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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. oh, you were trying to start a serious convo....silly me...but that's the problem, i just can't be serious right now, not when i'm all alone at work again! ichi-gami, i thought you said you had work to do...... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  2. you guys can all move in with me....what a fun little community we will have.... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  3. whoa, i was in a really silly mood but it's gone now......divalicious is gonna be mad at you!!! you'd better turn this frown upside down quick! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  4. after 6 beers i burp a lot and my belly swishes..... beer goggles....oh man,,,,,, ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  5. romantic sappy pappy!! hey diva, i'm still in my moooood and we ain't talking romance here....but yeah, a little romance is always good......it keeps one young! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  6. this thread is disturbing to me for a number of reasons.....i haven't even read the whole thing. honestly, you should seek some counseling and not from this msg. board, you may need some professional help. you know what happened and how you feel. what other people think isn't important. what's important is that you look out for yourself and talk it out with someone trained to deal with this stuff. i know what i'm talking about in this particular instance but i'd never post the details on this board..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  7. yep, those crack me up........ ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  8. how you get it to stay like that? and don't say gel b/c i can't find any gel that's that sticky....i've noticed all these guys running around with their hair all spikey and it looks like if you landed on their head you could get impaled on one of the spikes.....it's got to be some syrup, sugar, egg combo or something.....i mean what do punk rockers get their mohawks to stand up with?? i really need help b/c i have to find something to do with this MAD DOG hairdo before friday....thanksverymuch sincerely, ukmdx2 ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  9. i'm saving myself for coxwingin' but that fucker doesn't even know i'm alive!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  10. operation was my favorite game....i had to draw a willie on my guy, though...it was disturbing to me that he didn't have one. i also glued a teeny toy milk bottle on my ken doll to give him a wee wee!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  11. shove it up yer bum, ya bloody sod!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  12. ichi was looking for mad dog!! man, i wonder what would happen if i knocked a bottle of that back today....i'd prob. keel over on the spot!!! that's wicked shit! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  13. listen you crazy bitch, i think a cardboard box will suffice if it means you get to got to carl and danny....why don't you just stay with someone for that weekend.....i know plenty of people who will hook you up!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  14. but, but, but...i didn't live in emmaus..eeck, i was a pot-head in high school!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  15. where have you been hiding??? two months?? last time you posted i was a newbie, ha ha!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  16. well it was that time, ya know....but i'm breaking up with my hair guy b/c he got waaay to scissor happy this time around, but i'm gonna work on it so that by friday i'll have figured it out...when all else fails put a hat on, that's what i say.....or a wig, or dye it pink, or something.... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  17. went to emmaus hs....you know it?? eek, hicksville! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  18. hey ooana, you know wes from the seaview market?? i went to some cool parties there, it's def. a change of pace but i'd really like to go there with a guy if i ever go again, kind've like a dirty weekend sort-of-thing...... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  19. my new haircut makes me look like mad dog.....i'm laughing and crying. ichi reminded me that mad dog is booze, too, and that took me back to my high school days when we used to get bombed off the stuff...so now my new screen name is ukmdx2 *woof* ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  20. i've spent a couple of summers out there but it's not my favorite place...i find the bars a little lame and they don't crank the music loud enough....but i'd go there for some kind've romantic weekend if i had a dude to go with me...... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  21. i'm very partial to a big fat weiner schnitzel.......ha hahahahh! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  22. we likes it in the fanny, ha ha ha!!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  23. eggmok said if i dance for dc he'd repay me with sexual favors, but keep it on the down low...... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  24. lol...I needed that.Your posts, uknjx2, always seem to crack me up... why thankyou, it's nice to know someone appreciates my humor!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  25. ee, by gum yer a cheeky lad.... good for nout....ah'll tell ya summat, ahm off ta boozah fer a pint!! cheerio pet! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
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