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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. if i were a freakin narcoleptic, would i be awake from now until 4 pm tomorrow?? but hey, if i am, get me some adderral and ritalin!! ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  2. not like i'm talking about anyone in particular (j303j and mattyparsons and glowsticks), but i personally get reeeeeeely mad when stuff goes down without me imma have to lay the smack down on my boys --regulator ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  3. tyco, is that the only way i can get your attention??? geez, i can't even get you to reply with a simple "hi" unless i'm jumping around everywhere. *sniff* also, stop standing around talking! people want to watch YOU dance! ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  4. meeeeee toooooooooooo!!! hey, glowsticks, call me. i just woke up and i'm BOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEED AND WIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEED AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! let's go to leopard! ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 04-06-2001).]
  5. i was thinking the same about amazing grace ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  6. before you make any ignorant comments, consider first who you might be talking about personally, i speak frequently of stupid people, because i don't care if i offend anyone who is stupid more so, however, i don't care to devote that much time to you, emiliep ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  7. aw, thanx, boa_boy! *mwah* you sweet aussie ;-) hey, no gripes from you about not remembering your face (if we even met), because obviously you don't remember mine. i don't have any piercings on my face. i don't remember who introduced us. i saw a lot of people i didn't expect to be there, knowing them from different things, and then met their friends, etc. i'm sorry i missed you this time. if ever you see an asian "ghetto chick" (as shadowchaser describes) bouncing around like she's on crack, just come ask if it's me. if it is, i'll be glad to finally meet you. if it isn't, people on crack tend not to care much anyway. if it is me, and i'm on crack, then all the better; i'll hit you up ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  8. hiya, glowsticks. thanks the worst thing about those guys dancing at Nick/Sander/Pascal was that they just thought they were so great, shoving up in everyone's face and forcing us to stop from having fun and chilling in our group of friends, to watch their asinine antics i danced with some sf/exit/juicehead friends last night (one in particular, in raver clothes. you know him, glowsticks ;-) ). i think it's kinda funny because they're always dressed nice and look severe, and i'm always wearing baggy pants and have a goofy grin on my face ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  9. visions, i met both an alex and an aaron last night. can't think of clothing right now, and a million faces come to mind. i was wearing black pants and a gray, long sleeve hoodie, if you remember anyone like that boa_boy, yes, she did fall off. she fell right on my friend and knocked him into the ground. too bad, because i was being very amused watching some guy grope her ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  10. happy birthday, petrol! my turn to find cuties for you ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  11. i don't know what mine is, but it's too damn high. it is directly proportional to how much work and responsibilities i am neglecting --deanna11 "hopeless" ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  12. if i had to die, i'd take you with me so we wouldn't have to put up with any more of your posts j/k if it was later in life, i'd want to die old and at home in my sleep. if it had to be sometime soon, i suppose a heroin od would be feeling pretty damn good before the last brain activity ceases ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  13. i was impressed. the music i heard last night was better than a lot of the big names we often get. i expected such: not-yet-fully-recognized talent throwing their stuff down, as compared to some "professionals" who seem to get bored and apathetic. personally, i liked the american beauty track. i thought amazing grace was too long for that kind of song and that beetlejuice song was a weak way to close. bunch of other tracks i loved, but don't know/remember the names or who dropped them. how's that for a review? ;-) i thought the crowd was great: very unique. there were the after-work heads in their business wear (hehe, you guys are productive members of society???), the usual skool kids (like me), representatives from companies, etc. loved the setup of the main floor. CLASSY!! Ooana looked hot up there, mistress of ceremonies! and then there was the big blonde girl who fell off the left speaker and smashed my friend into the ground. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! too bad i missed that one ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  14. i REALLY like ducks ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  15. i really wish i didn't look at those [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 04-05-2001).]
  16. $5 is also what you save using a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> $5 x every friday and now wednesdays = several jars of __________, ___________, and/or ___________. oh, and a rock ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  17. i love j303j too. hey, where's my return lovin'? ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  18. i posted about this in another thread; i met some 70-year old lawyer at Nick/Sander/Pascal. he specializes in murder cases. but he also mentioned that all his clients are in jail. anyway, if you're interested after you kill someone, let me know. maybe he'll cut you a deal for some rolls ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  19. the best high in the world is listening to some epic trance while on a flight: the music building while your plane ascends. by the time you've reached altitude, your body and mind feel like they've evaporated into the clouds you just went through it's like visual and audio sex ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  20. yo, Pete! some shit floats! yeah, you're welcome! ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  21. yeah, werd, Brandie! it was him leading our whole train of lost extras in some dinky town of population 100 good luck, Scotty. just tell them you were all tweaked out on meth and didn't know how fast you were going. they should appreciate that; in dinky towns like that, their entire economy is meth manufacturing. their gas stations even sell main ingredients. aahhh... brought back memories of home... ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  22. i want to be on a diet of bananas and crystal meth ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  23. you fuckin rule ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  24. more speedy ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
  25. ...i would make everyone roll together, to create greater empathy for each other and to converge our goals. i'd also make everyone trip together, during which they would be subject to certain subliminal messaging, designed of course, by myself ------------------ better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
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