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Everything posted by nickyc98

  1. nickyc98

    a woman's mouth

    Exactly, take it as a compliment. You were blessed with beautiful lips.
  2. ohh, red X boxes, they're everywhere
  3. nickyc98

    a woman's mouth

    WE HAVE A WINNER!! Holy shit, simply irresistable
  4. Hmm, not even the Emmanuelle series?
  5. Damn, their curiousity would have turned into a great time in public school, but an all-boys joint?
  6. American Pyscho with the two women while he tapes it. Awesome. "Don't just look at it, eat it"
  7. I heard she won an award for it ,then finally watched it. Def oscar winning moaning, I mean, performance! work it out, work it out
  8. It was out of control. Lots of gorgeous women. Had a blast.
  9. Yeah, Artic Chill is no joke. One bite , nose is clear, mouth becomes numb, and you see your breath, hot hot. I mean, cold cold.
  10. aww, tx. right back at ya Didn't go, had to recover from the Hunt on Sat. Hope to go next week!
  11. True, but if a breakup occured once, it can happen again. I sometimes think about my ex, but there's a reason we broke up, and that will always be something between us if we ever did get back. Sure, they probably made a mistake, decided to experience life before settling down, had to "find themselves", etc...but I believe that if they loved you, they wouldn't leave you to bang others and come back and be like, "ok, I'm ready", is so many words. I loved, I learned, I moved on. They were in my life for a reason. And I thank them for that.
  12. Exactly, when a woman keeps herself clean and it has that right hint of flavor, it's like catnip, can't get enough. As Homer Simpson says "mmm.....it was so good I wish I was eating it right now."
  13. I wish there were more celebs that can party with us regs, and be treated like one, too. For all you do, this bumps for you.
  14. Hey, she must be doing something right if Al Pacino married her for awhile. Hoo-aaa!
  15. u better believe it. I gotta get that tape she made in European Vacation in the shower, put that on repeat. Oh, boy
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