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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. shut up ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  2. here's a question: wtf is chakakhan? ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  3. that's what i was hoping too, but no, neither of us ate anything red. my friend hadn't eaten anything in the two days prior, and i had french fries, (green) veggies, and coffee 15 hours before anyway, no blood recently, so it's all good. thanks, you guys ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  4. my friend and i both took yellow jackets and drank, friday night. good energy, but later in the night, we both puked up some blood. the causes for each of us may have been different, but the YJ were a common denominator if our symptoms were related or the same. anyone else puke blood (not a lot) from yellow jackets or any ephedra/ephedrine products (i.e. stacker 2, xenadrine, mini-thins, etc.)? ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  5. like, oh mah gawd, pfloyd40! did ya really say the same thing? that is like, sooooo cool!! ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  6. crackhead, good to see you back in ny if you tell me anything about wmc, i'll kill you ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  7. yo! when i first heard about a dj in the bathroom, i was like, "waaat! if i were a dj and got asked to spin in a bathroom, regardless of where, i'd be like, hellll no!" but then i went to the guys' bathroom (saw apotheosis, clubmouse, and some other people in there. dude, why don't i ever see friends in the girls' bathroom?) and i heard the dj. wow, i loved that mellow, dark, tribal stuff! i started dancing in front of the cage thing. the third time i went, the bathroom guy kicked me out. asshole. then he tried to talk to me. geez, if you want to talk to me, let me dance by the urinals! or else put that dj in the girls' bathroom! (he was hot. hahahaha! deanna11 = dj groupie) ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  8. there was a fire? i thought we were all just going out for a smoke. noiseboy was up on the truck talking to his people or whatever the hell he was doing. some other people and i then climbed up on the van and other cars until the cops and bouncers yelled at us to get down. "hey, what if it was your car??" dude, that's why i don't park right in front of Twilo; so if there's a fire, people don't climb on my car awesome night. before the exodus, the party was great. Jimmy van M was great. i'm not used to getting that pumped up so early in the evening. (i don't know track names, no idea what he spun.) apparently the Phazon is fixed (no more distorted bass as from last week). new lights and screens looked great at first, but later in the night i thought it was a little too much. just too much to look at, too many lights: distracting an apology to shadowchaser and everyone else for ever doubting i wouldn't have fun. i was drunk, wired, and loving it all, when Digweed came on. again, no idea what tracks he opened with. but whatever. true to everyone's word, DIGWEED DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. then the fire announcement. no idea what time anything happened. the party was just even better after we all got back in near the end of the night, i had to go upstairs to breathe. we were up there by the exit for almost an hour, and in that time we didn't see any of our friends leave (way to represent, you guys) ok, this is getting long. closed it. loved the breakbeat at the end. hated the lack of ventilation; couldn't breathe. had an incredible time. great seeing everyone. great meeting new people. wish my health could keep up with my resolve. you people who left without saying goodbye to me, i see how it is now; we gonna fight long live that Digweed guy ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  9. shut up, T. stop pretending like you have wit and a mind of your own ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  10. are you saying i didn't order well for us?? freakin' ingrate ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  11. whoops, i meant 1850 stay tuned, folks. here we go ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  12. only another 850 to go ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  13. and another... ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  14. and another ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  15. and another... ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  16. one more post... ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  17. this is definitely up there among the stupidest posts i have ever encountered so you want a girl who is very attractive and yet also not sick of having guys hit on her all night. from how shallow you sound, it seems to me you may have a hard time at this; girls you consider attractive will be the same girls that all other loser morons think are attractive and the loser morons who have encountered them before will already have bothered them enough. if you want to find someone attractive and approachable, first find someone approachable, and then find attraction in that and other characteristics otherwise, i feel sorry for whatever hot girl is stupid enough to let you approach her ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  18. welcome to my world. here, we don't do anything. we neither sleep, do work, nor do anything that's beneficial to your health or situation :: laboratories in the west... MMMM... that's funny; at home i worked at this place called Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (and no, that wasn't my trailer kitchen). it is famous though; we made the A bombs for WWII. personally, i liked my trailer kitchen products more Brandie, stick with me, and we'll soon be in a haven of potatoes and the purest meth ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  19. j303j, get better so we can watch movies mattyparsons and i reeeeeely like dead man on campus. neither of us have seen it, but we hear it's about killing roommates ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  20. ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 03-30-2001).]
  21. hey, mattyparsons is sicilian. no, actually maltese. whichever. he's also a bitch pms'ing ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  22. Mario knows what's up i said NEW, you morons and automatic honorable mention minimum to whoever also imports/produces the drug in enough abundance that i can find it before tomorrow ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  23. i knew i shouldn't have read this post. pfloyd40 and his damn posts... i'm going to go make some brownies now ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  24. that's the only reason ANYONE goes. that's the reason Digweed goes ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
  25. i don't even know because i haven't been to class to get them back yet ------------------ Please Leave me Ur Rock
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