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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. clubbers and drug-users in general, i think, are more hedonistic than others ------------------ "real fucking high"
  2. um, i think if people started bringing lasers to clubs, a lot of people would have burned out retinas. especially the cracked out people who would be staring into them while some genius would give them a light show with two lasers ------------------ "real fucking high"
  3. <--*chomping* ------------------ "real fucking high"
  4. HAHAHAHAHA! those cracked me up hey, i think the second to last is actually pretty good ------------------ "real fucking high"
  5. dude, i can't believe people are still posting about this. i can't believe i'm still posting about this. what the hell... to whoever said something to the effect of me being unfriendly or cliquey, well, i'm sorry i sound like that to you. i would like to think that most of the people who have met me don't think i'm like that in person. when i wrote of people who annoyed me, these were some pretty persistent persons who i think took advantage of my initial politeness and friendliness. people like them make me reconsider more and more if i should ever bother being nice. but then i know i'd also miss out on meeting some great people i think everyone should be chill and friendly, but also aware that there needs to be some decorum practiced on both sides ------------------ "real fucking high"
  6. no. there were a couple people doing strings pretty well in the vip room, one of whom being the best girl i've ever seen. and then there was another girl downstairs near the end of the night who sucked. she couldn't even get the sticks to go around once i KNOW everyone saw the guy on the back block at the end of the night! esp. when he whipped out the high intensity oranges with the green photons on them. loved him!! ------------------ "real fucking high"
  7. no offense, but i think that's a horrible idea. any incentive would make even more bored people with messed up sleeping patterns post even more often. they would justify procrastination by telling themselves that they're working to get a free t-shirt dude, shaddup! ------------------ "real fucking high"
  8. karch, stfu. you've told me what you go to exit for, and what you expect there. so don't be talking about vibes and shit. don't even try to compare twilo and exit and if you think there is no racism, you're one blind batboy ------------------ "real fucking high"
  9. no, you should not be hitting on me. that would be kinda pitiful, i'd think my birth place is not a big secret as much as it simply isn't important enough for you or any other random asshole to know if you were hitting on me, dude, i'd tell you to fuck off ------------------ "real fucking high"
  10. dude, you better not be hitting on me. if i'm making another conceited assumption, then i apologize i told you, i don't care where you're born. giving me info won't obligate me to do the same ------------------ "real fucking high"
  11. God isn't born. God IS ;-) where were you born, nosy? you know wat, i don't care. why do you? ------------------ "real fucking high"
  12. rad, what implications did i say he was making? and what question did he ask that you're talking about? i could scroll up and figure it out, but i'm finally getting a lil' sleepy. just hurry and post before i go to sleep allnight23, i actually thought, hey, maybe this guy is cool in person; i just don't like the way he says things online. well, maybe we'll see sometime, if we ever meet up in Twilo or something. maybe you're not the biased idiot you make yourself out to be, and maybe i'm not the anal bitch i make myself out to be. but neither of us should count on anything ;-) ------------------ "real fucking high"
  13. radz, i know no one was addressed personally. but allnight23 made generalities. and if i'm generalized (this would be the case if i'm asian), then i'll consider myself addressed and i spoke of myself and allnight23 in metaphoric terms (i think) in my post. we did not actually meet at PVD (to my knowledge) ------------------ "real fucking high"
  14. you're right; you never said you were hitting on asian girls. i just got the impression that you pay a lot of attention to asian people. in the same context you talk about people not being as open and reciprocating to others. made it sound to me like you were trying to open some lines of communication with someone(s) (maybe asians) and weren't received well. but i could be wrong; people shouldn't make assumptions with the vague posts of other people. speaking of which, i didn't say you're white. i said, "whatever you are". and i never said i'm asian when i said you're not asian, i didn't mean it literally. i meant, you will never have full understanding of being asian or anything you aren't am i born here in the US... are you asking me if i'm an asian FOB? well, i dunno. we don't know if i'm even asian, do we. if i am not born in the US, would "that explains it!" ? explains what. what assumptions would you make of me, in such a case? don't go to bed yet. i'm bored and my meds aren't kicking in ;-) ------------------ "real fucking high"
  15. i don't read long posts very well. i just kinda skim them. so excuse any inaccuracies i might be addressing. and here is my own long post allnight23, i wouldn't want to meet people like you in a club. but i do oftentimes. the way you describe asian women as beautiful and exotic sounds like a novel appreciation for art collecting. i don't care if you had/have asian friends and dated asian women. it doesn't make you asian. it makes you a white guy (or whatever you are) with asian friends and who dates asian women. wonderful. and your asian friends are simply asian people with [a] white buddy/[ies]. great. doesn't make them white either because i don't like people annoying the hell out of me doesn't mean i think i'm superior. why do you believe this? do you have an inferiority complex? is there reason why you think some behavior puts yourself on a "lower level"? maybe i'm just an "equal level" person (whatever that means) or even a "subordinate level" person who just doesn't want to go through the same inane conversation with every damn person in the club. but, in another perspective, there are some people who put in an impressive amount of effort to bug the fuck out of me. when i go from friendly to polite to apathetic to annoyed to cold to rude, and they're still at it, then no doubt i'm going to think they're a fucking idiot. as a superior being (i.e. God), i of course will look down at a dumbass like this when i go clubbing, it's to do my own thing. i don't (or do my best not to) let anyone else pull me down. so i don't like being bothered by a lot of the same, boring, annoying people, and i don't depend on any one or thing to determine my night. some advice for you: if you really are bothered by the asians giving you dirty looks or whatever you think they're giving you, then either stop rolling to the point you're overly sensitive to everyone, or else stop looking for asian girlies to hit on ------------------ "real fucking high"
  16. dude, did you ever think that maybe it's not the asians with the cultural problem? maybe it's the white people with the cultural problem of having to be all smiley and nosy and chatty and WALKING INTO MY DANCE SPACE all the time yo, props to the guys i met who i could chill and dance with for a few minutes without them getting all nosy and annoying ------------------ "real fucking high"
  17. you're not on IM, so this is how i'm trying to relay a message to you. myrlin says he's going to be at tammany and wants to verify that you'll be there. call him on his cell, because he's not at home hehehe ------------------ "real fucking high"
  18. mareluna, wrong semester!! you're supposed to be studying in MOS this summer, '01, with meeeeee! ------------------ "real fucking high"
  19. actually, keshiki, i have a copy of mattyparsons doing something quite interesting. problem is, the clip is 600+K, and it's too big to upload. i know i can clip it, but i'm too lazy. when i get some motivation, i'll do it. it's a lot of repetition anyway ------------------ "real fucking high"
  20. spoonyd scares me. i have to admit, i'm his now. sorry, shadowchaser, but i love and fear him like a master ------------------ "real fucking high"
  21. mareluna, wonderful seeing your sweet face again! next time, come in earlier and we'll chill before Twilo. good times... *MWAH!* ------------------ "real fucking high"
  22. omg, i'm so sorry! i will repay in full and then some next time but hey, it would also have helped if you moved from the one spot sometime before the lights came on... ------------------ "real fucking high"
  23. if i don't know you, or if you're not male and really hot, you must exit Twilo by 4 am (or whenever i want to go down to the main floor, whichever is earlier). policy will be strictly enforced on PVD and S&D nights, and for the DT/CC party p.s. you may buy my friendship with cash, certain yummies, and well-delivered sexual favors ------------------ "real fucking high"
  24. yooo... wow mmmm... oh, baby, PVD gave it to me! delicious... ------------------ "real fucking high"
  25. yo, waaaat! i just wake up and find i've been pimped out like a friggin happy meal toy. i wonder, why is it threads have a way of evolving into "deanna11 is satan" and "i own deanna11" discussions??? spoonyd, you can't handle dis shit. don't even try. stay in the mickey d's playland shadowchaser, i will see your sorry ass tonight. we'll see who owns who ------------------ "real fucking high"
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