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Everything posted by rose1722

  1. I agree with u guys.. keep them on.. I just hate guys bumping into u while they're sweating SO much... Kindly put back u're shirt =) Tomochan
  2. I also went on Friday for the first time since every1 told me it's the best club to go to... but umm... sorry but I didn't like it that much. I know every club lots and lots of people use drugs but damn... at this place they made it SO obvious that it was funny after awhile. To those people who complain about not having enough place to dance.. well gimme a break.. it's S&D night... u gotta expect it. Even though there was not place whatsoever.. I still managed to dance~! Well the music did disappoint me... same thing over and over. But I can't really say that since I had to leave early that day... around 5:30am. I guess that's when the party really started. Tomochan
  3. Umm.. well I had fun anyways on the 16th.. last fri.... I just sat down and enjoyed the music and relaxed =) =) and ofcourse dance... tomochan
  4. Oops Sorry... I meant to type "ATTN: BlueangEL"... not angle.. sorry =P ------------------
  5. Hey~ I heard so much about ya that I wanna see what they're talking about~! The scene with u .. dancing with u're glowstick.. with u're bf =) I'm not gay or anything.. don't worry =P I just wannna know where u're going be at with u're bf this Fri~! I gotta go check u out haha... =) Tomochan ------------------
  6. Oh wow... u guys have been experimenting a lot... well I'm still young so I guess I can learn from u guys and try them out soon =) Ges1999... sex in the car? with u're parents in the car?? wow... I'm impressed. Well the only weird thing I did was.. I had sex when my bf's friend was sleeping right next to us... well not literally .. separate bed but still real close. Tomochan ------------------
  7. Umm.. it's 18+ on Fridays at Exit.. and they do check Id's... ------------------
  8. This whole E thing is a big deal right now since most high school people use it. It's one of the trend right now to take E at a club (Since it is a club drug), but the problem is more and more teenagers r using it. It's one of the best shit to sell too cause u can make a lot of money off of those pills (ofcourse selling other shit will make u money). It is not accessible like weed but it's not hard to get AT ALL. Trust me I'm 18 and I see kids dealing those things and I see kids talking aroung and trying to get E. E is everywhere and kids experiment with it all the time. Tomochan ------------------
  9. Oh wow... I can't believe Hix said "and u r asian"... anywayz I'm Japanese and I'm damn proud of it =) Tomochan ------------------
  10. Well I'm still 18 but I wanna meet people to PARTY since my group of friends.. have umm... strict parents. so they can't go clubbing at all~! Am I too young for u guys? But trust me.. I don't look 18 .. look older and act real mature for my age.. haha I was told million of times. =P I think this whole meet up thing is a cool idea =) Tomochan Female,18, 5'2 (w/o my platforms.. =P ) Japanese. ------------------
  11. Listen to yourselves~! Like I heard many people say... u go clubbin to enjoy the music and move with the vibe right? It's all about the music... so umm... whether people dance with glowsticks.. and whether they stink at it or they are amazing... doesn't matter. It should be between u and the music! Okay.. so u guys might say "the glow sticks come in the way..." Just deal with it.. it's not a big deal. Don't let a little thing like that bother u. Personally I think glow sticks r cool... enhances u're moves... Like Blueangle =) .. she luvs using it. So let it be.... if u don't like it... go to a club that doesn't allow glow sticks.. or very few use them. Don't come to a club where lots of kids use it and complain about it afterwards. U know b4 u go... anyways... that's all. If u know how to do amazing things with glow sticks.. show it off =) It's quite an entertainment.. very enjoyable I must say. It does take some kinda talent u know.. it's not EASY. Tomochan 1 luv ------------------
  12. Hey~ I'm young... but people always think I'm around 23 yrs old.. I act much more mature than other teenagers =P I like to shock people by telling them my real age haha... so age doesn't matter as every1 else have stated. It's all in u're mind...woooo... Tomochan ------------------
  13. haha.. yep MAD asianz at club these days and I totally agree with u.. no need to segregate.. I heard that almost everybody there were asianz. I didn't go but my friends told me. It was PACKED~! Korean? haha... I have lots of korean friends =) very cool.. ghetto haha. Know any people from Westchester area? =P Tomochan SMILE every1 ------------------
  14. I'm sorry =( I didn't mean to say "all white people"... bad wording.. my bad. Well I just meant to say the majority have a hard time telling the asian people apart. Even I have difficulty telling asians apart even though I am japanese. I didn't mean to sound racist. I'm probably the last person to be called "racist" since I have so many different friends.. all ages, race, gender, class, etc etc. well ofcourse there's consequences... everything in life has consequences.. =P just try to keep outta trouble... =) Tomochan ------------------
  15. I heard that an E dealer was caught... and rumor says that he was raped by gay people in the back.. as well as beaten up really badly. So umm.. any of u guys who do that kinda stuff... be very careful.. My friend was almost caught too by under cover cops... since it was an asian night (if any of u guys don't know.. white people can not tell asians apart.. we all look alike to them)he was able to escape. Just a little update on what happened at S/F last Sunday. I heard it was great though. Tomochan ------------------
  16. U should know not to get drugs from a total stranger. I know people that will go to a club and they sell over the counter drugs (ofcourse make them look like E... at least try to)to people at the club. When they say "wait.. it's not working~?" .. my friends will be GONE... or make some excuse like "oh.. it takes time for it to kick in." ofcourse it's a wrong thing to do, but people will do anything for money. Just be careful about who u get u're E from... u can have a overdose and die ya know... As for myself I have great connection... my advice for u is to talk to people and I'm sure somebody will know people that have the real E. Mitsubishi is the most popular one right now, but X-Files is GOOD too =) =) =) ------------------
  17. umm.... tower records? ------------------
  18. Tranza u work there or something? Central Ave.... I live close by =P Tomochan ------------------
  19. Just the other day I was looking at people around me.. thinkin to myself.. "oh he could have been the one dancin with me the other night..." who knows??? The club is dark.. so many things going on.. lots of people dancing with u... etc. AND HELL NO.. nobody will recognize me.. if they did.. I will be extremely surprised~!!! I look like the goody 2 shoes.. but looks are deceiving =P Well I do diff. things.. I'm a student.. I work at a very very nice Japanese restaurant. Also at a very nice bakery. Also right now I volunteer at a soup kitchen in the Bronx =) =) but those are things I do during the day time... when I go clubbin I change into another person =)dress diff.. and act more loose. So I doubt anybody will recognize me.. don't really want people to anyways. I don't even think my own sis and bro will recognize me~! ------------------
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