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Everything posted by dzadza

  1. Derb = Kai Winter (aka Cold from Hennes & Cold) & Boris Hafner. Kai Tracid has nothing to do with Derb. They're just signed on his record label.
  2. Hahahahahaaaaa.... LMAAAAAAAO.... You have so many gods! What the hell! Make up your mind on one already! And the track at 89 min is Pants & Corset - Sacrilege. It's noon already, I must have kept you up the whole night!
  3. PVD live at the O... Finally someone mentions that set! I was listening to it today, 3 hours ago. And yesterday, and the day before, and zillion times before that. And it never ever gets old! I don't understand how that can happen.
  4. LMFAO. Soooooooooooooo knowledgeable. :laugh:
  5. I miss Prodigy. Their albums were so good. I'll take their work over ANY dj's set any day.
  6. But if you try to be objective... And I mean regardless of who played this song, how often it was played out, and how many compilations it was on already. This is a great song. Good quality. I don't care what anyone says. It *IS*. OK?
  7. Well I'm no DJ but I had this song as mp3 since late 98-early 99.
  8. How much sleep do you need to function properly? Edison considered sleep waste, slept only an average 3 hours a day. But his brain could handle it fine, all his inventions being the best proof of it. But Einstein, on the other hand, needed 10-11 hours to rest his brain. So it depends on the person. I've tried both, the 3-4 hour sleep pattern definitely doesn't work for me, after 4-5 months I was so shot I couldn't do anything right. Now I stick with a good 8-hours of sleep every day. And I'm really surprised about the 11 day world record. When I was writing my senior thesis, I had a very strict deadline, and stayed up 5 days straight (without any substances), and could go longer if it was needed. I'd expect the world record be much higher than that.
  9. I disagree. At least not from my experience. You can pull a lot with manipulation and smooth talking until you bump into someone who takes no bullshit. I interviewed once this guy in late 30's early 40's with well over 10 years of experience in programming who didn't know shit. And what happened... The most embarassing moment in his life. He ran out of my office so quickly that I didn't even have a chance to tell him how interested we were in hiring him.
  10. I think the root of our disagreement is here. I say the majority lacks skill. May be we have different standards. Let me try to define better what I mean by skill, may be that will be helpful here. To me a person with skill would mean that he is capable of doing something I would not be able to do without those four years of work. I majored in computer science and mathematics, but I have taken courses in many different areas. I really liked Econ, so I took a number of 300-400 level courses in the business school. And it all went just fine. What did I find out? The seniors from the business school were the ones approaching me with questions while preparing for exams. Or there were a couple of literature courses, one on contemporary poetry, where almost everyone in class was one or two semesters away from graduating with a degree in English. I did a decent amount of work in that class and pulled a fair B+, above averate in the class. Now there were several students in that class that had skill, those guys could write, and pulled the A's. I couldn't compete with them. But as far as the rest of the class goes, did they have skill? I would say no. I have come across so many people that wonder across departments, not knowing what they want to do, taking a class here a class there, and finally just settling on something, say history, just so that they can pass those classes, get the 130 credits and pull their degree. I do not value a programmer more than a historian, not at all, but I wouldn't call the person I just described a historian. And I am not saying that people in computer science don't pull degrees without really learning a thing. This last example by a_jenkins is just a perfect example of that. I just tend to think it's hard to do it in technical departments.
  11. You interpreted my post the wrong way. I didn't say one is easier than the other. I said one is easier to go though college with a C+/B- GPA *avoiding* learning anything than the other.
  12. It's about skill. Writing a game in assembler requires skill. Producing 30 good paintings in 16 weeks requires skill. 90% of college graduates don't have any skill in any area. All majors contribute to this 90%. But, it's easier to obtain a degree without obtaining any skill, say, in liberal arts, than it is in CS.
  13. What difference does it make why the system sucks. If it sounds like shit, it sounds like shit.
  14. Looks like the stage is being prepared for Exit to follow Twilo.
  15. The whole thing or just the graphics routines?
  16. Better yet, do it in assembler. The real deal.
  17. For a moment I felt sorry for Draper. But it's like watching a boxing match between, say Tyson and some weak left fielder rookie, who's taking a harsh and brutal beating. It's a different class, but you can't be sorry for the rookie. He's outclassed, but he should have stayed away from the match to begin with.
  18. I am laughing my fucking ass off.
  19. I don't know what all this complaining is about, no smiles, downtempo... my ass downtempo. I was there till around 6:30, and the music was great. Yes it wasn't DT, but the djs did a great job. I was very positively surprised. Good work, keep it up. I'd definitely come hear you again. When/where are the future gigs?
  20. i'm really bored, about to go to the float meetup at my friend's apartment in nyc. see everyone there real soon.. i'm like 8 blocks away. peace --teklord310
  21. It's actually one of the less expensive parties this week end. $30 or $25 with flyer.
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