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Everything posted by vinylgrlnyc

  1. Although i don't use (anymore), and i don't condone it...each unto his own. I will not judge others for their choices. Unfortunatley, though, there are a few people who lose sight of what is really important because the drugs become more meaningful that the mere excitement and joy of the music itself... What is important here is THE MUSIC and feeling and being entrenched in the sound and movement through your body like an enormous rolling ocean wave about to crash on the shore. I cannot express the importance of bringing people back to Feeling the music for the moment. If you respect yourself, your body, and others this feeling of pure joy can be attained in all aspects of your life. If we say it enough maybe it will settle in the brains of others and bring people back to the bigger picture of the whole thing.
  2. I would start to go again if there was ever the possiblity that it could be as great as it once was...i remain optimistic. But it will never be the same D-Tour without DT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Anyone who was at vinyl sat will know what i mean when i say... POSITIVITY was flowing all around. Timmy had people groovin and everyone was definately feelin the vibe. Great party as always ! Ahhhhhhhhh. Can't wait until next weekend.
  4. I'm a sucessful woman but not that successful yet. LOL If i do open a club someday though i will definately solicit advice.
  5. DT But i have a friend who is not so well known that i also respect a lot and who can lay down some great beats. Sean Halloran aka Dj Shady
  6. Awesome, will do. I'm leaving my office now, see ya round. HEY SOMEONE KEEP THE CLUB NAMES FLOWING!!!!!!!!!
  7. GM hell, no offense taken, but realistically i would probably not meet up unless i have a posse of about 5 peops with me, so i wasn't really thinkin like that anyway. hehee i'll probably be down to the shore this summer when you least expect it.
  8. There are always a few bad seeds that ruin it for the rest of us! Lol
  9. Vapor's really good (like the new VW colors) the other one is REFLEX as long as i said before they don't have a bunch of F*&^in fog machines clouding my head and lungs.
  10. gary i'll let u know when i decide to come down, but slow down with the making a night of it thing k? lol
  11. Was there a LUST yet? SOunds familiar, I think thats a cool name for a club though. Bermuda club sounds fun. What kind of music do they play there?
  12. I'm always interested in new places, and new people. Where is Bermuda Club exactly?
  13. no not really i'm a new yorker. The shore is really nice though.
  14. i actually came to post because i was looking for someone, didn't find him, but i found a cool little community of really nice people. As for the contest posting thing, i'm not interested, plus its clogging my mailbox with unnecessary junk mail as if i don't get enough already. I need 2 mail addresses one for business one for play as it is just to keep it all straight. KRAAAZY!
  15. GM- I might be interested in a few years to go into business, so do keep in mind. To name a club after the address.. well thats cool, (funny i lived in house in buffalo called 151 where we used to throw afterhours rave parties) but its been done, i was hoping for some creative input, and new ideas. Thanks for your thought.
  16. Hey CM when in aUgust? My b-day is in August too. You a leo as well?
  17. 23 going on 24 been clubbing since 17. I'm definately going just don't know what night or maybe even sunday...i'd like to do a day/early thing for a change-up. At any rate, you'll know me if you see me i'll be the girl dancing her ass off in her own space somewhere.
  18. Wiz would you care to share the inside meaning of your whacky but fun club name.... i assume it has one?
  19. I'll be at Vinyl some point this weekend, maybe i'll see ya at the party!
  20. Just curious how old you peops are if you feel like sharing? Ya don't sound like the other young chillins on the bb.
  21. Anyone who bashes you for cleaning up your act needs to have their head examined. If you feel good, and you are happy thats all thats counts. If they are your friends they won't care. In fact my friends (who almost all do drugs...which i do not judge them for, love to hang out with me because i am so high on a natural. You don't need to justify to anyone wizard is right. DO YOUR THING BABY!!!!!!
  22. Rewind i like that. I like mist too...as long as you don't have those F8&KING FOG machines blowing smoke in my face while i'm dancing!! heheheee
  23. Hey kats- i'm new to the boards...old to the scene, definately not a little young chickadee like so many people posting on this bb. Exit sucked when it was Carbon so i don't know what would make it any better now and why the big following???? Vinyl is one of the only clubs in Ny i will still go to, although i remain openminded and never shrug an opportunity to try out a new place....but i am yet to find a new spot thats also got a good vibe and makes me move. ------------------
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