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Everything posted by themoo

  1. Alright, I'm having a bad day. Sorry to all the good CPers out there. I had to deal with the jerks because I'm in a bad mood.
  2. I say we do an official Moo bet on how much I can bench, I'd love to take all of your money!!! LOL Go to VOODOO LOUNGE THURSDAY and I will surprise you with some nasty music. Then criticize my skills as a DJ. You will like the music.
  3. This pic is a little more of a fair pic. Notice the chest is not small. That is where my free dinner is won. Look Im in the hat to the left Not as small as you think huh?
  4. Bus, I know you're a big dude. I've seen you before. Now look who is taking it all too seriously ....exactly my point.
  5. Now since it is officially Moo day, make sure all you people come to Voodoo Lounge thursday
  6. You are on, tell me how to get there and where it is. Then I'll do it a couple times for you. Dude it better be a good restaurant. Tell me when to come, thats an easy free dinner. Fuck it, I'll come today. I'm holding you to your words. Send me an email to amoussa@njguido.com and we'll arrange this.
  7. Well I weigh 167 and could bench about 330 by next month, thats as much as I can offer. All natural never ant sauce (as you can probably tell) After all this BS, you people know I'm not out to break balls and I am not a hipocrit. I only posted that way because you said it is fun and that you could take it. I am done posting in your ways and will go back to taking the abuse. But a personal attack will be followed by a personal attack. Alway check though and you will notice that I never start them.
  8. I know bus is a big dude, I'm just bustin. But pound for pound I guarantee that I will out bech anyone!!! Remember pound for pound
  9. Believe me, I do. I go to Axiom, find out if you know anyone there and they can check me when I do chest. I've always been really strong. Didi 300 when I was 16 in High School, maybe that is why I'm 5'7"? LOL Seriously I have no reason to lie. I did 315 last week. I was able to do 330 right before memorial day weekend last year. I should be at that or above that in a month
  10. Thats more my competition by the way, I would be in
  11. Bus your the one saying its fun to do this shit, believe me I don't agree. From now on personal attacks will be responded by personal attacks. So lets leave it at that. I know you are a good guy, don't know about donkey. I guess if I have to stoop to the levels of firing back you guys can't take it. So I won't do it because I know it pisses people off, I am not out to do that. Now do you get my point? There is a fine line between ball breaking and fighting words. Now you understand better. Dude you're barely as big as me.
  12. I thought that you guys wanted me to act like you? I thought that was what all the fun was about. Maybe its you contradicting yourself. I guess I should just be myself then and not respond. make up your minds, do you want me to fire back or not? By the way buddy I bench 330. Pound for pound I am probably stronger than all of you.
  13. Its fun firing back but I'd rather not. Now go hit up another cycle mr manhood talk. I'm sure all that sauce makes you a man, nut what about down stairs? Probably a boy by now. As far as Donkey goes, he is a skinny Giraffe looking sissy. I heard his name is donkeyrun because he runs when he is confronted.
  14. I'm making a suggestion to CP, believe me I can take the harassment, just out to see if anyone else is getting fed up with the antagonizers. As far as respect goes, I don't need it from low life internet tuff guys I need it from real people. So bus you can take your respect and shove it up your ass.
  15. I'm making a suggestion to CP, believe me I can take the harassment, just out to see if anyone else is getting fed up with the antagonizers. As far as respect goes, I don't need it from low life internet tuff guys I need it from real people. So bus you can take your respect and shove it up your ass.
  16. You introduce yourself to me, then bust my balls. The way I see it, until then you are picking a fight.
  17. You are missing the point. You know neena so its different but in my case I don't know donkey, therefore I can not take his crap as ball busting. Friends bust balls, antagonizers start fights. When you get to know me, bust my balls, until then, shut your mouths.
  18. Personal attacks should not be welcome but opinions should. CP wake up!! I guarantee that if you personally go after a moderator you will be banned. I know I've become a figure of much hate on CP, not sure why, I used to enjoy the site for info, events and little drama. Now I come on here and noticed fake screen names posting crap about me, donkey's crew posting crap about me. Sadly enough, things like this eventually lead to violence and CP should moderate this direction so that it never happens.
  19. Donkeyman, why dont you come and bitch slap me? You scared? Uh oh are you going to talk tuff guy on here? Oh no!! You know where I am, come and get me!!! We'll see who gets bitch slapped, you nobody internet tuff guy. There, its on the table, bring it!!! Sleep with one eye open!!! Is that what you people want?
  20. I don't mean this on a personal note. It is just so frustrating when you post or read trying to get real info or honest opinions but you can't because the honest people are sick of getting ripped on for posting. I run a website and I know it is hard to monitor everything, but cp needs to get some taste back, it is turning into a kiddie zoo.
  21. You guys really should start eliminating people that are out here to start trouble. Let people speak their minds and opinions but eliminate the low lifes especially people that are out making personal attacks. Alot of your members are getting fed up. That obviously includes me. Anyone else think they need to get on top of this?
  22. Rod, you did fine....The way I look at it, for every 5 mistakes a DJ makes, the crowd only notices one. Just remember that not everyone out there is a DJ and if people had a good time than you did a good job. I thought you did fine anyway, sometimes the nerves get in your head, thats what drinking is for. My prescription is 3 stoli o and clubs before any set!! Can't wait until next triple threat, we got to get together and mix it up until then. i got your #, I'll call. Besides, I may have something for you in the meantime.
  23. I knew you guys would say that!!! Seriously though, they are ringing from the booth monitors because I tend to turn them extra high, I think I'm going deaf. The main room sounds amazing.
  24. Nah Brian, my own fault, that is from the booth monitors. I tend to turn them really high. LOL!! The main system is legit!!
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