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Posts posted by saynotodrama

  1. Originally posted by tempkid

    hahahahahahahahah. Didn't his house burn down from cooking all that K! He's a great dj, like he said in the past he is trying to bring something new to Jersey.

    LMAO!!! TOO FUNNY TEMPKID!!! I hope you took some anger management classes this winter!! My friends are going to go broke, trying to pay off Bouncers to keep you in places this summer! LOL!! I shall see you in a week from tomorrow!! :D

  2. Originally posted by cgm

    I was thinking the same thing. I think that this summer, Merge will hav a lot more attendees and will establish a name for itself, as well as credibility. Anyone who read the board last year knows that Merge took QUITE a beating from board members (including myself). However, I am giving Merge another try this summer, and try not to be so judgemental! I mean, of course Tempts will remain my favorite, but I have a feeling I will be stopping by Merge often as well.

    Oh, and notallthere...GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! I think you are schitzophrenic!

    In my opinion, a large part of the beating Merge received last summer had to do with the Management and it's followers constantly making statements about how Merge was going to "Rule the Boulevard" and how Tempts was going to FLOP. I won't go on with the comments, all who read this board know what I am talking about. Merge was blown up so much and made it such a competition with Tempts that when it finally DID open people weren't all that impressed.

    I must say that, although I don't read as much as I used to, I haven't seen ANY of that competition so far and that makes for alot less drama and unnecessary BS. There really is no need to be competitive about anything, bad mouthing any other DJ's or Clubs. We have a wide variety of music choose from with the DJ's chosen for each club this summer. I think all three clubs are going to be very successful this Summer. Now let's just hope the weather is better than last year and everyone have a safe, responsible Summer!!!


    Those Seaside cops are gonna be extra psycho this summer!! :biggun:

    Let's just hope the bouncers don't assume the same attitude... you piss off someone with any kind of authority down there and you get shot at!

  4. Originally posted by sfqtipie

    This board reminds me why I only go out in the city. And why people in NY are always dissen jersey.

    Meanwhile, YOU'RE STILL HERE??? You might want to go into your profile and change your location ms. idontwannabefromjerzey! YOU'RE STILL B&T BITCH!!! GET OVER IT!!!!!

    thanks and have a nice day!

    ms. imtoocoolcauseionlygotoclubsinny :rolleyes:

    OH P.S.: Did you go to Maimi to hear TENAGULIA at SPACE!! I DID ... and guess who was there??? JOHNNY VISHIOUS!!!

    You would have been better off doing what you did with "PVD" and Paul "O" and sticking to initials with Vicious and Tenaglia!!!

    LMAO!! You didn't even want to TRY to touch Oakenfold did ya??? People like you make me sick ....all trying to know what the fuck in clubland and you can't even spell the only two DJ's names that you can come up with!!! ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC HONEY!!!! You probably can't even spell Methboys name without looking it up can ya???? :cheese:


  5. Originally posted by sfqtipie

    :confused: I do not understand how anyone can like his music. When he spun at World people actually booed behind the DJ booth when he spin "pump up the jam". I love dj's such as jp tenagulia pvd paul o vishious. Does anyone agree with me? I know alot of people in ny hate his music but i heard alot of nj people like him?????????

    NO.. I don't agree with you. AND it would be nice if you could actually SPELL the names of the DJ's you DO like! :D

  6. I am no industry person or whatever, but one thing I have to say is....Don't change a thing!!!! You're parties have been EXTREMELY successful! Keep up what you have been doing because it's obvious you're doing something right! I do agree with Mike Macaluso, I'm glad I was able to catch his set in Miami.

  7. Originally posted by jarmenio

    Who from the board is going to the WMC? Anyone staying at the Roney Plaza? Lets plan a meetup down there.

    Hey YOU! One week from today :D ... Staying at the National. Can't wait!

  8. Originally posted by Kermzy

    Oh man! My absence is not easily explainable! Whew, where to begin, well it started a couple of months ago when I was taking a nice leasurely stroll in the park by my childhood home. Had my little headphones on & wasn’t really paying attention, WELL, all of a sudden I stepped into what turned out to be a portal into the year 1991!!! Oh my, oh my!!!! Luckily I was in familiar territory & really the only thing that was different was that I knew then what I know now!!! Worst thing was that I was thrust into a world where I was a brunette again!!! Oh god can you imagine??? My coloring & brown hair do not go, thank the peroxide Gods!!! Anyway, as I tried to find my way back to good ole’ 2002 I was forced to live w/o cell phones, I mean they were around, but not easily accessible. Big hair & big nails, WOW. Interesting trip but boy am I glad I made it back!

    Yes, I will have two of what she had! :love:

  9. Originally posted by sigmagal



    Originally posted by laurie619

    . . . and for the record car is more than 30,000, and yes my rentz did teach me a value of a doll along with this many other things


    you post vaid points and theories on how people should be... Now if you can take some of your own advice we'll all be in good shape.

    Will you give your obnoxious hole a rest.

    Your big mouth is what started your "DRAMA".

    Give it a rest... Take you OVER $30,000 SABB and drive it to the bottom of a Lake, River, Ocean... anyplace that we don't have to listen to you.

    LMAO!!!! By the way that SAAB is a GEO TRACKER!!! I must agree Laurie that you brought this ALL ON YOURSELF!

  10. Originally posted by cody05

    Not for nothing but every post I ever put in included Teo.. I think Teo is an outragous DJ and gave him more pub on this board than anyone. And for all of you people who have so many great things to say where were you all winter long when Teo and the rest of the club needed your support. There are exceptions of course JBR, Cosmic , etc..

    If I lived down there, like your exceptions do, I would have been to XS much more often. However the 145 mile, 3 hour roundtrip commute kept me from doing so!

    I am just stating something that I noticed over the past few months and that is that XS has been promoted by its Staff a considerable amount and certainly much more since the "big name" DJ's have been playing there. That can't be disagreed, trust me... I have been reading this board for WAY too long now.

  11. Originally posted by cosmicgate22

    Thank you Sayno!! I have been telling people for a long time now that He is one of the most underated D.J's in the biz. I understand that it is important to bring people into the club,but lets be real about this,how many people are going to travel,in the cold,to a resort town to hang out for 2 or 3 hours and then drive home with a FEW drinks in them??? I think that if all the flyers and all the promotiion was done for Teo things might have been alot different.To think that that lame ass "the Pulse" will be at the surf club is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!! Teo was moving that room when all you had in there were some 609'ers who thought that they came "UP NORTH"to hang in seaside !!! just my 2 cents!

    LMAO!!!! 609'ers!!! Whatever...in my opinion (and many others I am sure), Teo is so much better and deserves more than Seaside. I think this might be the best thing for him to be honest. Hopefully he'll get some better recognition elsewhere.

  12. Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

    So I guess all of those people that are there spending $$$$$$ when it is my boy TEO T spinning and not a SO-CALLED "big name DJ" aren't loyal customer's?????

    WHAT THE FUCK????????? I'll take my WINTER dollars and go elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. Nicole, it is XS, not excess or X'S

    I agree... not for nothing, but I have never seen so much promoting and support for XS by its staff until all these "big name" DJ's started playing there. I saw minimal posts about Teo and how great he is. Definitely not as much recognition as he deserves, especially by the people who work at XS and hear him every single week. Maybe if there was this much promotion and support for your RESIDENT DJ and if flyers were made up to support your RESIDENT DJ, you might not need to get all these "big name" DJ's in the club.

    Just my observation and opnion after being a long-time, loyal board reader!

  13. Originally posted by bito21

    Was it that bad???:blown:

    No, I was incredibly surprised!!!! I went in there with not so good expectations with it being such a commercialized event and I was VERY pleasantly surprised.. I had a great time. Great Looking People...very positive Vibe. Crowded, but not to the point it was unbearable.

    It's funny how the nights you plan the LEAST for always seem to be the best nights ever!! :D

  14. Originally posted by tyco

    you have a point but what you need to realize is that this is happening at every club in the whole friggin world......the drug problem is growing worldwide, not just at Vinyl........

    and your comments are only perpetuating what I originally posted.......sorrry to break the news but when a club gets really good, it becomes popular......more people, even people the Vinyl "gods" do not approve of will begin to come to the club........the same thing happened at Twilo.......back in the day, it was the Northern Exposure parties with Sasha & Digweed back in like '97 and the parties were awesome........diverse crowd and not too packed.......great vibe.......but as the word got out, Twilo gained a lot of new fans and by 2000 the line was out to 10th Av for these nights.......this is the same as Vinyl the only difference I see is that the Twilo crowd never seemed to feel the need to approve of new people coming in........the more the better, everyone was welcome and was embraced by the party and that's why the vibe was always one of the best this city has seen.......why Vinyl peeps insist on judging everyone that walks in the door is beyond me.........even worse, the friggin party is called "Be Yourself"........you go there and be yourself so why can't the next person......even if the dieties of Vinyl do not approve.......in my eyes, the complainers are worse for the party than the ones being complained about.......check yo self.

    ps cesarleo you da man! ;)

    I completely understand and I understand the fact that every party becomes "corrupt". And you speak of Twilo ...and how the same thing happened at Twilo... EXACTLY, AND WHAT HAPPENED TO TWILO? Twilo is no more. I just don't want to see the same happen to Vinyl..

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