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Posts posted by saynotodrama

  1. :bounce: Thanks Everyone!! :bounce:

    ... I will be celebrating on Friday at Joeys and then THE REAL celebration is Saturday night at World... then Factory :eek: where I will be sharing my fun with MissSF who's birthday is on FRIDAY! I couldn't ask for better friends to celebrate with!!!!

    Thanks also for the concern about the car, hopefully I will be driving my new car very very soon, but all this insurance nonsense takes forever!

  2. Actually Saleen ..you called her a C*** Today! This is from the post where she along with about 15 other people suggested you were the loser of the board!! Just in case you forgot....

    Posted by Saleen to Drama....

    "I don't think so cunt!!!!

    re you gonna stalk me this weekend..... "

    By the way, go to onetravel.com I hear there's special one way trips to Miami if you book between now and Friday!

  3. You have officially been called a Cunt by Saleen!!! You're one of us now! Don't get too upset. I promise, this, along with other heartbreaks and tragedies will pass in time. You will get over it ...trust me, WE DID!! It DOES take time though. If you feel the need to talk, please DO NOT hesitate to send me a PM... I am here for you!! If you're at Joey's on Friday, we can also chat there... In the back of the club you'll see a sign: COUNSELING FOR VICTIMS OF SALEEN. Looking forward to meeting you!

    With Love and Deepest Thoughts of Sorrow,


  4. Originally posted by saleen351

    Here is my opinion, your a fucking stalker!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    SALEEN.... WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH DRAMA??? OH... Let me guess she is just one of the hundreds of women you have resentment towards for not giving you the time of day, right?

    Get over yourself!! What did you miss the boat to Miami? Have fun in your MUSTANG listening to Diamond Girl... You'll fit right in!

  5. I was at World on Saturday. There weren't many people out on Saturday at all, I think people are still hesitant about partying in the city due to the obvious! Give it a few weeks and I think all the city clubs will be back to normal. As far as World is concerned, I think it's the best party in the city on a Saturday night (It's not afterhours so SF heads need not argue here). Great looking, older crowd that can handle themselves and Great Music. They ARE selective at the door, which I think NYC has been lacking somewhat, so I actually thing that's a good thing. Anyway, it's a great party with a fun and up-beat vibe/crowd!

  6. Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

    NO WAY, I remember. Weren't you holding the dog?? Do you remember our table, I remember you looking right at us because there was no way someone couldn't notice a table of 7 looking at you guys leaving....we all turned around when one of my girlfriends noticed it was Denny and I really don't know what he looks like so I stared......

    Check your PM's people get aggravated with "conversations"

  7. Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

    Hopefully they do come through with a nice hook up, just sucks that you probably have a beetle for a loaner now.

    I was with 4 guys and 2 girls, where you there that day? We were the table in the corner....when you walk into the sunny hunny you make a quick right and we were sitting in the corner. were u there? wow

    They gave me a brand new Jetta as a loaner but it has NO CD Player!! :mad: At Sunny Hunny I was at the chiuahua's table ... I was the one with the head full of braids, sort of resembling this guy :goofy: But my braids were longer!! :D

  8. Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

    SayNo, that is some real bad luck..are they going to pay off the car, they should.

    HOPEFULLY, I will be getting hooked up very nicely, but I have yet to find out exactly what's going to be done!

    Lukey.... labor day weekend.. remember the chiuhuaua at Sunny Hunny? Were you sitting at the booth across from us with 3 other gentlemen?

  9. A QUADRUPLE FU :finger: :finger: TO Volkswagen of Bernardsville

    During my oil change on Monday morning, my Passat "FELL OFF THE LIFT AND LANDED ON ITS ROOF ONTO ANOTHER CAR" :eek:

    MY CAR IS TOTALLED!!! That's the kind of luck I have...who's car falls off the lift and gets totalled? The service manager said in his 13 years there, he had never seen anything like it! :rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by bumparella

    Not trying to be a "bitch" :D BUT do you ever say anything that consists of more then ONE LINE???? :idea:

    You're like the king of "one liners"!!!

    Just observing. :confused: :confused:

    Not to mention the fact that you must have somekind of CLUBNYC alarm that goes off right at Noon because each and every day every single post between the hours of 12 and 2pm have YOUR name as the last to respond! You reply to EVERYTHING! The post could be about bok choy and you would reply:

    "that's a great vegetable!"

    Boredom Sucks HUH??? :worry:

  11. Originally posted by frankie23

    Hello to all my friends in the Bump Crew, Condo Crew, Twitty, and Fran.... This is Teddy Ruxpin the man with the stories... I must say that this summer was definitely one to remember, one that cannot be beaten... I'm proud that I made my "Comeback" and couldn't have done it without all of you... Including the "Rookie", she did a hell of a job...;) Wait I think I'm seeing Angels, oh sorry that's just Jay making sure the ceiling won't fall on us... Anyway back to what I was saying, each weekend was better than the next and boy that bus ride was one for the books"ABSOLUTELY"... Belles you did a wonderful job with that bus, you came through once again.... I'll be their for your B-Day, and so will the Rookie... Kermzy, I love that dance of yours and Rick, did Jen say something? Somebody's gettin Marreeed!!!!:)

    On a serious note, I'm happy that I met everyone and became friends with you guys. You all are the nicest people and I want to thank you for your hospatality at the Condo for afterhours... I enjoyed every weekend and am looking forward to continuing the party all winter long... Everyone keep in touch and stay safe....

    "I'M A RETARD".... was the quote of the summer...

    HEY!! Twitty here!! :D Definitely great meeting you the crew! You are too funny, one of my favorite memories was when you did the old tiger impression! My first bus ride experience was a most memorable one! "ABSOLUTELY!!!" Hopefully there will be many more memories to come, just because summer's over..doesn't mean the fun has to end!! (Just have to dress a little warmer that's all and Jump around like Kermzy to keep us warm!) :bounce: Love you all, Thanks for everything! :goofy:

  12. Originally posted by tempkid

    I'll start a new post every day to remind everybody it's my birthday. My dad is also buying me a 2001 saab.

    Thanks daddy

    THANKS!!! I AM CRYING HYSTERICAL RIGHT NOW!! YOU ARE TOO FUNNY! My birthday is coming too!! 20 Day's away...I guess I should have started my countdown about a month ago!! OOPS I forgot!! I will start now!! :tongue:

    I'll pick you up in the VIPER that MY dad buys me (since my birthday is first) and we'll hit every cool club and get as BANGED UP as we possibly can EVERY NIGHT From the Sunday before our birthday until the Sunday AFTER!! OK?? :worry:

  13. What Denny did on Sunday night was unbelievable!!! The crowd...all I gotta say is FINALLY a reaction Denny deserves!! That place was unreal!!

    Bump Crew...Thanks for making my summer so much fun!! I am so grateful to have met every one of you!! So many memories with you guys, but I must say...I DID think that bus was going to flip over on the way to Studio on Sat. Night with everyone dancing around!! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!! You were all too good to me... Thanks for the "Best Addition" title Twitty, I have never felt so welcomed...I am just so sad it's over, but this winter... "Afterhours my house!" :D

    Queen, Bump, Sin, Lady, Trikki, Fran26 Love you guys, thanks for a wonderful DRAMA-FREE Summer!!

    Denny...thank you so much for a wonderful summer!! I hope you know how much you are appreciated by so many people!!

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