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Everything posted by james954

  1. yes, that's right! i'm sitting here in denver, just returned home from seeing coldplay at the amazing red rocks. absolutely the most georgous outdoor venue in the united states, quite possibly the world. the band was amazing! it was a very cool 45 degrees up in the mountains, a bit of light rain and very moody. and to top it all off..... i'm going to see them again tonight as this is a double show. hell yeah! hope you miami peeps don't bake down there i'm expecting another lovely spring day here tomorrow.... say 75ish.
  2. you are in my dog house girl!! where were you last weekend???
  3. the only complaints that people have about maze are the major positives in my opinion. the music is focused where the music should be focused. on the dance floor. if you have complaints about the sound, you must not be there to dance then. maybe you should step out of the ultra "cool" VIP... it's nice to have sections of the club where you can actually hang back and hold a conversation without somebody screaming is your ear and vice versa if you know what i mean. i hate coming out of a venue w/ a sore throat. my choice is maze, followed closely by space34.
  4. ok, since i brought it up, now it's my turn to change the subject here what guest dj's would you like to hear at nerve? i have a big list. but wanna hear some others. i know everyone is gonna pick their local favorites, but lets try to get a bit creative and go for some telent that isn't here every week or month...
  5. tracklist for that essential mix for those interested... The Essential Mix Tracklist: 9/3/2003 Gabriel and Dresden Essential Mix Virgin Souls - 'Personality (James Zabiela Remix)' (White) Led Zeppelin - 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (pqm acappella)' (-) Attention Deficit - 'Use Only The Drugs (Original Mix)' (Loaded/Skint) James Talk - 'Eggs Are Cute (Re-Percussion Mix)' (Unsigned) Gabriel and Dresden - 'If It Wasn't... (Instrumental)' (CDR) Coldplay - 'Clocks' (Parlophone) Duncan Sheik - 'On A High (Gabriel and Dresden Love From Humboldt Dub)' (Atlantic) The Dirty Fours and Luke Chable - 'Bass Trap' (CDR) Ian Brown - 'Fear (UNKLE Remix)' (Global Underground) Steve Porter and Eli Wilke - 'Bubble Bath' (Chug) Der Dritte Raum - 'Hale Bopp' (Ultra) Andain - 'Beautiful Things (Gabriel and Dresden Unplugged Mix)' (Black Hole) Layo and Bushwacka! - 'Let The Good Times Roll (Josh Gabriel Unauthorized Dub)' (CDR) Gabriel and Dresden - 'Acid Elliot' (CDR) Way Out West - 'Mindcircus (Gabriel and Dresden Acappella)' (-) Gabriel and Dresden - 'Lament (Dub 4 Satoshi)' (saw.recordings) Motorcycle - 'As The Rush Comes' (CDR) Josh Gabriel - 'Alive (Club Mix)' (Nebula) The Dirty Fours - 'Breathless' (Mob) Nalin and Kane - 'Beachball (Gabriel and Dresden's South Beach Vacation)' (Ultra) Led Zeppelin - 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (pqm acappella)' (-)
  6. these guys would sound killer on the terrace or at nerve. dig around soulseek and download their wicked essential mix from a couple months back. good sh!t!
  7. as much as i love zabiela, i would hesitate to put him as a headliner in front of a miami audience. i think his sound is a little to minimal for the general miami audience. however i would HIGHLY recommend keeping him as a resident opener along w/ lawler and/or maybe howells. (or sasha or digweed ahem!) especially since james and lawler will be residents together at space ibiza all season long. siiiiiiiiiiiiick! now in a room the size of nerve, now thats a place i could see him rocking all night by himself.
  8. first i want to say that this is great that this has turned into a very positive constructive criticism thread. a lot of good people have contributed to this thread. i think what it all boils down to is the fact that we all love nerve and want nothing but the best out of a venue that i know personally, i will be spending a great deal of nights in. now i'd like to follow up with an agreement w/ both dade and diego. steve dash employs a full time guy to be, as danny tenaglia refers to him as, the "sound police" it's this guys job to make sure the system sounds 100% quality 100% of the time. and danny tenaglia has made it no secret that he's not happy about it. but he still has to deal with it. i'm sure if you can get spacious to comment in this thread, he'll tell you it's no easy task keeping danny happy w/ the sound etc. back when twilo was open (and i'm not 100% sure about arc as well, as i don't know the inner workings of arc like i knew what went on behind the scenes at twilo) the dj's were not allowed to touch the eq's. only a select few were given the "keys to the box" that was locked to keep the dj's from tweaking the system out of wack. i have been in the booth at nerve, but didn't pay much attention to the setup, but i know that crobar's phazon has locked boxes as well. there is only so much the dj can do to the sound on the mixer. most dj's are not sound guys as i'm sure that's why steve has locked the eqs. like somebody posted above, the dj will blow your system completely unknowing if you give them the chance. a dj cannot hear what the system sounds like on the floor. michael, please do not take this as any attack on you or the club, but as an educated clubbers point of view in trying to help you guys succeed. i have been to the club numerous times starting the night that digweed played, and personally i thought the system was just pushed a bit beyond its room limitations each night. some not as bad as others. layo and bushwacka being the worst and i'd say the night that jon and luis diaz played being the best the system has sounded. you mentioned that the 12 foot ceilings are an issue. with a room that small it's not necessary to push it so hard. just try notching the mains down a couple dB for a night and experiment. listen to maze's system. it's very smooth and they do not have to push it, even in a room that size. when crobar first did their phazon, it sounded similar with ear piercing highs. it wasn't til their first conference that twilo did a party there til the sound was tweaked to perfection. maybe you should fly steve down again now that the system has been broken in for a re-tweak. couldn't hurt anyways, thanks for listening.
  9. diego, it's too bad. i read in the press release from hooj that this release is "100% guaranteed to NOT have any tempts anthems." guess we'll have to pass on this double CD then. damn.
  10. HELLLLLLL YEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. the night was great, the music was even better... but i left about 4:15 cause the sound was doing me in.... and i had earplugs!! i think that was the general take on the night. too many people saying "the sound in here is giving me a headache" that's why everyone left. too much sound for such a small room. needs to be turned down quite a bit. re-tweak the highs and lows. i know it's a dash install, but the mids are totally forgotten about and the highs and lows pushed beyond the limits. highs have total distortion and long throw lows in too small of a space. louder does not always = better. other than that cooljunkie and nerve did it! packed a club for some fresh talent! good job guys.
  12. http://www.progressive-sounds.com/features/james-zabiela-sound-in-motion.asp
  13. we had had some discussions w/ his agent a few months back. i would totally be up for it, but i just don't have much faith in the scene down here atm. i don't think that many people would show up.
  14. http://www.cnet.com/software/0-806181-8-7309404-2.html?tag=st.sw.806181-8-7309404-1.arrow.806181-8-7309404-2 not to negative at all... just not a lot of features, but if you have those options turned to manual, you won't have to worry about those types of pop ups. you will still get the ones that come up on websites like this one w/ the adds, just not the windows ones that pop up even when you are not on your PC.
  15. start button --> settings --> control panel --> administrative tools --> services --> in that window you will see a list of services: alerter is set to "automatic"... right click change to "manual" messenger is set to "automatic"... right click change to "manual" after you change those, you will be sorted forever! don't download those other programs. they will also install spiware on your PC. for added protection install and run a program called 'ad-aware'. it can be found on download.com for free. run it a couple times a day for best results!
  16. me too see you tonight.
  17. i had a great time at nerve. it's nice to see a intimate club going off like that! back to the roots of it all. i'm looking forward to the next one too. it's the day before my birthday so it's gonna be super special 5 years of bliss and severl more years of me thanks to jon, carla and marco for doing it right! also glad to hear that maze was packed. that venue is tooo nice to not have a huge crowd. nice one eddy! on another note, i have never had any problems with the list at either a bliss event or a p:m sessions event. must have been a mistake from within the club owners/ staff themselves. jc and marco/carla are all gracious hosts and never forget anyone! there have been a couple instances where i emailed the nerve@aol address for list request that was never replied to, then i got to the door and was not on the list, but the door guy took care of me anyway.
  18. yeah, bring nick back. he always rocks the house. can you imagine him at nerve? siiiick!! icon is a cool little venue, but every day, some more of the orlando magic fades away. and i'm not talking about the b-ball team... 3am liquor cut off really killed that town.
  19. yeah, i know. a bit late on the review... but better late then never. so first off i'd like to thank biz for the hospitality. you are the man and another true music lover. like you said. "there are so few of us" thanks bro! now for the venue. i dunno what i was expecting. more? less? the same? but i can't say i was disappointed. although i don't like the main room as much as i did the old venue, i still think it's a pretty nice venue. i wish they didn't bring those projector art thingy's from the old venue, but that's my only complaint about decor. i don't know what all the bitching about the sound is. i myself am usually VERY critical of sound, but i thought it sounded 100% better than the old club. still not quite what mazes sounds like, but very close. i hope they maintain the proper tuning for it. the old venue had a killer system that just started to fall off the last few months the club was open. i miss the low ceiling of the old venue. it made a huge room seem somewhat intimate. i liked the effects that the lights had in there. the new room, even w/ the rig lowered still didn't have too much effect. the overall ambient lighting in the room is too bright. it spills onto the dance floor and dims the effects of the show. i will agree w/ many other people that there needs to be something done about the traffic flow through the room. it's a nightmare to go from the front by the booth to the back to take a piss. maybe like someone suggested, put some barriers around the floor ala crobar. that will separate the dance floor from the bar/bathroom traffic. also maybe make those boxes a little more visible ie taller. people sitting on them are equal height to people standing around them. that way its easier to see which direction not to walk when exiting the dance floor. i was very impressed with how fast the line outside moved. very nice!! and i didn't even have trouble w/ the list. thanks for that. that always makes a clubbing experience much better. it always puts a bad cloud on the night if you have trouble before even entering the venue. everything was VERY orderly at the door. props. now for the terrace. one word. wow! now that is an amazing setup. i love it. that alone will get me coming out to space more often (along w/ biz and killer vibes from roland!) it's perfect out there. bring the fans in for the summer (NOW!) and it's be the best place in the country. sound was great, but needs a bit more kick in the low end. i like the fact that it's bright out there. even at night. i like the white decor, the lights everything. i stood up in the booth for quite a while and just enjoyed what i feel is the best room in miami. it was amazing to look out at the crowd with all that space to dance. overall, space did a pretty good job. only major thing i would have done differently would have been the opening in the ceiling to the second floor. i would have kept it as 2 separate rooms. leave the upstairs VIP and during big dj's, pump the sound from the main room in. other than that, keep a separate dj in there. most VIP's don't care what music is playing anyway nice job space! now one last note.... zabiela rocked the place! get him as a resident dj opening for the big boys (howells/lawler/deep dish etc). that's his perfect sound. AND BOOK FVCKING SASHA AND/OR DIGWEED!!!!
  20. ...agree w/ some of the above but adding: terry francis @ fabric james zabiela/steve gerrard/jonathan lisle dakota bar @ bedrock demi @ deeper substance DHM @ aquabooty
  21. what time does after hours go til and is it the same location?? i have to work tomorrow, but maybe if i'm not too tired i'll stop by after nerve to show some love.
  22. stacey, you must have missed this part.... "A German nightclub says it has doubled its turnover and reduced the level of violence after it started using naked women as bouncers." naked women!!!! the rest is just gross. including graham. i'll never look at that boy again without my stomach turning....
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