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Everything posted by jdogg

  1. I'll be there. Friday is my observed Veteran's Day Holiday. I get to sleep all day so I can go out. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  2. Thanks everyone.... DM - Don't worry - I got it on Friday Lexxi - You will just have to show me what you mean. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  3. It took me long enough.... Old Skool Legend. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  4. jdogg

    Stick and Lick.....

    Porn, you must have a really busy schedule if it took you this long to schedule some more classes for Lexxxi. Lexxxi, I would start checking on his class roster! YO DAWG! ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  5. Count me in for some of the Friday madness... Lexxxi - we love ya hon....don't feel too bad. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  6. jdogg

    Stick and Lick.....

    Girlie, I wonder why you haven't gotten more replies here. I love it when she kisses me after I have gone down on her. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  7. Girlie....you are just crazy ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  8. jdogg

    Shave your pubes?

    Shaving it is not gay. It is what you do with it that makes it. Keep it neat and clean. Shave it off. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  9. This is a simple question. Twilo has the best system for the space that they are in. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  10. I can't imagine anyone not caring that their S/O is riding around in a beat 1974 AMC Pacer with the 8-Track radio. But maybe that is me. I have had them both, one GF loved the sportscar and refused to drive the truck. The next GF just did not care. I now have just a truck. '00 GMC Yukon. Better for hauling people and for the winter. My 0.02 ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  11. You got it right....6am in the power bar. 3 am too. Check out the Twirl thread too for info on pre-Twilo. See you there! ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  12. I was in a 'conversation' on AIM, well, more an argument, over the economy and the impact of the 'internet'. If it were not for StarWars (a George Lucas film), we would not have Princess Lea. There was no such thing as StarWars under Reagan. So much smoke and mirrors that it was not funny. Get real. It is called bluffing the other guy. Give it up, it never was. The internet was the development of Reagan and his defense spending. The internet precursor DARPAnet was a defense department high speed network connection that linked military research labs, bases and a few key universities. In the late 80's, UNDER REAGAN, DARPAnet was expanded to colleges and universities. It was renamed internet. Clinton and Gore, as an executive team had no direct hand in the development of the internet. Bush helped to implement it, but only as a president, not as a tech guru. Mosaic, the first graphic browser debuted in '93, a development of a grad school student, not ALGore. After that it was nothing but private sector investment. The government stood back and watched it take off. Now with the NASDAQ tech stocks tanking this year, who is to blame? Clinton? Gore? Look at the total # of layoffs in the tech business. Look at a dear fellow-poster that is being laid off from her TelCo job. The only reason that there is not a bigger noise about the layoffs - see Priceline.com - is because there are other companies out there with crap for a business model. It used to be called vapor ware. Today it is called the Next Big Thing and money gets thrown at it. My Point? Clinton and Gore have done so little to encourage economic growth, it is pitiful. The president does not, and can not under the Constitution, spend money or raise taxes. It is the function of Congress. Hate to remind people that Congress has been republican for the last few. Ichi_gami - I agree that there are some social leanings that I disagree with, I fully support the economic packages that come with the republicans. My couple of cents.... ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  13. Happy Birthday Tim! Good Luck Friday! ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  14. Aw....crappy.... That sux. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  15. I don't know, but maybe I have my shit all screwed up. I have worked for the same company for the last 9-1/2 years. Yep, I started when I was 18. The last time I was unemployed was as a senior in High School. I don't think that I have a current resume on hand. Anyhow, I like my job. Great perks and great schedule. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  16. When you move to Canada, it is very similar to living in the USofA, under a Gore presidency. The taxes are higher, the politics are socialist, the dollar is worth less, it is cold as hell, and the only other difference is that you watch hockey and drink beer instead of football and roll. Watch the "Great White North" and "Canadian Bacon" before you move. THen decide. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  17. Move to Canada. You will be able to feel like Gore is the President there. Your taxes are higher, the dollar is worth less, medical care is free, and it is as cold as hell. Oh, yeah, I have family that lives in Ontario, Canada. Lexxxi & Porn, no offense please. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  18. gq: Ease off. Mariah is a gorgeous woman. I will vouch for her. If you look for it, it is here. Look through the Picture Album. I'm not latino. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  19. I'll drive up there, since it is only about a 90 minute drive from my house. Any Friday....let us know. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  20. 13 hours later and I have 29 of 94 on there..... I guess that I should toss mine out there JDoggNY2000 ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  21. Eggmok, you fawkin rock..... ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  22. I got Amsterdam last week and I really like it. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  23. I am friends with my ex. I still hang out with her, from time to time. It took about a year for things to settle down to be where I can be there with her new B/F. ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  24. There was never any doubt! CONGRATS! Love ya! ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
  25. PVD. Twilo. Enjoy... ------------------ JDogg Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.
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