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Everything posted by vinylgrlnyc

  1. Does anyone live in Westchester? I would love to come down to Vinyl but i lent my car to my mom (what a good daughter i am , and my friends are lame asses that don't want to go clubbing anymore. Train is just... well, a pain. heheee email me: misstregrl@yahoo.com
  2. Cool, i'm glad some peeps are happy campers around here. Except CrystalMethod...i mean Steve, that guy has such an AAAAttttituuude!!!! just kidding So we should all set up a meet-up in the park when it gets closer to Aug 5. Rebecca does this mean i will finally meet you???
  3. Hey all its like i've been on another club planet and outta touch for awhile. Whats been going on the last few weeks? Who's going to Body and Soul August 5th in central park? AND Why is everyone arguing on here...can we get back to the music yet???????? SOUL SEARCHING...do some.
  4. It is your choice whether or not you chose to do this, but there is much truth in what CM has to say. Its one thing to do it responsibly and all that, but speaking from experience its better to understand how to feel that high just by being you sober. Feeling the way the music moves you in a conscious state of mind by far enlightens your life more than hearing it on drugs. I am speaking from personal experience and everyone may not agree, but that is how i feel. Now that i party drug free (well i have the occasional drink) i can really relate to every fragment of sound that the music brings to my ears and in a manner that will stay with me FOREVER and not just last for one night on X!!!!
  5. i love this feedback...this is emooootional stuff.
  6. For me its the rhythm of the drums and the beat of the bass. I like very tribal drums...that fast rythmic beat that changes melody while all the while in the background you hear the hard steady bass pounding out a house beat. Ahhh thats sooo beautiful. Thats what moves me. I also tend to feel the music on off beats as well. You hear a beat and then no beat...but that non-beat is specific because you subconsciously fill it with your own beat. Thats what tells me that music is truly in us.
  7. HUHHh GASP GASP!!! This is about positive and good vibes in here no bad kharma sending or anything like that needs to be goin' on. Just some interesting people talking about some interestingly strange and mystical topics. Good kharma. The hindus believe that what you do in this life is how you will be received in the next. All positive things Steve...we don't want no bad connections.... get it???? If you do come back again what do you think you will come back as?
  8. Your wise-ass aura is vibing through my monitor! heheee Drama...don't you believe in Magic?
  9. what is it that moves you? What do you hear that makes you feel that deepness in your soul? That stall before the beat bangs out...that pounding in your heart and feet...what is it exactly?
  10. Who cares what they call you/us whatever...thats not the point...the point is we are all here for the same reason...we love music and we love to rave or club or both. Thats the important stuff not our "label" or title or whatever you call it. It doesn't mean shit...i'm 23 almost 24 years old been raving and clubbing since i was 15...so, "NEW SKOOL" my ass...don't let it get to you its just a stupid ranking...we got better things to discuss.
  11. the power of love? the healing properties in music? the afterlife? magik? angels? Kharma? Auras? ghosts? Open for discussion...
  12. hey thats awesome voice!!! What? NO DOUbt I will definately try to make it this friday to see you. peace
  13. I definately enjoyed the jazz overtones! Nice touch indeed!
  14. Centro was pumpin'and AVH blew up the spot!!!! It was a bit crowded but other than that it was a great vibe and a ton of FUN!!!! Anyone know who that awesome sax player is??
  15. AVH was amazing! I don't think it could've been done any better.The vibe at Centro was great...i just wish it wasn't soooo crowded....it made it hard to really really dance until around 3:30ish after Armand finished spinning. I have to agree with you das that Vinyl and Centro deserve props for throwing some of NY's best parties!! p.s.- anyone know who that awesome sax player is?
  16. Sorry i missed yas last weekend! Been crazy lately in Maryland on busines for the last few weeks (hence my not showing my face or postin on the bb).I did however meet Steve (CM) for lunch a few weeks ago...what an AS*HO&^ ..HAHAHAHA psyche i was just kidding! He's mad cool people. Anyway, what are you all doing this weekend?
  17. I'll be there. Its the day after my birthday!!! Just an extra added bonus to throw into the mix.
  18. I peronally am not a big fan, but there are a few people in my years of raving and clubbing that have captivated me because they truly know how to use them the right way. If you can use them that way, then by all means go for it, but if you are just going to practice swinging them around on strings for the first time please practice in the privacy of your own home (this will save you and everyone around you the embarrassment) Dance is a form of expression and interpretation, so i don't think we should limit people from trying to add new elements of life to it, but they should be conscious and aware of the reaction and effect they are having on the masses. peace
  19. Hey Curt are you on here? Its jess. Degl said you were spinning at Exit. Saw your name on the DJ roster. What happened to Hoffman????lol
  20. Check out DJ Shady: The Village Lantern every Thursday 11pm. He's a GREAT talented house DJ and nice guy looking for some heads to come and support him. There's a hip-hop DJ before him for all you hip-hop fans...
  21. Who's going this friday? If not then where are you going?
  22. That recruiter has not been in the office, but i have yet again bugged him to get on the ball. I am hopeful and remain optimistic, although i cannot guarantee anything. I'll keep you posted.
  23. hi- whats goin' on? THread thread thread thread.....lah bloah ablah ablhdihanldkshnkd. hee hee
  24. This is THEEEEEEEEE dumbest thread i have ever read in my life.... so of course i just thought i'd add to it. Did i win?????? lol You guys all rock. Keep it positive. peace
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