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Everything posted by themoo

  1. I was expecting a big uproar from you guys. Don't be fooled by my statement, it doesn't apply to everyone. It is truly a post about confidence. Steroids are the example
  2. Stacked, my girlfriend is in Maxim's hometown hotties and she won in week 1.....so.....well
  3. Good point. Anyone can make the body look good if they work hard enough at it. When you have optimized your body naturally and are still unconfident due to being flat chested or something, it is understandable that you may want a boob job. My beef with steroids is that everyone is born with a body that they are responsible to take care of. There are living examples of people who naturally get in optimal shape. Boobs are something you either have or don't have. There is a difference there.
  4. exactly my point, I am not there to see them....They are also home to the hottests ladies which is what I am there to see.
  5. Sorry about the long post. Just do it naturally
  6. Lets discuss the steroid phenomenon. I have done some research. The immense strength that juiceheads have is good for what? Are you going to be lifting cars off of people? Do not get me wrong, I am 100 percent for staying in shape and looking as ripped as possible. But why turn yourself into a bloated monster? Here is the answer. I asked alot of girls if they like guys that are really big. They said no. They like guys in good shape. Some of the ladies said they like men with a nice stomach. This is all understandable. Most women do not like huge, steroid bloated guys. Therefore what are juiceheads trying to attract? The answer is obvious......Other men. Now I am not insinuating that they are gay, instead they are trying to lower the confidence levels of other men. They are trying to make up for their short comings. They want other men to say "damn that dude is BIG." Confidence is achieved through intelligence, self respect, and presentation. You should feel that you are better than everyone else but you should not feel that steroids are what make you better. The common example of this is the guy who was picked on in high school. The skinny guy that had no confidence comes out of high school and has nowhere to turn. He doesn't have the confidence to approach girls or hang out with the guys. Where does he turn? To steroids. He is now the BIG guy thinking that the men around him are now less confident therefore giving him the advantage to get the ladies. The other example is the guy who was cool in high school....this guy still lives in a high school fantasy, therefore takes steroids to maintain the cool big guy image. The truth is that all of the naturally confident guys are saying "what an idiot, he still thinks we're in high school." Grow up!! Steroids are a sign of immituratiy and lack of confidence. Be what you are naturally, take your natural body to its extreme and you will truly realize REAL confidence. So to all of you Juiceheads, remember that is the difference between true confidenc and you. Go back to high school.
  7. Fact off #2 I don't do drugs. If it said a bottle of goose it would be accurate.
  8. Don't let your head get too big, that actually had nothing to do with any CP peeps. Had to do with 2 NJGUIDO members. Bye the way, you're not big
  9. Alrighty, we'll do it in Seaside when you know I'll be at the shore. We'll just meet at a gym down there one of the weekends. I honestly just don't have the time to go to your gym and do it. You know I'll be at the shore every weekend so to make it easy we'll just do it then. Then there will be no reason for me not to do it. Besides I am already doing 300 easy so you may want to up that more. 1 dollar per pound.
  10. Rod looked like he's been spinning for 10 years, defenitely a great job.
  11. Some people like MC's some don't. I know what ya mean. The hardest part is trying to mix beats with an MC screaming over your music. But Toro is a good guy and I had fun spinning there. I think the whole Hoboken scene is used to MCs. When you play a dark set MC's don't fit in. Joe and I were in a dark, hard set mood and that is when an MC really doesn't fit into the equation.
  12. Sexy girl shaking it in a thong at the insane NJ/NYC Pool Party at the Shelbourne hotel in MIAMI during the winter music conference
  13. Nice...NJD I want a real logo man, you got the talnt....Cmon
  14. A cocky prick, I can live with that. So you don't like me. I can live with that too. It's amazing how you form such an opinion and really don't know me. As far as I remember, the last time we met, we shook hands and chatted a little. I thought everything was cool but I guess not. there is so much hate in this world that it just comes to me now adays, I don't even need to provoke it.
  15. LOL THATS FUNNY....YOU KNOW YOU LOVE THE SITE. NJD I know your deal, I got nothing against you and I think you're an amazing designer. I also know that you are not jealous... Remember I never say jealous, the people looking in do. I know that you have talent. But I will stick up for myself when I have to. The add is worth over $500 a month. If you win then you are getting your time's worth.
  16. Trewguy, you are defenitely not reading my posts properly. I don't even know what to say to you. First I state a post making an example. You interpret it as me saying I'm a teen idol. Then I post that you didn't read before you wrote. You interpret that as fighting words. Than I say that you are making yourself the example I am preaching about, you inerpret that as me going to make an example out of you. Dude what is wrong with you? You have something against me? If you are threatening me, you are making a big mistake. Do you really think that I waste my time fighting with people from message boards. I don't know about you, but I got much better things to do. Personally I can care less what you think about me, my website or anything else for the matter. You are making yourself the example I was stating in the beginning. Does anyone see my point? Did I do anything to start with Trewguy? In the past you posted shit about me and I thought that was all over when I met you at Metro. You purposely hunt down posts about me and start trouble again chiming in with your hateful 2 cents. You obviously (and I mean obviously) have some kind of hatred towards me. Did you think that after you called me out on this post I wasn't going to stick up for myself? You got issues....I couldn't get in a fight with a bunch of Al-Queda guys if I ran around with USA underwear on in the middle of Afghanistan and you want to fight me? Excuse my lengthy response, but you are the example that I was complaining about and you are giving me the opportunity to prove my point. Anyways, I want you to know that I have no enemys therefore if you are the first you must be the problem.
  17. Don't waste my time with threats either. Just shut your mouth.
  18. I don't think so Just read before you write, thats all. You are too busy looking for an opportunity to jump down my throat. You are being the example I preach about.
  19. Kelly how you doin? Like the shirts? Can you imagine seeing that on someone? Anyways we got to get in touch, long time no see. I'll buzz ya..
  20. It's not about the money, it's about the "Oh My God Read The Back Of That Guys Shirt.....hahha....lol....hahah...that is so funny" Entertainment
  21. None because CP isn't in a good position to make funny shirts. Who cares, I thought they would be a good laugh for everyone. They're supposed to be funny.
  22. The effects of alcohol go to my eyes first. LOL
  23. CP PEOPLE LOVE TO DESIGN STUFF SO HERE YOU GO. SORRY IF THE PRIZES AREN'T EXPRAVAGANT ENOUGH. THERE ARE NO LIMITS and NO SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR THIS LOGO.. USE ALL OF YOUR IMAGINATION TO CREATE THIS LOGO. NJGUIDO.com is in need of a new logo. This contest will be a great opportunity for you to show off your graphic designing skills. The winner will recieve a 1 month free advertisement on the front page of NJGUIDO. If you are not a professional designer, you will win an NJGUIDO.com VIP card, a CD, a T shirt and $50. Please get started right away, the contest will end Tuesday April 8, 2003. Please email your logos to adcertise@njguido.com. All formats including Photoshop are acceptable.
  24. It just takes a lot of balls to wear one, I never said it was a fashion statement. You people need a sense of humor. As far as the logo goes, I agree...It blows. We are in the process of designing a new one. The shirt is funny and that is its purpose. Don't like it then don't buy it. This whole message board is so negative, you people need to lighten up. go over to the NJGUIDO board and have some fun.
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