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Everything posted by jdogg

  1. When I used to smoke, I was between Camel Lights and then to Planet Lights, an RJ Reynolds brand here in NY. I quit in Jan of 99. JDogg ------------------ Running from the cops... Whoops I guess 143 is too fast on the bike...
  2. Yummmm.... Chocolate chip cookie dough, Rum Rasin, and Cookies & Cream... To the point that there is a half-gallon of vanilla and a pack of double-stuffs in the freezer together waiting for the right moment....right about now... JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  3. Damn...must be a boring night at work. I think that the superpower that I would like to have most is to be able to have some sort of premonition. Let me be able to see what effect my choices might have on the future...Then maybe I can make the right choices. JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  4. I will be there at 6 as well, but have been there for long time by then. Twilo and Space jitters both... JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  5. Drag Queens were the life of the party, and they knew it. If it were not for the drama and activity that they brought to the party, what kind of excitement would there be? No matter your feelings as to the proclivities fo a particular Drag Queen, they made the parties. Why is Paris so influential at her club? JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  6. 3.14159265359 Off by a little bit.... JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  7. Look for the ***Official Twilo*** meetup thread - usually around 6 at the power bar or something. JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  8. Ben: Good to hear from you! Warm outside there? Or do they have the fires put out near you? j/k JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  9. How can it be that such bad soup can always attract the same reviews, but have a loyal following? Maybe it is where it is served up. I hear that there is a place up on 46th street that serves some really bad ramen noodle soup, but has a line all the time on the weekends. I guess that you have to add a little juice to make it good there. Everyone that has gone there says that the soup tastes like dishwater but still the same people show up there every week. JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  10. How come one week it is everyone jumping on one soup and then the next week it is off to a new type? So what if there was a bad batch of soup? No matter when I read the posts on this board, some one is always bashing one type over another. All soup experts now? Try one soup and like it and everything else is shite? JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  11. Steve: Check your PMs MissKittie...I see what you are writing...I understand, somewhat. I'll be working right near you on Thursday...what's your plan for the afternoon? JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  12. Remember it is all a matter of free speech too. And since the soup is only a freelancer, maybe if we don't like it or it doen't get us going, it won't be back. What about Chicken Noodle Vs. Chicken with Rice? JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  13. I'll agree to Liquids being a really good place to hang and have a few. JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  14. MissKittie.... What is going on with the the non sequiturs? You feeling ok? JDogg ------------------ Riding again... North Jersey
  15. And here I just get back to the office at 3 and figure that everyone just evaporated and went away for the weekend. Right at noon everyone disappeared. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  16. At S&D last weekend, I saw at least 6 cops that were circulating the dance floor. One was particularly obvious. It was a black guy wearing a grey shirt. He kept his hands down and in front to keep his shirt closed. I saw him, recognized what he was and as he passed, reached over and felt his right hip enough to realize that he was carrying a gun in the club. Somewhere around 4ish, they dried up and disappeared. Nobody approached me, but somebody missed the class on being undercover. They may as well be there in uniform. It would be nice to see them sweat their asses off wearing vests in the club. I honestly think that the clubs are a more attracive target for the cops, as the potential for press imapct and public reaction. Figure what the reaction is when the cops try to bust the corner crack dealer or raid some burned-out brownstone and get 6-8 people sharing the same needle. Next, shut down a popular club that caters to primarily middle class twenty-somethings. Next day on the news parents see what could be sons and daughters wincing under the lights of the TV cameras. The clubs are a less threatening environment, and easier target than crack dens and provide the cops something to do other than parking tickets and turnstile jumpers. Granted, I don't grasp the idea of getting so wrecked at the clubs that your entire conversations/week of posts consist of discussions of how wrecked you were, how many pills you took and that you rolled/tripped/etc so hard that you stayed up all weekend and had to recover on Monday. I do understand altering brain chemistry through a variety of means. I also understand moderation. It should tell you something that if you are taking a known quality pill and it *only* lasts an hour now and you have to tkae another, that you and your body are seriously out of balance. This is just my $.07 worth on this Friday. JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  17. Yes, it was great fun there last night. Nice meeting up with all of you. Blue - again, congrats on being a new aunt. JDogg (just getting ready to go to work) ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  18. You are so cracked out.... lol, JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  19. '00 Yukon Denali Ready for something new in a couple months... ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  20. Maybe if I reply enough I can make it to Old Skool.... JDogg (Oh, yeah...congratz) ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  21. I usually am sober, but for the odd RedBull & Vodka...8-12 hours in the club is no problem...take a nap before, a little Starbucks and you are good to go... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  22. LOL!!! ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  23. Easy now, Funkysoulbro... we are talking ice cream here... JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  24. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.... Rum Rasin....... mmmmmmmmmmmm JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
  25. Damn Pete.... I think that you need to reach down and ease off a bit... I enjoy the drama and the apparent lack of mental aptitude that it would take to look back over the last 5 days to find the thread that answers the question that came up today. The only detriment to this is that the new posters would see the flames and go away. I would have nothing to read after work and to keep me up at night. Keep on posting you morons! Keep me in my cups! JDogg ------------------ Corporate Tool North Jersey
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