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Posts posted by saynotodrama

  1. Originally posted by djdanfury

    LMAO..... But note that I said Beginning..... Huge emphasis on that..

    That would also exclude La La Land..... Uplifting song, but "Something about those little pills" I dont' think would go over too well with the Father of the Bride.:mad:

    I knew what you meant...LOL!! How about that Female vocal where the lady is on the phone with the Doctors office.. "HELP, I NEED HELP, MY PU**Y is BURNING... It's Burning, It's Burning... JESUS CHRIST!"

  2. Originally posted by barbiegirl

    it's 3pm on Wednesday afternoon and i'm sitting at my desk reading financial reports ..... GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE !!!

    i would rather be anywhere right now than here - i would even pick dmv in trenton over this place !!

    i need a vacation !!!

    so - where would you rather be right his moment ??



  3. Originally posted by ceeotter

    Music was great ...Just Be Good to Me, Wanna dance w/ somebdy, my love is you love, LOVED it. Sayno remeber its all about the accopelos(sp??/)

    Sunday RICHIE rocked the house. He played tamperer and people actually threw water and got on my bar and danced:cool:

    Ceeotter... It's ALL about the acapellas!!! Accopelos ..ummm...that's a new word, kinda looks like acapellas and galapagos (as in the islands) mixed together! I LIKE IT! :D

    I NEED a dolphin water gun!!! Remember the dolphin balloon??? WELL... The dolphin water gun is a NECESSITY!! Gotta have it! minus the Blackhaus of course:vomit3:

  4. Originally posted by mrhapppi

    Mr Happi would like to hear:

    1) Happy

    2) Who do you Love

    3) Alright

    4) Dream Drums

    5) Meet her at the Love Parade

    6) Benedictus

    7) Monkey Dreams

    8) Annilate

    9) Fly Life

    10) As the Earth Sleeps

    11) Beautiful Day

    12) House of Joy


    14) The Pressure

    15) Strange World

    16) Wave Speech

    17) Reap

    18) WitchDoctor

    19) First Thing on my Mind by Vanessa Williams JP MIX

    20) Sun Aint Gonna Shine


    Rock the Funky Beat

    Take me to the Top

    Take me Away

    anything by the Squirrel Project

    that song by John Paul that Junior played for like 3 yrs

    Peace Train

    WHOA!!! EXACTLY EVERYTHING HE SAID... ESPECIALLY PEACE TRAIN!!!!! mrhappi..I need to meet you!! :clap::bounce::clap::bounce::clap::

  5. Originally posted by laurie619


    Originally posted by bumparella

    :nono: :nono: You didn't just say that. I mean..Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black??

    Also....didn't your grammar school teacher tell you to read your work before submitting it???? You're A MESS!

    I just want to know how one sticks their "ass" into a place???:confused: :confused:

    And I wanna know how an "ass" is THEY?? I thought an ass would become "IT" in another reference.

    What she should have done is taken that $40. from her sticky fingered sidekick and bought ENGLISH FOR DUMMIES!

  6. Originally posted by clubangel

    Well I believe it was Memorial Day Weekend at Tempts (not sure what night) and CHUNKY (aKa Laurie9287439) and her loser friend were by Ceotter's bar trying to make friends. Cigs (or Tommy for those of you who have met him and know is the nicest most sincere guy) is hanging out with a bunch of people there and accidentally drops $80...he goes down to pick it up and Laurie's troll friend snatches its up....of course he is like "what the hell..that is my money"...the girl is like..nope...it was on the floor..its mine now..and takes it...fucking bitch....when it was very apparent that Tommy dropped it and went right down to get it...he isn't the type of person to lie at all and is not cheap..now Tommy really can't say anything to the girl...he told me the story so i went over to chunky and her clepto sidekick....Chunky says that they she gave half the money back and the other girl says they gave it all back....so i just pretty much said to the girl she is fucked up and a fucking loser...the girl turns around and starts kissing my ass and tries to tell me some stupid story....pretty pathetic that you have to take someones money in my opinion..oh and an hour later the girl got kicked out for being to messed up....way to control yourself!

    That is pretty much it...so I guess my advice is hold your money close when the Chunkster and her crew are around!



    Awwwwwww.. and poor CIGS... he IS the sweetest!!! What goes around comes around!!!

  7. Originally posted by saleen351

    Sweetheart, you'll be 28 years old soon.. you bash a fan of your friend. I saw laurie619 tons on of times at temps all last year... To bash her is bashing your friend Denny.... Not sure if he likes the fact that you rip apart someone that was at temps at least 15 times last year and has been a fan of his since she had a fake id... Ceeotter will back me up on this, I met spygirl and Laurie at temps threw the otter... What ever she said or will say, that is her opinion, right or wrong, she still goes and that my friend is why your friend Denny has a job... If she bashed him and stopped going fine, then hammer her, but she continues to go and continues to support your friend Denny.... You’re a disgrace as a friend and an embarrassment.

    Laurie619 is the reason Denny has a job??? WELL.. I GUESS THE SECRET IS OUT!! I thought I had heard it all! You're right Saleen.. you know Denny MUCH better than I do so OF COURSE you know that he dislikes what I do or say on this board! STFU already...cause you DON'T know. oh yeah.. and she's really a fan, such a big fan she can't even tell weather or not he's spinning!:confused:

    Oh and ...what does my age have to do with anything??

  8. Originally posted by laurie619

    MY BAD* SORRY IF I AM NOT A CLUB RATS AND I DONT KEEP TRACK WHO IS SPINNING WHERE! I JUST FOUND OUT THAT RS SPUN FROM THE POST "Can someone give me a review for TEMPS Sunday " and I loved hearing old school music like Whitney Houston (did he play her whole album) here comes the rain again, like a Prayer. . . ect :D

    Schizophrenia!!! THAT'S IT!! YOU are schizo!!! Now I understand totally.... that explains everything about your behavior. Last week you said Denny played old music and you didn't like it... this week you LOVED hearing old school!!!

    Keep Posting dumbass... you make yourself look better and better with every post! :rofl::aright::rofl:

  9. Originally posted by laurie619

    I feel that he spun much better on SUNDAY then SAT* just my 2 cents. . .;)

    Yeah well... your 2 cents don't mean shit because you don't even know what the hell you're talking about!! Why don't you ask one of your friends who knows something about music who was playing on Sunday night!!! What...was the music too OLD for you on Saturday? :rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by neena16

    I wasn't there Sun but I was just thinking whoever went to Temps Sun probably called in sick this morning...:drool:

    NOT ME!!! I got home at 5:00am and made it to work by 9:30am. Had a great time last night... Definitely not the same without Denny, but I had an amazing time last night...Richie was awesome... SHINY DISCO BALLS!!! :D

  11. Originally posted by sin-sational

    Clubgirl: whats up I've been laying low-probably hit the shore more in July!

    Bump, its nice to be loved-wait til you see my little Siamese crybaby-she's precious but what a loudmouth!

    :clap: YAY!! :clap: I can't wait to see the new addition!! Congrats!!

  12. Originally posted by sin-sational

    Clubgirl: whats up I've been laying low-probably hit the shore more in July!

    Bump, its nice to be loved-wait til you see my little Siamese crybaby-she's precious but what a loudmouth!

    :clap: YAY!! :clap: I can't wait to see the new addition!! Congrats!!

  13. Originally posted by traffic

    But someone from this board just sent me a PM and told me why saynotodrama is bashing Eddie. But i won't even go there.

    Oh... I would LOVE to hear this... PLEASE ..GO THERE!!

    and yeah Laurie, cat got my tongue ..exactly.. you figured me out! By the way..you've got nerve calling people funny looking ..You should look in the mirror before you walk out the door next time and think twice about the half shirt with that gut:nono:

    and the rest of you who accuse me of bashing? RIGHT! I think you need to check your definition of bashing. The SINGLE post you were able to dig up out of what 900 since the year 2000 is HARDLY bashing! The post you're referring to here didn't even have anything to do with Eddie Baez ..it had to do with Teo T not being asked to come back to XS this summer and Eddie Baez playing there instead... that post was more my anger at the management of XS for a poor decision IF YOU MUST KNOW!! Hence the last statement of my post.. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" ..meaning that Teo T was doing a fine job at XS and bringing people in. But if you want to call that BASHING? MORE POWER TO YA!! ONE POST is all you got on me and I am a BASHER! Never said the guy sucked as a DJ, nothing like that... THAT is bashing. And.. I have met Eddie on several occasions and agree that he is a nice person...ANYBODY in the music industry is talentented as far as I am concerned and I wouldn't put anyone down for it. I never questioned Eddie's skills or his being a good person so why you even have to go there with those comments is beyond me!

  14. Originally posted by queenbitch

    How about we twist off your head and use it for the volleyball game!!!


    Good thing she'll be in Tempts cause I have my list of requests of HIP HOP and OLD music for Denny to play!

  15. Originally posted by jthieme03

    if you followed music soulshaker "feel the drums" is mixed with derb. its a new track out. so don't rip eddie for playin it.


    If I am understanding your post correctly you are saying that the "Feel the Drums" remix being played now is mixed with Derb???

    Well, Mr. Music Follower... actually, you're wrong... It isn't mixed with Derb... that is something that Eddie does with the "Feel the Drums" Track.

  16. Originally posted by traffic

    You obviously have some major issues with Eddie Baez because i see you bash him every chance you get. i was in both clubs on Saturday night and Eddie Baez was playing incredibly insane. As far as Derb is concerned he played the beat mixed in with another song for about two minutes that sounded insane. i hear Denny do the same type of things all the time. Before you bash someone so much why don't you check them out for yourself.

    Actually, I do not have issues with Eddie Baez.. I just went to hear him at Factory a few weeks ago and he was amazing..so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! In fact, I would like to know myself where I have BASHED him.. please show me!

    AND.. if you must know.. I am not bashing Eddie in this post either. Perhaps you're jumping down my throat before reading the entire post and understanding the context and reasoning behind my statement. If you read more you'll understand why I used Eddie playing Derb to represent something old. I heard Eddie do the same thing with Derb and Going Through It at Factory so you don't have to tell me, but thank you! Anyway... I do not have anything against Eddie and no harm was meant here... I think the majority of the people that have been involved in this 3 PAGE conversation since it started understand what I was talking about.

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