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Everything posted by saynotodrama

  1. yes, I am probably going friday... You?
  2. I think "voice" stated it best when a gentleman walked by her with charcoal wool pants on.... She had that "What is going ON" face, and she yelled out, "SLACKS??? ....YOU'RE RUINING IT!!!!!!!"
  3. ....and when did YOU first start goin' there? Just curious because the crowd at Vinyl has been "tainted" for well over a year now!!! I used to be a Friday regular myself until I got clocked in the face with a glowstick being spun vigorously by a 96 pound girl in pigtails wearing size 26 overalls, doing the skip/jump up and down dance (whatever that is called...if someone can justify it.. please do). At that point I walked out of vinyl in utter dissappointment, realizing that "the best kept secret in NY" was no more! Vinyl will NEVER be what it originally was! HOWEVER, it IS all about the music (for Danny AND Danny's biggest Fans) and for those who can appreciate that, my best advice would be to TRY to do as I do, when I go to Vinyl ... Just close your eyes, try to eliminate EVERYTHING else around you, find your spot and lose it. Danny has had enough imapct and power to overcome that crowd several times for me since the "glowstick" incident!!
  4. WoW....that's classy! My GUY friends have better morals. Definitely not where I intended this post on going, but thanks to those who kept it clean and seriously answered the question.
  5. DEFINITELY NOT SUTTON... SERIOUSLY... I THOUGHT SOMEONE WAS GOING TO TELL ME I WAS NEXT FOR THE KEG STANDS!!! INSTEAD OF GLOWSTICKS THEY HAND OUT FUNNELS ... If ANYONE EVER took me to that place for my 30th (and I am not too far off) I would call myself a cab and be happier hanging out at the Port Authority giving money to the homeless! Not Kidding!! How are YOU by the way?
  6. Oh well we all know that but, do you know the answer???
  7. Seriously, does anyone know what exactly causes "morning breath"?
  8. OH MY GOD... You beat me to it!! I was just going to post that...OH the butterflies I used to get when I was next on line for Disco2000. I miss those days! Now, I don't think ANYONE is as tough they used to be or should be for that matter... thats why the only one(s) you ever see "dressed" is Kevin Aviance or Anthony Lamont!
  10. With THAT complexion Darling..don't bother us right now.... NEXT!
  11. Let's hear 'em... Mine? My countless number of unsuccessful acrobatic attempts and thinking no one saw!
  12. Reap Weep So Strong Sweet Dreams You Don't Know Me Finally and my new favorite... Junior's mix of Keep Control
  14. IN THE SUMMERTIME... IT'S ALL ABOUT JERSEY!! Any other time of year... that's a different story!
  15. Absolutely couldn't agree with you more! Best night of my life! OH... How I miss Twilo!!!
  16. I'm bigger and bolder and rougher and tougher... I have ZERO to do with this, I just had a bit of a flashback! THANKS!
  17. It isn't a secret to ANYONE who reads this board that the list supplied to Denny contains all people that ONLY praise Metro/Merge and NO OTHER club!! And with this comment.. "Someone in dennys position should handle it in a more profesonial way." Are you kidding me with that??? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GO THERE WITH PROFESSIONALISM????
  18. Yeah, it's just like being back in high school!
  19. Not for nothing, but those were some harsh words to say about someone you are actually a fan of. Saying that you didn't like the type of music that was played would be one thing, but you went a tad beyond that and you should know better what will happen when you start a message like that!
  20. Really?? Were you there?? Because I was and I that's not what I experienced at all!! I don't know who your little "Denny hater" scouts are that you have going to all these places that Denny's plays to give you their bogus reviews, but they are wrong!! Saturday with Denny and Jason was all about new music and it was awesome! Why don't you get some balls and say the shit you type to Denny's face instead of typing messages on a board!! One word to describe you.. COWARD!!! If you are a promoter, or OWNER of a club, the only thing that you're proving in your posts is FAILURE!!! YOU'RE OWN FAILURE AND NO ONE ELSES.. IF YOU WERE SUCCEEDING AT YOUR JOB OR IF YOUR CLUB WAS PULLING NUMBERS, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE ANY NEED TO POST YOUR BULLSHIT LIES HERE AND PRY INTO PEOPLES PERSONAL LIVES! Well soon see who the failure is in the end. Denny has not been fired from ANYWHERE... He has chosen to leave each venue he has left ON HIS OWN, FOR HIS OWN REASONS! To be wanted by three different club owners in 3 months is hardly Failure. And for your information Denny was asked to play at Exit, he did not go "crawling back" for anything. Why don't you get your shit straight before you post on the board. YOUR DRAMAQUEEN SOURCES AREN'T GIVING YOU THE RIGHT INFORMATION AND THEY TOO SHOULD KNOW TO KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT!!!
  21. But about 6 months ago, that would have been just fine for you, right?
  22. Are you sure you were in EXIT??? Looked to me like everyone was having a great time!
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