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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. I lvoe you guys. it's really a sorry starte of affairs when you feel this happy but noone's coming over to hang out with you! everyon'es at work and i'mnot...*gloat* but i love you guys and a syout out to all my peeps::::: jertsey tom, (um, where were yuon friday? i'm short so i can't see very well but what's your excuse?) risa06, exit friend forever, rachel-i-love-you, mp3some you know why i love you besides your awesome screen name...-dirtyslapper who bought me maltesers i think, but i don't know for suree b/c i can't get ihnto my pm box - and everyone else who touched me in a special way todya....i love you. ok, think i should just knockitofff now. sorry for my behavour but dont' drink at lunchtime ever and had an encounter in the supermarket an d then I HAD to buy the bottle because you'd do the same thing if you were me and it was a power out!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  2. then there's no more surgery b/c the damn ackj-up generator is on a battery and it's practically out of juice so the doctor (now my favorite) says "let's get rid of these patients and go get some lucnh" so we do and ihave only 2 glasses but then when i get home i got o the supermarkent and geet some meor. now looke what's happende! i love everyone!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  3. I love her hair!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  4. oh man, i'm a bit bombred!! the power went out at work today so we couldn't do any surgyere (and i coulnd't post) so the doctor of the day (now my favortie)took us out for a lucnch so i had some carbenets then came home for some more and wouldn't you know i rand into an ex bf from college int he supermarket right next to my apt. and it's sooooo fuckied up (like me) b/c tghat's the second ex b/f from college i've run inot in this same supermarket in this same month. WTF????man my ttyping's alll askew...anyway So Dirtyslapper, I LOVE you!! If you move back to England I'm coming with you b/c I've decided I've had enough of these American men and I'll get my accent back and I'll have some good sex, right???? OK< got to check pm's now. Am I the only one who has to post to checke pm's????? Pisss drunk at 2:40ish, thas badd! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  5. the same shit gets old fast. of course guys are going to like naked chicks marching around....female porn stars are way hotter than the guys. there's nothing hot for us to look at!! it doesn't really bother me, though, and won't stop me from going but i think they need to find other themes besides the whole porn thing. ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  6. ugh, didn't work, hate that....try again ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  7. ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  8. i am very shy. no-one believes me but i am!! i know what you mean and i think it's hard for people who aren't shy to relate....it prob. could get annoying to someone who's never felt what it's like to be shy. ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  9. Ahem, everyone knows that I have NO opinion on this subject whatsoever....heh heh! Where my boyzzzz? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  10. Someone once called me to see if I was on-line, it was about 4:00am. I was in my bed fast asleep...anyway, yes, they can get your password and have all kinds of fun!! BASTARDS from hell! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  11. Pooh, I love you!! Big kissy hug! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  12. ok, here's another one i seem to be really good at.....go to the ATM to take out funds for the night and it tells you you only have 10 bucks!!! Man, it's a good thing I don't have tons of money to lose the way I lose the little bit of money I don't have...does that make sense? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  13. Um, I NEED to hear this!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  14. I'll tell you it's NOT a new variety of pill that's out so don't be asking anyone if they've tried it and was it good...haa ahaaahhahahahh! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  15. go to the supermarket starving hungry, fill up your basket, go to the checkout licking your lips in anticipation of the knockout dinner you're about to whip together, and you realize you left your wallet at home!!! GRRRR, spaghetti again. poo! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  16. Don't be whining about how it's been a long time too much on this board or you'll get yelled at by Notforkids who yelled at me for doing just that...... About Goldbond....they have this lotion now and if you get really dry, itchy skin in the winter that stuff works wonders...makes your whole body tingle, but you walk around smelling like a medicine cabinet for the first part of the day. I'll take that over being all itchy, though, any day!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  17. I've thought i've been in love before but then I met this one guy. Then I knew what it really felt like to be in love. I realized it when I'd go out with him and be blind to every other male form in sight. It was like he was the only guy on the planet and I was the luckiest girl in the world to have him!!! Well I still think I'm the luckiest girl in the world that I got to be with him for the time that I did, but I'll tell you the worst part of being in love is when it isn't reciprocated. The pain is so intense that I will avoid it for the rest of my life. It's bad enough to have that pain inflicted upon you, but then when you do it to someone else and you realize just how badly you're hurting someone b/c you've been there yourself, well that sucks just as bad! I've never been so lucky to be in love with someone that's in love with me at the same time. Oh god, now I'm bawling like a baby. I hate it when I get all torn up like this.....Where's the icecream??? So what is love?? Love is something I'm avoiding like the plague. ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  18. Where's roflmao.......i'm about to use his name in vain!! ROFLMAO!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!! [This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 12-11-2000).]
  19. uh, yeah, every guy i ever wanted i couldn't have!! ha ha, not really but sometimes it feels that way! if i know someone isn't available to me i usually back right off and get myself over it!! i've never been one to pine for someone i know is unavailable but i know it's prob. easy for me to say that when i'm not in that situation. it's ok buddy, there's someone special out there for you if this isn't meant to be!!! (and hopefully he has a friend for me ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  20. AAAGGGGHHHHH, NO WAY!! I must've missed it! I would've totally freaked out if I heard it....I was just saying to Monique on Sat. that I love that song....So you'll just have to play it next time I'm there, OK? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  21. I don't know where I'd be but I'd have a hellulva lot more money in my pocket!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  22. Sounds like you're a candidate for your very own HBO special...... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  23. I love this song and I think it'd be awesome to hear a slammin' mix of it pumping out a huge sound system........ ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  24. excuse me, young man, but when i went to school there the library was one big social scene in itself. that is one place i stayed away from if i ever really wanted to do work. i'd advise you to do the same if you want to make the grade! sincerely, older and wiser (maybe, ha ha) ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  25. same thing here plus had probs all weekend. it's annoying as hell! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
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