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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. evrywun heer iz stoned i dun do drugz ------------------ "real fucking high"
  2. Exit maybe? i hear it's mad sketchy in there. my girl friend at Wellesley has a new fear of clubs because of that room. she seriously won't go with me anywhere even though i insist that trance and house clubbers aren't like hip hop clubbers wellz, good luck. be careful ------------------ "real fucking high"
  3. no, dun go i'm sawee! ------------------ "real fucking high"
  4. geez, now i feel like everyone who signs their name is also saying a big "fuck you, deanna11" ------------------ "real fucking high"
  5. blueangel, i'm crying with you, unless i can convince someone to go with me Oakenfold, my favorite U2, my all-time classic favorite *trying to bite my ear* ------------------ "real fucking high" [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 02-02-2001).]
  6. mattyparsons sent me this last year. so typical of him ------------------ "real fucking high"
  7. if being professionally polite doesn't work with him, be professionally cold. don't take his bullshit inappropriate comments, don't answer his personal inquiries, and don't let him bother you. if he still doesn't take the hint and leave you alone, he's harassing you cmb, i don't think safitamace even owes him the time of sitting down and being honest to tell him she's not interested ------------------ "real fucking high"
  8. sorry, i haven't really read this thread. i just wanted to ask, nikkisticks, is that dolphin supposed to look like it's humping something? ------------------ "real fucking high"
  9. blueangel, yup, Star and Scott, yourself and your bf... you all have some tight moves. i should make sure my boy comes. tall, tall "Latin-looking" guy. he hasn't been clubbing with me enough lately. well, i haven't been clubbing enough lately. some PVD over the summer, they tried to have a TILT and TIR and ZOO battle. heard it didn't happen, in part because of the crowd. maybe this PVD. haha see you tonight, blueangel. and thanks again for the organizing ------------------ "real fucking high"
  10. for those of you who have interest in music and/or mixing, is there ANYthing you particularly want to know? i.e. in terms of music theory, economic or social effects, psychological relations, etc. this is a very broad question. i don't really expect anyone to answer, but would love it if someone could ------------------ "real fucking high"
  11. noiseboy and i were just talking about those CD's, before he passed out, that pussy... ------------------ "real fucking high"
  12. END ------------------ "real fucking high"
  13. command to my bitches and 'hos: shut up and get back to the streets all of you ------------------ "real fucking high"
  14. it's okay ------------------ "real fucking high"
  15. why post? because i love music and clubbing and the people on the board (well, some), because i'm interested in what other people have to say (not really, but i pretend), because i have a ton of work to do and even more lost sleep (and it's not like i'm ever going to do either) the people i meet know my first name my reason for not wanting my name online is just general desire of privacy. i'm not hiding anything; i just don't want to be a potential point of attention for people who ARE hiding something (i.e. their presence or identity). for myself, i'm hiding neither presence (i'm posting, aren't i?) nor identity (i have and will meet people in person). i can't be alone in thinking this. if i were, we'd all be posting by our real names instead of stupid aliases like deanna11 and mattyparsons and whatever anyone else uses ------------------ "real fucking high"
  16. for extracting off an audio CD to your HDD, and then maybe writing onto a CD again, would you extract to wav or mp3 files? (does it make a difference, really?) and what kbps do you use? ------------------ "real fucking high"
  17. unless you can see yourself with her forever, it's easier to end it now, i'd think. she's not going to change; she'll always want you. and as long as you're definite of having her, you'll always have a thought lurking in your head of "what if i don't want her?" so consider that before you make decisions on your relationship: what if you weren't so special to her? would you still be together? would you want her more? dude, i'm the last person who should be giving advice. but good luck. people suck (oooh, rhyme... hehehe) ------------------ "real fucking high"
  18. Al's a crackheaded bitch who stays up to ungodly hours ------------------ "real fucking high"
  19. got morning wood? ------------------ "real fucking high"
  20. I'D RATHER DIE THAN GIVE YOU CONTROL ------------------ "real fucking high"
  21. BOW DOWN BEFORE THE ONE YOU SERVE YOU'RE GOING TO GET WHAT YOU DESERVE ------------------ "real fucking high"
  22. "babble", huh? yeah yeah, you and your dots. ok, explanation: your first post sounded like you wanted a battle to go on and were pushing for glowsticks. (i'm anxiouis to see this guy now, if i haven't already.) i was saying i have my money on myrlin, our candied out raver with the lights dance battle sounds good. for that, i've got my money on Ooana (don't get confused now that i brought up another name ;-) haha, just messin') wonderful, now i'm an idiot posting at 5 am and almost as much work done as at 4 ------------------ "real fucking high"
  23. omg, give this up. you people are SOOOOOOOO immature ABSOLUTE LAST, PUNKS ------------------ "real fucking high"
  24. tyco......must I explain everything to you? Hm......actually you just confused me......I'm not fighting any battles......if that's what you were implying......unless you have a personal challenge?...... Oh, and trippintrance64 is another idiot too...... ------------------ "real fucking high"
  25. let's see who'll be saying who can handle what, when i'm dragging your unconscious ass home from GC or MOS or wherever... ------------------ "real fucking high"
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