a crowd will dictate. I see it as if you don't fit into that Exit, Temptations kind of crowd or mindset, you don't belong listening to him. That's the group he plays for. You all know what I'm talking about. No matter if it's Roxy, SF, Exit, Twilo, Vinyl, etc.. they all have a different crowd and mindset. Stick with what works for you and when you venture out to other venues, don't complain. Lord knows I myself am guilty of that. People are having fun and enjoying someone that plays for THEM. Not you. I myself don't fit into that Exit type of place and hence really don't care for Tsettos' music. Yeah he drops some good ones (was there 2 Saturdays ago and although music wasn't the best IMO, still had a good time), but not my style. I do give him is props for making his money and his name well known throughout the area. I also wish him the best of luck and thank him for giving variety to a scene that craves it! Is he a DJ that I will drop $20 to see? Nope. But to some he's the best. People we all gotta stop comparing. That's the problem. Every DJ is their own. No way can you compare Junior to Oakenfeld? DT to JP? BT to Tsettos? etc. Let them take you on their journey. If you don't like it, don't come back. addaboy PS - Denny...MAJOR props for voicing your opinion and you side of the story. Hard to take shots and not come back swinging. I totally respect you for it and although not a fan of yours, I seriously wish you the best of luck.
  14. 1. Go before you go out. 2. Avoid eating after 8pm if you are going to roll. 3. Get a supply of napkins from the bar! 4. If you tend to always get this feeling, take Immodium or something before you leave your house...you don't get that feeling 5. Plug that pill. Don't get that feeling or an upset stomach and much stronger roll. 6. Go at your own risk and get your shots the next day!
  15. Yup, it's true. Tribecca Rooftops! Was there 2 years ago for a Christmas Party and my drunk ass was walking up them to use the bathrooms....suddenly this deja vu feeling came over me and it hit me....PALLADIUM! Damn I miss that place! Great pictures, what else do you have of that place? Please email me...INSINY@aol.com addaboy
  16. OMG, don't even get me started on the DJ's at XS. Thank god it's only $5 I'm wasting to go there on Fridays! Any more and Nicole would never get me at the bar! First off...stop playing Zombie Nation and that stupid..."sucking my d!@k is what you wanna do" song! Next, tell him to stop bumping or shoting or whatever up there....keep the volume at a constant will ya! Then, could he do a worse job mixing? What was it like 3 weeks ago...9 mistakes in one night? Yeah maybe I do know music better than the average club kid, but still!!! Oh and will that stupid ass that likes to grab the microphone......SHUT IT! Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. Fine, announce the shot specials and MOVE ON. "How you all doing out there??" Like he really expects us all to yell "GOOD!" Sorry! Ok...this goes out to all NJ DJ's....STOP PLAYING RELENTLESS!!!!!! Even just those damn horns! Do you all have them cued up at all times?? JESUS! Can we say...TIRED! Sorry just IMO. But there's my $1.5789848 addaboy
  17. Anyone know any good spots to get drinks after work on a Thursday night? Sick of the same 10 or so that we usually hit. Age range is 22 to 40. Looking for some decent music, some food, cool crowd, etc... Cabaret license is a plus but not necessary. Where do you all go? Thanks in advance. addaboy
  18. I used to go ALL the time! Monday nights are probably their best night. Friday and Saturday...IMO are hit or miss. Always expect a well dressed crowd, typically $20 a head, and usually a bit older. People tend to be the "poser" type looking to impress people with money, etc., but not too bad. Been to worse. Music is OK, don't expect to hear anything amazing, but still good enough to dance to with your pals or whoever you meet. There is a broad age range on certain nights, but again, you never know. Also in the past they used to throw theme parties/nights (arabian, indian, greek, etc..) so ask the guy at the door before you shell out your $$$. I'd say check it out. addaboy
  19. LOL...Bro you sound like every guy in there! Maybe I did see you! Yeah I'm tall and have blonde hair. Have we met? addaboy
  20. LOL...Funny shit man!!! Yo, did you really see me? Why didn't ya say hello! I know, b/c you didn't want me to lecture you on how you shouldn't do G! I know, I get nuts sometimes!! addaboy
  21. Now I know we never met! I don't forget shit, no matter how fucked up I am! Ask anyone! Oh well, it's all good. Next time you see me (won't be at Tempts) come up and say hello. Have a good one! addaboy
  22. OMG, that was the funniest thing!!! I think I saw you there...well you and your 25 cousins of course! lol addaboy
  23. Tommysauce, Now this is coming from a Denny Cheetos hater....I was there at Tempts this past Sat and have to admit, I did have a good time! No, it's not really my kind of place, but still, the vibe in that place did blow most NJ spots away this past Saturday. Not speaking for every weekend...I know that's not the case, but this one was a good one for him. Yeah his music calls for a certain following (that you and I might not be a part of) and for them it is pretty good! I'm with you in liking more new songs in a set than old ones from two summers ago. The songs he picked were pretty good (still humming "Sweet Mercy Me" in my head), but again, would have liked to hear some more new shit mixed in and out. Did manage to hear "Spanish Guitar", "Your Child", "I Turn To You" and some others. He had a few problems mixing that I noticed, but still overall was a decent set. Sorry man, he far from sucked. Maybe not your type of music or he didn't seem to "play for you" this past weekend, but wasn't bad. I'm of the school...if you don't like it....DON'T GO. That's why I'm almost never at Tempts anymore. Best of luck and this Saturday try Bermuda or Surf...maybe you'll like that. addaboy PS - And for those that are ready to attack me...I've heard Denny at Tempts, Abyss, Cylo, and in NYC...so yeah I have heard him enough times to know, he's not always what I want to hear. Some people love Junior, DT, JP or whoever...some don't. Isn't it great we live in an area that has those choices!
  24. You really like it?? I'm not a fan. Don't get me wrong..I usually love a good dueling diva duet, but this one...just lacking. Not from JP's ability, the music is fine, but way to many words!! Feels like they are rushing through what they are saying. Oh well, maybe it will grow on me. Anyone else agree? addaboy
  25. Cazz, You know I do mostly agree with you! How many nights did we spend at Twilo going..."what is this shit?" Even watching Chris dance like BustaGroove couldn't keep us there! lol Yeah the days at Palladium were AMAZING! That I agree with. But Junior gone?? Not too sure about that. Yeah the music has gotten a bit more commercial and shit, but still he TURNS IT OUT! I'm not talking about the time from 4am until 9am...It's the wee hours of the afternoon that the man does show his flashes of brilliance still. I think it was like back in March maybe, I was there for a pal's b-day and was on the floor around 1pm. He dropped some awesome songs in a row (classics from old mixed with new shit). I stood there with my jaw open (damn those pills were good! j/k). As for his CD's...Not a fan of any of them to be honest. Although I hear his new Vol 3 & 4 is going to be the best he ever released, but we shall see. Was going to come out this summer, but only time will tell! Damn, anyone else missing the days of hanging on the bleachers at Arena?? Damn dorms! addaboy
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