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Everything posted by jennhocat

  1. DAMMMMM.... Likwid, i popped up at a D&G party at Spa last nite & she definitely made the floor groove round 2-3. thumbs up on that one because i woulda freaked if i heard another crystal waters song with all them sweaty menz. Gonzo, U CRACK ME UP!!!!!
  2. hells yeah, im there with my girlz!!!! lawn seats and bb-q in the lot!!!
  3. i just had to share on this one. this took place at A Family Affair in Ohio...one of my friends had 2 batches that nite= mitsubishis and S's (don't ask). this was the first time in MY LIFE that i have EVER hallucinated on E. i had taken a mitsu upon arrival + went to chekk out the party. it was such a beautiful nite (chilly + misty)that my frend + i were laying on the grass staring at the sky. i started buggin + tol him + sum chikk that "i see skyscrapers!" i had to point it out + describe all da details on height n windows n shit. they too had taken the mitsu, and guess wat??? they saw it em too! but the best part was, when i rolled over to chekk out the clear sound of "cling-cling-clang (like a dog chain)", i started laffin + asked said, "i thought we weren't allowed to bring dogs in here!" because wat i saw looked like a panting cocker spaniel running down the grassy knoll...umm hello??? it was a friggin GIRL! i coulda swore i saw a dog! my god was i trippin ballz!!!! my frend thought he was a trojan soldier + stole a roll of tin foil from the food stand and made himself an outfit and hat. the dummy also layed out large sheets of "shiny carpets" on the ground for peeps to "float" on. shall i convince myself that it was "normal?"..........I THINK NOT!
  4. was there too, and annoyed by the baby faced-home for the weekend college crowd... i wanted to bash in sum headz who were accidentally steppin on my BCBG's & spillin drinx on that nasty floor. place is real big + definitely a great improvement after being Carbon (so u glad it burned down?). trip to the bathroom definitely sukked arse! but all in all, i must admit i had a fun time since i was with great friends + the pharms kicked ass! once my mind was in la la land, everyone i wanted to lash at, were no longer a burden.
  5. just chekkin.... hey, if u r conveniently located in SINY...I wont mind tellin u about a party up in new brunswick, nj. think u mite just n-joy yourself.
  6. No doubt...now we r all in trouble....wahhhhhh!
  7. I really dont wanna post the party up on this board, but if interested email me at jennhocat@aol.com and i'll give u da details. If any of u's have partied with DOS Collective, then u know da deal.
  8. u got me... but shhh, dont tell anyone hUGZ
  9. djchris don't get me jealous. but i will be hearin those beats...real soon. lieb n mills comin my way
  10. my boss is pretty lenient, but sometimes i feel like im useless since i do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING sometimes. shit, i even filled out forms for free samples on www.freakyfreddies.com. for whoever that doesnt own a stick on rear view mirror, get one...its real convenient, for the boss can creep up on ya with them ballet slippies.
  11. hey hunny, where are u workin at???? i dont even have sounds here, boo friggin hoo!
  12. OMG, dude i hear ya on that one. i must admit that this board has tikkled me silly bc yer responses are outta control!!! so friggin funnEEEEEEEEEE!!! and i thought i was da only one who pays attention to wats left behind in da nastee dump bukkets in da clubs... jars, baggies, inhalers, shirts...thats a good one.wat peeps will do for "shits n gigglez" mEOW!!!!! keep the responses coming, i'm havin a blast!
  13. Dear God... that is RANCID!!!!!! by far that is FUKT UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. OMG!!!! i member those daze too! thats wen i got hooked up with yellow shields (quad dipped...hehee). even tho that place was a dark gloomy dungeon, i had good times listenin to daze and stress spin those phat ass beats. no fashion shows...i hear ya on that.
  15. hey, if it makes u feel any better... i lost my voice sat nite due to a cold while in atlantic city with my friends. my great aunt passed away alone in her condo the nite of my return on sunday. had to put my dog to sleep and send her to puppy heaven on independence day. all in all i had a horrible weekend and am still mourning over the loss of our beloved family dog, for she was a sweetheart. thank god for my supportive friends and fam, bc life in general just sukks. your parents renewed their vows with you in spirit. they are understanding in that way, unlike some shitty school systems in this world. send them a card filled with undescribable words of the love and memories you share when you are together, therefore they will see how you've missed them every day including this special day.
  16. nosleepydude....hunny, i agree. wat good is talentless wonders who spin without makin the floor groove?
  17. i just had to comment on this one... i understand that it's difficult to migrate to a new area and adjust to the environment, but my god...u r in nyc hunny. im sure u don't have 5 heads or a corroded backside (unless u r extremely rancid looking), so how hard can it be to make new friends? have u tried speaking to your coworkers or are they weary about talking to u? a year is a looong ass time! i suggest u get up from your lil desk and make eye contact with any walking soul til either u or the person speaks out. it won't do any harm. if u had the balls to move...ummm, lemme stop here.
  18. yo planky, thats a nice list.... tank yew berry much! lets just hope i can do it up at home hugs jenn
  20. i am most certainly interested. could u hit me w/ur email address, otherwise i am jennhocat@aol EZ enuff? hugs n shtuff, jenn
  21. hey all. i've been listening to the same ol shit for a while now, and honestly i cannot afford to buy any more mixed tapes or cd's. and it doesnt help that i dont have a burner or tables. so if anyone would like to share their talent, do let me know. i prefer hard trance (love lieb). mad props to former dj's of DOS Collective: Stress and Daze...old skool. mEOWWWWWWW!!! ------------------
  22. my boss is out too! i already devoured my lunch on the way to work sitting in traffic...and i still got the munchies! LOL ------------------
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