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Everything posted by themoo

  1. I live a normal life as a computer consultant, I've been at my current job for 5 years. I am well established and NJGUIDO is a web site that started by accident. So don't confuse what you know about me with the truth. The truth is that I am a young successful and responsible person that created a website by accident that got the attnetion of you and the rest of the world. So don't tell me to grow up, I am well established.
  2. Is that what I strive for in life? Mentally I am tougher than you or anyone you know and that is why I can start the drama and deal with 20-30 people busting my balls.......because at the end I will keep doing my thing and my success proves all of it. You sure I'm at the receiving end of these mind games? Beleive me, people that know me know that I am way too smart for that. You would be suprised at how many levels of thinking I do. I am a thinker and a person that will say whatever the hell I want to because I know how to deal with the bs. It is obvious to me as it was for some other known people on these boards that have given up, that people like yourself are always trying to bring known figures down. I applaud your effort, but you can never bring me down. So keep trying you'll only frustrate yourself. Just read each of the topics I started and read reply after reply......everything I post is manipulated by those that are trying to bring me down when really all I am doing is stating an opinion or asking for information. But no matter what I write, you try to bring it to a Moo personal level, as if there is something wrong with me,.....It is quite funny and as you may see it obvious to you that I am begging for acceptance, realize that I took a website that got nothing but mockery at first and made it world famous,,,,,so don't give me lessons on acceptance, get out your notebook.
  3. And honestly I never insulted anyone, I only stuck for myself....I did on the other hand insult sicktracks...and I was wrong
  4. I appreciate you honesty and I agree that some things are better off left unsaid. It is really tough though to join a board such as sicktracks and finding loads of posts about you when you are not there to defend yourself. Thats all....Put yourself in my shoes...I always seem to go through a 1 or 2 day phase every month that can't hold back and answers all of these haters. This also seems to happen when I'm on 2 hours sleep after spendinf the whole night updating NJGUIDO. The only things that burn me up are when people make opinions without knowing the facts, thats all, it is that type of thing that I can't pull myself away from. Another amazing thing on message boards are the way that people can manipulate what you post when they gang up on you. But all in all its drama that I am well used to. And the negative attention when read in detail is really not started by me and knowing that makes me think that people will eventually read into it and realize that there are people that legitimately hate me for no reason....With that said, I'm outta here, I got to get my ass to the GYM before the iron boys get their hands on me at TMEPTS. I'm planning on hoisting Rod and Stacked on each shoulder and throwing them onto the sicktracks boys.
  5. Laughing Stock....Whatever buddy. You only wish
  6. Usually I'm nice, but I slept 2 hours last night and I'm not in a good mood
  7. Whatever.. Insult me I Insult you. Sometimes....
  8. CP Has to love me......1 post and 15 minutes later...6 pages.... LOL:laugh:
  9. You're right My Bad
  10. No that site talked shit about me. Get your shit straight. I responded to their remarks. Pathetic? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I'll keep laughing all the way to the bank.
  11. You guys got to beat on me again......I think deep down I am looking for new ball busters... This could be a sickness... I better get my head checked
  12. Super geek i prefer
  13. Point taken. Just imagine going to a site and reading 15 posts about you on a personal level from a bunch of people you don't know that never heard you DJ. Thats all. As far as the drama goes....I love it..CP knows that already....I guess it's time for once a month Moo drama anyway. Ericone was a shocker though
  14. I didn't say the site was gay, I was asking the people here if they do or don't post there. I wanted to see if it truly was a site for younger kids. Thats what it seemed like to me. I am not bashing sicktracks, I went there with good intentions but upon joining I already noticed that there were pages upon pages of shit talked about me. So my first post was to address that stuff. If you go to a site and notice stuff about you before you weren't even there to defend yourself would you do the same? You got to put yourself in my shoes. In this business you need to spend time mixing in with other sites but you have to be careful where you spend your time so I was justg asking CPers if they thought that sicktracks was a good site and if my first impression was bad. You're telling me that my first impression was wrong and thats the type of opinion I was looking for.
  15. Funny after a little drama....NJGUIDO.com is all over their board. As if I am an idiot or something. Those CPers that met me also know that I don't give a crap. It's all part of the drama
  16. I'm I wrong for telling someone to hear me before they talk slander about me?
  17. wow I never said I was a sick DJ Thats F'd up man I said that the only way to shut people up from slandering me as a DJ was to play a sick set...But my point was don't tell me I suck unless you've heard me suck...Thats all. You guys are killing me with these BS posts. As if I don't get my balls busted bad enough
  18. Went to another board and joined as The Moo. Got instant ball busting like usual but realized something. The people on sicktracks.com are a friggin joke. Is that the 16 year old clubber website? Anyone know anything about it. I know there are some common faces there but seriously is it 90 percent teenagers? I remember going to that site a year or two ago and checking their hot track listings and they would always be 6 months behind. In the meantime they think they are all super DJs. I met a sicktracks person at D'Jais on Sunday and thought I would be posting on a good site but I guess I was wrong. Anyone else go there?
  19. SICK NIGHT........SICK.....SICK.....SICK.....A pure example of what New Jersey is all about come summer time!!!!! PROPS TO BON FOR STARTING JERSEY OFF THE RIGHT WAY!!!
  20. Sorry about your friend Rod, I've shared similar feelings and it is in times like this that we need to write. Here is something I wrote on NJGUIDO that I think may help. "One Minute" ONE MINUTE “One minute awake is a minute of youth, one minute of sleep is a minute of old age.†(Anthony Moussa) We don’t realize how important one minute is. This past Sunday we celebrated my grandmother’s 80th birthday. At the party were all of my personal friends, friends that were also considered grandsons of my grandmother. We sat there away from the older folks drinking, eating, and watching football as we do every Sunday. We laughed at the comedian of the crew as he did impersonations of different movie scenes. We busted each other’s chops for hours and hours. We talked about girls and clubs and friends of the past and our jobs and our plans for the weekend. Yet on occasion I got up from the crew to look back at my grandma to see her with her friends. They did not differ much; talked of the past and of friends, and did impersonations of movies and people. They retraced amazing events and memories. They laughed at the comedian of the crew for hours. They drank their favorite drinks, some beer and some egg nog. They relived their youth through their memories, right there at the dining room table. They did not harp on the struggles of old age or the problems of the past. The little time that I spent looking back at my grandmother helped me to realize how important a minute is. One minute awake and you may realize something great, one minute asleep and you may miss a memory. Although it is impossible to stay awake for ever, live each day until your only option is sleep. I say this because when you are older it is the memories that you share with your friends that will make you feel young again. One minute of sleep is a minute of youth, as you dream of the great memories you witnessed when you were young and choose to keep your eyes open for the chance at a memorable minute. There are no excuses! Party like a rockstar!! Anthony “The Moo†Moussa www.njguido.com
  21. This is really me declaring my victory after beating the bus and rod sensless....I figured...what better to do than jump on top of them and declare victory. LOL Had a sick time at Surf....Where were you guys when I was at Tempts? Moday at work was not easy!! Take care and brush your hair...oh not you bus.
  22. I had that posted on NJGUIDO last year. It's funny as hell
  23. I'm still not sure that I wanna join there. But I probably will Surf is a guarantee, right after legs and eggs
  24. oh and the last name is Moussa Don't make me sound like a terrorist
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