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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. HEY!! WAKEUP!!! everyone start posting!!! i don't like around these parts right now. i think i'm in the middle of a bad dream!! where did everyone go????? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  2. where are all the msgs??? this is odd!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  3. scorpios are the worst, they are the biggest liars out there. i know this for a fact.....my friend, suzy, dated a scorpio who was born same day, same year as my asshole scorpio lying-sack-of-shit ex bf and they were identical in thier capacity to be a chronic liar....scumbag.......peckerhead...... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  4. i've already earned five bucks to put towards my trip but don't tell any of my pimp daddies..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  5. i love you guys but you haven't seen me since my hair guy (the one who's too free with the scissors....) gave me the mad-dog-do-from-hell!! anyway, i still think long hair on women is the way to go but it just doesn't work well for me! i have pics... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  6. we all know boys love long hair on their women, this is why i get no action........ ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  7. i got your back!!! don't be expecting too much bouncing around from me, though b/c i may lose my fig leaves! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  8. that's how rumors get started!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  9. i love greyhounds!! woof ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  10. i got that covered.....we have that stuff by the truckload in my apt.....oh wait, i drank all the damn vodka.... *adding vodka to list* ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  11. ha ha, very funny but those things don't fit into my weekend plans......i'll save my crayfish suit for you though!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  12. he's MY man and coxwingin' is a total whore!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  13. hair dye, fig leaves, polygraph machine (to test eggmok), wig (in case dye job goes wrong), 3 cans of whipped cream (for afterhours with diva.....) anyone need me to pick up anything while i'm out? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  14. don't bust a nut....i'm beginning to think you're all talk!!!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  15. they let you do that at work?? hey, some guy said he was sending me a cd....what up wit dat?? i was gonna practice my moves but now i'm gonna be all rusty!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  16. so what goes with fig leaves??? i don't want green hair!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  17. you don't like me in my lobster costume?? damn, and i was gonna wear that for YOU!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  18. i'm frisky, frisky!!! what color shall i dye what's left of my hair??? woo-hoo......bring on da weekend......!!! you can take all the pics you want but you'll have to hand over the negatives!! thankyou for your cooperation! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  19. hey, i can be romantic and i cry at kodak commercials...i'm just feeling really frisky right now.......! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  20. you need to stay home and save your money and buy me that brittney spears wig........ ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  21. well if one of my pimps, i mean my only pimp, would hook me up with some nice wigs i may bring in more ching-ching but right now all i have is nambla members after my ass and they're all a bunch of FREAKS!!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  22. have a great trip!! do lots of exciting stuff so you have some good stories and get it all on film, thankyouverymuch ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  23. i'm a general dipshit....well i guess that's could be true......(aries) ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  24. yep, there's some coplacency breeding my apt. which is why one chik is out and a boy is moving in, yay!! but really now, i think we could pull it off, we have 2 bathrooms..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  25. you know my true feelings......shall i dye it pink or blue? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
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