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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. i'm lucky if i get it 3x a year!! what the hell? extra is on tv right now and liza gibbons is reporting that i'm not getting enough for my health. if i don't do it about 3 or 4x a week i'm more likely to suffer a heart attack than someone who's getting it on a regular basis. all i can say is things better change in 2001! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  2. def. doesn't compare to any club in the city but it's ok if you don't mind leaving at 3:00...and yeah, girls there think their sh** don't stink! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  3. it cracked me up!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  4. i could've used you this weekend. unless you have some wierd kind of thing with feet!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  5. i think you just need to use your sense with stuff like this, but i'll dare bet there are people out there that knock back some pills, a couple of red bulls w/ vodka, do a couple of bumps of whatever and throw in some stackers for good measure!!! scary stuff! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  6. oooh, i wanna, i wanna!!! How funny would that be if everyone bought everyone "party favors"....hee hee ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  7. this is really fucked up!! i was gonna ask that same question for real!! i had a friend that used to "date" him, whatever you want to call it. i've been itching to hear him - he was out in the hamptons this summer but i missed it, i think it was labor day weekend. anyway, thursdays i don't go out in the city but maybe i'll make an exception if there's no surgery on a fri where i work.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  8. yeah, i feel that way about my living situation but i am doing something about it so hopefully i'll be living by myself by next summer. hope i can last that long and i don't murder my roommates before then! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  9. welcome, from one geriatric to another, ha ha! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  10. wow, this is the way i see it. no matter what you do in life, no matter what you say, where you go, how you act....there is always going to be someone who doesn't agree with it, doesn't like it....to each his own. i didn't see one derogatory statement in what mr. mundy said. maybe i'm missing something. and for the record i like the horns!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  11. oh, ps: i think if there's any chance what-so-ever that you feel you may not be able to remain 100% faithful to your spouse then you shouldn't get married!! i mean really, what's the point? just stay single and no-one gets hurt. i'm saying this b/c my ex's best friend got married. he cheated on this chick throughout their relationship and engagement. even skipped his pre-thingy classes (kana? i'm not catholic, forgive me for not knowing) to hook up with another chick. so i ask my bf if he's going to be faithful to his girl when they get married and my bf is like "oh, of course or he wouldn't marry her"....yeah right. I wish i'd put some money on it...only took him six months. he has two kids now but still cheats. i'm just saying that's completely unnecessary and speaking in the voice of someone who's been cheated on - it really hurts!! i can't imagine finding out my husband cheated!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  12. um, yeah, what she said! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  13. ugh, i hate that too, but i usually find the last thing i lost when i'm looking for the lastest missing item. so lose something else and you'll find your cd!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  14. that happens to me too but by the end of the night i just can't stop going, prob. b/c of all the water i drink. yeah, the first few times it takes forever. i usually need to hear running water or concentrate really hard. who knows why??? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  15. welcome back, we missed you!! too bad you missed s&d b/c we had a naked clubnyc meetup, it was pretty cool! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  16. i'm 32, single and loving every minute of it. i'm not going to look to get married and have kids just b/c society dictates that that's what we're supposed to do. if it happens it happens. if it doesn't it doesn't. i'm not so sure about kids anyway. they kind've get on my nerves right now. i think i'd be better off with a cute little puppy dog! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  17. um, excuse me??? take that back right now!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  18. when my check comes and it doesn't bounce. by that time i will have had my way, i mean a word with DaVe and the hex removal will be in effect! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  19. when my check comes and it doesn't bounce!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  20. um, what's with you and your fixation with $1.75??? i think you offered me that for something else too. anyway, it's a very complicated process to undo a hex. it'll cost you at least $2.00, thankyou! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  21. my second concert was AC-DC and some dude puked in my seat. Just posting this so I can read my pm's. ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  22. you have a hex on you....i can undo it for the right price!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  23. teeth? i forgot about the teeth...done that too....fell on face a couple of times! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  24. mine was Def Lep at the Allentown Fairgrounds in '83 or '84....Bon Jovi opened for them. I was in heaven. Some dude offered me a hit off his joint and I said no!! Ha ha, I was so good back then but I really wanted to say yes!! Yeah, I was a head-banger back then!!! Oh my, how we change, it's nuts! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  25. doing back flips, doing back flips!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
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