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Posts posted by saynotodrama

  1. Originally posted by ladyeve

    No Denny at Roxy.Last thing NY needs is another jersey K head.

    The Roxy is all set up for fall and if all goes well it will be the only Ny venue with dance music truly in its interest.RIP TWILO.

    NOW I HAVE HEARD IT ALL! "the last thing NY needs is another 'Jersey K Head'?" What...as opposed to a NY K Head? NY K Heads are better, right? :rolleyes:

    Actually, it's not even an argument ...Denny is the LAST person I know that would do K!

  2. Originally posted by anthonyp

    Anyone else go? She and all her dancers are amazing performers. I was hoping for some of her old school songs, she only played 2-3, didn't matter, she is god:cool: :blown:

    Hey Anthony! I went on Monday night...she is absolutely FIERCE! I loved it...only thing I was disappointed in was the fact that it wasn't even an hour and a half long! Other than that...I had a great time! See you this weekend..I'm sure! :bounce:

  3. Originally posted by ceeotter

    Hello my dearest. Nice save on the dance floor Sat night:D :D

    Chris right next to me and would to msay hello to his dolphin friend. Can you put that noise into words?

    Um..THAT was last Saturday my dear..... one too many shots!! Damn slippery dance floor!!

  4. Originally posted by cmb1975

    ... But all the people wearing white was a little much!

    RIGHT, Cause it would have made MUCH more sense if all the people were wearing BLACK!:rolleyes:

    The whole point of a "White Party" is for everyone to come dressed in WHITE!

  5. Originally posted by thepulse

    Lets get the facts straight, look at the other post, I posted what I did because someone had no regret and chose to post a negative comment , I like some others on this board feel terrible about this. As for my social circle, the drunk was not a friend, just someone renting an apt below me.and his friend did everything to stop him except jump in front of the car. I have lost a family member to a drunk driver and in fact have made sure three people that had too much to drink this summer got home safely. As for my djing, love me or hate me I could care less, whenever you want to step into the booth we can talk.


  6. Originally posted by thepulse

    I thank all for the good points, I guess I will take back that hateful wish I just got a little fired up, it was an immature thing to do, by the way I normally don't post here because of all the negativity, and that was proven once again when a serious issue got turned into a pissing match but look to who started it for the negative person. I'm outta here to try to enjoy a weekend at the shore, Peace to all even Saynotodrama.

    HEY WAIT...You didn't tell me where to meet your two girlfriends... I'd LOVE to meet them, so I can "BITCH SLAP" some SENSE into them!

  7. Originally posted by trikki

    What's up with that asshole wishing tradgey upon others. Just because your life is tragic you shouldn't be wishing your misery on others.

    And I love the way that of course you were there to see the drunk guy get into the car. Hope you will be able to sleep tonight knowing that you could have stopped this terrible incident from hapenning to your "friend". Glad I am not in your social circle since you allow drunks to get behind the wheel.


  8. Originally posted by thepulse

    "I hope one day tragedy enters the life of someone you know"

    "I unlike some people have morals and a great regard for human life, whether I know the person or not" -the pulse

    Very contradicting statements here, I think you might have some identity issues.

    By the way, just an observation ...you're also the only DJ that has the time to post on here as much as you do! :grin3:

  9. Originally posted by thepulse

    Thanks everyone, but this is not my loss, but his family and friends loss, I did know the person's family, they live next to my best friend, for your info(saynotodrama), and his mother taught in my highschool, so Saynotodrama, the same person that said something about my spinning, say it to my face or go fuck yourself!!, A lot of people are saddened by the events and this person was very popular if you read the article, I am saddened by the fact that I knew the family and I also could've possibly prevented this tragedy. So if you think you have something to say to me, BRING IT and I will be sure to have one or two of my girlfriends BITCH SLAP you like the Bitch that you are! So keep sucking whatever dick it is your sucking and maybe that way you will keep your mouth shut!

    WHOA!:eek: Did I hit a nerve there buddy? Getting mighty defensive about my post regarding people in GENERAL. No where within my message did I state anything about YOU specifically, Mr. PULSE, however, judging by your reply YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, and now you try to defend yourself with WHO YOU KNOW! Well, tell me this...why would you have to "read the article" to know the kid was popular if you knew him/the family? EXACTLY! :worry: You're doing exactly what I stated in my message..."I did know the person's family, they live next to my best friend", "his mother taught in my highschool" YEAH SO, AND WHAT?!?!?! That is my POINT!

    And..PLEASE with your two girlfriends, already..who are you kidding?!?! EVERY SINGLE TIME I have seen you...You are not with anyone... You are the only DJ I have ever seen standing by himself all the time! WHATEVER... You get your two girlfriends and I'll get my two girlfriends and they'll bitch-slap each other ok?:zzz: Cause I do not deal with things like that! Have a splendid day, my friend! :finger:

  10. PLEASE........ Ever notice how when someone dies, EVERYBODY becomes their best friend.:rolleyes:

    I don't know why people do this, but so many do...like you saw the person in 7-11 last weekend, they smiled at you, the next week something terrible happens and you're all of a sudden friends with the kid! "I knew him, I was friends with him!" SAVE IT! ...It's horrible to try to get attention out of someone elses MISFORTUNE or even Death!

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