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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. yeah, me too, it was like "cringe" ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  2. this all makes sense and yes, it sucks, but what if you're not looking for a relationship?? it's never been ok for a girl to go out one night, meet a hot guy, bring him home, f*** his brains out, kick him out when she's had enough.....why not??? why can't we do this?? b/c if we do we are perceived as sluts but the more a guy does it, the higher up on a pedestal he is placed among his peers. in college i knew a group of guys who put and x on the wall for every girl one of them banged...it was a huge competition. have you ever seen such a thing in a girl's house?? it's so damn ridiculous....it's not fair that i have to walk around horny b/c if i act on it i'll be a "slut"! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  3. DAMN, and i was considering going too!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  4. hee hee, i love this question....now let's hear all the justification for the double standard!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  5. no exit on sat? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  6. that's gross!! i have a hard time with guys in their thirties, never mind anyone older and this is sick on my part b/c i'm 32. ugh. i don't know what it is with me but anything above 35 just doesn't do it for me and that's pushing it. i need therapy!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  7. This one dude told me that that part of it is gross!! He said you see all kinds of people, young and old going at it....and if you go to that part of the club you're going to get hit on. I've never been so I honestly don't know if he's right or not. Hopefully your b/f isn't thinking this is his big chance......ugh!! I'm sorry, just that the stories I heard were enough to make me stick with Club Med. On a positive note he said it was absolutely beautiful and you don't have to be involved in the swingy stuff if you don't want!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  8. wow, Eggmok, it seems you have quite a following!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  9. this morning i was wishing i had a longer commute! it was tough getting out of the car! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  10. hey, luigi, if it was you i wouldn't have minded!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  11. so are you guys gonna be swingin??? i know a bunch of people who have been there, all guys. All guys that just wanted to get laid over and over and over....and they got what they wanted!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  12. wow, you can use those on aol im??? how??? i don't have aim at work but i'm on aol at home! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  13. i posted about this a few days ago but i was thinking about the times i've done it....well last night i was the victim of a d&d!! man, this person chose to call me every hour on the hour and wanted an explanation of why i wasn't returning the calls!!! UM< cuz i'm not nocturnal as you apparently are????? i was delirious...should've turned off the ringer but it was one of those things where you're in your warm bed and you're thinking it won't happen again...anyway, i now solemly swear i will never commit this crime against others since i've been victimized in this horrendous way *yawn*! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  14. work & home. this board gets me through the day, makes time fly!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  15. ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  16. A guy never has to ask me to chip in. It's really nice if a guy wants to take me out and he wants to pay, but it's never expected or assumed that he will. I always offer to chip in! Why should the guy ALWAYS have to pay? Just cuz he's a guy?? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  17. I could do it no prob. If love is a guarantee and it's for life then what's three years without sex??? Plus it's not like I'm getting it all the time now so.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  18. WOW!! yesterday must've been be nice to nicki day!! i must've done something good! thanks for the compliment, i'm blushing!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  19. He just brought me out of my blue mood. What a sweetheart!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  20. free passes?? if it's free what do you have to lose?? if you hate it you can always leave! i'd recommend a Sat and you need to check out the new room with that awesome dj, what's his name,,,,anthony mundy is it??? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  21. yeah, the more work i have to do, the more i post...even got snagged by the other office - wanted to know why they couldn't get on-line (we share an account)...but this won't stop me, hee hee! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  22. Yay!! Congrats to you too!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  23. Eggmok, I was your servant first since you are a higher God!! And Back2Basics, are you ever going to get your holy status back??? It's been too long since you lost your stars, and what about your sig????? Oh, and Eggmok again, am I ever going to meet you?? Your posts crack me up. And if I did meet you already I must've been drunk cuz I forget everything I do when I'm drunk.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  24. i say nay, def, unless it's in a situation such as, well, moni san, you'll have to ask me personally!! but on the most-part, nay! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  25. Don't worry baby! I know that you trust me, right. He will not be playing any hip hop. That is a guarentee! trust me he doesn't want to play hip hop as much as you don't want to hear it. Spoke to him on the phone to confirm that. It will be off the hook. For everybody else... the reason he is going to be on stage is so everybody see's he is really there and before his set he will say a couple of words. It will be a great night! I trust your word.....I ain't worried!! Plus we know where we can go if it does get ugly....... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
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