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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. Mario, you da bomb!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  2. Divalicious introduced me to Powerpuff Girls and I'm hooked...how cute are they and their little feet??? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  3. Oh wow, this is really bad news b/c i've been taking alka seltzer cold med. for as long as i can remember. i'm allergic to acetaminophen and it's the one cold med. that doesn't have it in it. whahhhh, now what do i do for a sniffing, sneezing, coughing and aching????? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  4. i'm def. into it and wouldn't mind organizing....but not 'til after the holidays, not that there's any time anyway....we were thinking hunter b/c even though it's not the best ski resort it's close and has a fun bar scene. I used to do a house in Mt.Snow, VT but it's a four hour drive and the bar scene isn't that great, imo....so i think hunter it should be...we will have a nutty time!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  5. um,,,um,,,,hmmm......I would never do something like that... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!! [This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 12-13-2000).]
  6. if you're an old fart, what am i???? mentally i'm only about 23......father time says i'm 32 but i think he's got to be wrong about that ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  7. i've never been in an orgy!! i'll do the lighting if diva's gonna hold the camera...someone needs to hold the mike....can the sugargliders come???? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  8. I love you too!!! MWAH!!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  9. i think they're very funny!!!! two thumbs up and a whatever kind of snap they used to do on in living color!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  10. ...i'm now officially mortified just like miss kittie said i would be but at least i'm not bombed anymore!! going to bed so i can be in good shape tomorrow! ciao! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  11. um, you know how everyone has a special talent that they excel at?? well i know what mine is and it ain't something i can put on my resume.....and i'm not sharing how i know i'm good at it but i KNOW i am and this is the one and only time I'm gonna act like a cocky ass!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  12. The only special man in my life is my Dad so he gets more damn monster cable for his speakers (i don't know how much monster cable a man could possibly want or need) and maybe some dvd's..... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  13. hahahahah, that funny! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  14. I once met a dude who said he was sicilian, NOT italian and he was very adamant about the whole situ....btw i'm sober now and i'm hungry for a slice of sicilian,,,,heee hee ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  15. GIG GIANT no. I'M GONNA MAKE SOME CHICKEN CUTLETS IN A MIN, but you know tyhat song "see the trouble with me"???? i LOVE that song. mr. mundy played it on SaAt. pm... LOve that song ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  16. I love this song..!!!!!..i do....i don't care what y;'llllllthinkd. i may tomorrow, but noyt now!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  17. Well i don't work out but i have these STever madden Wedgie white sneaks that atdd atleast 3" to myself so i wear them to twilo and i love them forever. and now they have them in baybe blute suede and i have to have them to match my camoflage (sp) panst frome dkny....sorry. some sp in error. some in drunkfest.../ ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  18. um, ok, one ha s a willy, one has a fanny. i said this post b/f but it didn't show so if ita aa repeata4ea i'm sorry. i said pussy b/f but i thought i'd be proper english and say "fanny"...how RUDE!@! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  19. um, not sure yet...went to supermarket and atm said i only had ten bucks itn th e acct. so thining maybe not but yaou know wehn you put your mind to somting you can make it happen!!! so if i do it'll be fri. or ssat...ro both.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  20. i w33 i5!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  21. plz if you do call me b/c i need ot know what htat stuff means in that song. i promised i wouldn'b post again til i'm sober but i reallywant to know. thanklyou! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  22. UH-OH, i shall not be attendign said meetup tomorrow!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  23. um, i thinky ou're right but i'm home already!!! i wont' even say one morre peep, sorry1 ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
  24. i agree 1000% and i think i want to go tyo sf agan this sat but i don't know i fmy funds will allow me to do so!! all the wood is gone now, right? ------------------ Boink like a bunny!!!
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