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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. coca-cola originally had cocaine in it too, or some drug. maybe it was opium, but coke would make more sense, no? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  2. you newbies need to add some color to your names!!!! black and white is just too generic...and did everyone know that on a mac they don't glow???? you only see one color on a mac (but i've only had access to one mac to maybe i'm wrong about that) ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  3. I think risa06 (hope that's the right number, but i'm talking lola here) should become a model b/c she is beautiful!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  4. man luigi (the original)...how come you ask questions and never get back to us??? you are frustrating me. sincerely, uknjx2 ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  5. still want to know what benoit balls are, anyone???? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  6. Eggmok, this thread was devoted to you and I got a little sidetracked but you need to get your charming and funny tush to NY so we can hang out! (Wait, I'm assuming you don't live in NYC but maybe you do?) ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  7. yep, saw fight club and american beauty, heh heh!! actually i'm the only admin. person in this office. it's all doctors, nurses and lil ol' me and this review was sprung on me! i'm def. going to tell them i feel i'm worth more, yep, b/c i'm doing too much work for the money!! thanks for the advice fellas! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  8. Hey Marcella, how's it going??? Once you tally the thread are we going to have a giant meet-up?? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  9. WOW - Thank you ! I'm surprise you actually pay attention to my psots. YOu are very correct !! And thanks for caring ! I did like myself somewhat - UNTIL- that guy broke my heart ! Ever since then I'm over come by these insecurities and beating myself up - trying to figure out what is so wrong about me. One day I will confront him ask him " What was so wrong with me ?" I thought about getting a gun for self- protection and such. I don't feel safe sometimes - I don't need a big scary boy friend ! I should just get a gun. Shit- that sounds fucked up ! lol OK< listen to me.....there is nothing wrong with you. I think at one time or another everyone has had their heart crushed to pieces. This guy does not deserve you!!! You need to go out, have fun and realize that there is more to life than him. This is the guy that has a girlfriend, right?? It's probably the best thing for you that he doesn't want you and you will eventually realize this when you're over him. You need to come to one of the meetups and see for yourself that there's a whole world of people out there for you to make friends with, have fun with and get you over this peckerhead. Once you're over him you will start to rebuild some self-esteem and as that happens you'll regain some self-confidence and the fact that you're feeling good about yourself will reflect in your actions. This guy has brought you so far down and I can tell by the things you've said previously that he's hurt you really bad. There's a whole world of single guys out there just waiting for a girl like you, but they're not going to want you if you're wimpering on about an asshole who didn't deserve you in the first place. I know it's easy for me to say but I'm telling you it's true!!! My roommate is forever whining about how miserable she is and how this one hurt her and that one doesn't want her. I tell her she needs to find something in her life that makes her happy and concentrate on that. Maybe then her happiness will be a magnet to others. Right now she just brings others down!!! Seriously, pm me if you want to talk more but you need to get over this bozo and concentrate on yourself for a while. And the next time some big bozo bothers you just give me a call and all 90 lbs of me will deck him for ya, hee hee! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  10. The review was excellent, the raise sucks. I know I should've addressed it right then but I was caught a little off-guard considering this wasn't supposed to happen until next week. Point is I know I'm busting my ass to keep this place running smoothly and I feel I deserve more money. I need to grow so balls tell them I want more moolah but how do I do this??? I'm a pussy!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  11. You can ask my mom, Luigi. I bought her a set of ben wa balls for xmas one year. I didn't know what they were back then. It's this big joke in my family now. My dad was the one who called me on it and I think my mom's still a little wound up over the whole incident!! As for the other balls, I don't know what they are. Care to enlighten me? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  12. silly, you have to look at the smiley....see, it's winking....the one in my last post! i had it figured out, swear i did!!!! i don't even think i talked to anyone else on that big bed thingy so i figured it had to be you! you'd better watch out for this board b/c it's gonna suck you in and you won't get any work done! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  13. do i think you're a hottie? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  14. um, i'm saying this in the most caring of ways so don't take offense to it ok? you sound as though you're very insecure and i'm not basing that on this thread only. judging from a lot of the threads you've posted you sound like you need more self-confidence. you've dated a guy who only wanted you for one thing (i'm guessing this is the guy who you spent a lot of money on??) and you ask why he didn't want to be with you....you say guys want you for sex rather than a relationship. if i'm wrong about any of this i apologize. anyway, you need to love yourself first and foremost. then you'll find happiness b/c people love others who love themselves. sorry if this is harsh! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  15. I'll do #2 with you!! I mean what you said in #2 ha ha, and I once called all the Beans in the phone book and asked them if they were baked, french, lima, runner, garbanzo...blah blah...but i was only 10 when i did that. Anything for a laugh!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  16. You're crazy...the only disadvantage you have is not being able to reach the top shelf at the supermarket!! I'm 5' tall, 90lbs....I don't mind being small! No, I take that back, I hate it when I go clothes shopping b/c that's frustrating but besides that I don't mind it. You should consider yourself lucky that you are petite, I bet there are lots of girls out there who would gladly trade places with you!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  17. Pooh sometimes needs a ride back to Jersey, maybe he'll take you up on your generous offer, officer! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  18. on the big bed thingy?? with the champagne? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  19. uh-oh, a brain teaser....i don't know who you are djwho....was i bombed???? probably! did i try to make out with you??? hee hee, got to cut that shit out! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  20. We'll just have to share him, OK?? I'm sure there's plenty for both of us! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  21. I think a lot of people on this board are bi-sexual or gay....I think this b/c there was a thread a long time ago about people's sexuality. I've had thoughts about girls (not even when I'm on E) but I don't think that makes me bisexual. "They" say everyone has at least one sexual experience with a member of the same sex in a lifetime...i'm still waiting for mine!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  22. Where, where, where??? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  23. Well since I'm not a guy I can't answer that!! I'd hope you're not spending that kind of money on someone unless you're in a committed relationship with him or you're a multimillionaire and won't miss it!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  24. I've made it to Goddess!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
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