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Everything posted by nickyc98

  1. mmm mmm, placenta pie, now with a hint of cinnamon! :
  2. exactly nybeauty, can you post a pic of ashley? hope she feels better
  3. :eek: Oh,man... that phrase shouldn't be allowed in the english language. Let's never speak of this again.
  4. nickyc98


    Well, look on the bright side, it's still early in the day..... If you don't get more by noon, I'll ask for some hugs here on Madison Ave and email them to you. Will that help, my friend?
  5. nickyc98


    What's the matter? You got gas?
  6. Hmm, in this case, I wouldn't make the head bobble...... :bounce: nice set of bobbles you got there
  7. In my world, this messageboard is considered my imagination, so leave somethin here, my friend.... woo hoo!
  8. "Sure, honey, now that we're married, you can cut off my balls, have me wear sundresses and invite gay men to shake their sausage in our livingroom. I never need to see women's breasts again, EVER!"
  9. :laugh: Something tells me there has been a drunk woman in Seaside who said this.
  10. nickyc98


    Tell me about it. Those handicap parking spots are sweeet! :laugh: Oh, yeah, and the happy ending, too.
  11. nickyc98

    strange cosmos...

    ROTFLMAO :laugh:
  12. No man should ever start the sentence with "I was just sucking...." unless it ended with "....my girl's meaty lunchbox."
  13. nickyc98

    sex in the office

    I get fukt twice a month @ work, just look at my paycheck.
  14. nickyc98


    Rene Russo, hands down. Her in Thomas Crown Affair, very sexy. Watch out for the donkey punch!
  15. Wow...you're right! It's all divorcees and perverted middle aged men. What a downer. Hey! I'm never going there again (sober).
  16. Grew up in Mo'town. My home's near Short Hills Mall. My paychecks are in Atlantic City......
  17. I couldn't have said it better. Regardless of traffic or middle of the night, signs are ignored and people never look. And don;t forget, making a right turn from the left lane is a good way to make friends. Even better, when people come to a stop on Rt.22 becuase they are lost. I think I would stop as well, so I can come and smack their stupid ass.
  18. I used to go to Shooters all de time until the white candy overran most of the staff. I would love to find out where a decent place to drink in the area. I can't keep drivin to the shore for a couple shots and a Presidente Margarita...or can I?
  19. Mountainside is about 10 miles west of Newark. Somerville is 10 miles past that. But, you're right, there are sections of 22 I mistake for the Autobahn. Nobody learns their lesson until they have a smashie of their own.
  20. Route 22 is Survival of the Fittest. If you can drive there, you can drive anywhere in the world. Even LA. I agree, that road really burns my canoli. Drivers Beware - Starting February, that stretch between Mountainside and Newark will have speeding extra enforced and fines DOUBLED. Now I'll have to drive the speed limit for a Dunkin' run.
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