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Everything posted by saynotodrama

  4. I was eating Count Chocula before you were!
  5. Thats what i like about merge, they do different stuff. The shore clubs never really do anything different.
  6. NOW THIS IS SOME OF THE MOST RIDICULOUS SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!! It's one thing to say that a DJ is excellent but YOU are comparing apples to BOK CHOY HERE!!! YOU are the one that needs to get your facts straight...in fact, why don't you take a minute to do so and compare Denny's career in the past ten years to A-Z's career in the past ten years. I think Bumparella said it best, so I need not say any more on this STUPID topic. OH except for Have a Nice Day! PS: MUZIKA...WHY DON'T YOU ASK A-Z WHICH CLUB HE SPENT THE PAST THREE SATURDAY NIGHTS BEFORE HIS DEBUT AT MERGE?? Hmmmm..I WONDER? I heard he had to sharpen his pencil FOUR TIMES...taking notes so hard!
  7. Did you ever think of possibly changing the TIME of the posts to EST instead of GMT?? Just a thought!
  8. It's SLAMMIN! but everyone seems to be more banged up on Sundays than on Saturday! :goofy:
  10. Gay Guy: "Oh! Well, it says plastic here, because I was good at that! I used to wrap my friends in plastic and beat them with a stick...for a nightclub gig!" MEANWHILE, I THINK I ACTUALLY SAW THIS HAPPEN AT LIMELIGHT BACK IN '92 Disco 2000:eek:
  11. You would THINK I was asking to go to IBIZA! I'll remember this TWITTY!
  12. "Listen, he said bad, awful things and I fell down the stairs and MY SHOES FELL OFF!"
  13. STOP at Vinyl on the way down to the beach CAUSE I'M JONESIN'! MS. CLEO ..CALL ME RIGHT NOW! JONESING!
  14. naaaaaaaa...ya think? Either that or some WHORE with absolutely NO respect for herself!
  15. OH..MY "OTHER" OTHER HALF...How's traffic lookin' for the Lincoln and Holland
  16. I HATE IT, but I guess like everything else...I will have to get used to it!
  17. Denny will be at Tempts this summer. I believe he will continue to play at World until Memorial Day. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  18. I went last friday and I was very impressed with what they have done with the place. If I weren't leaving for Miami tonight I would definitely be there to hear Teo spin, he is absolutely amazing. You definitely won't be musically disappointed at Image tonight. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  19. Last year vouchers were given out that you had to redeem at Tempts on any of the first three weekends Tempts was open. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  20. Um...who's DJing? ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  21. OK...I REALLY didn't want to touch this post because of it's somewhat ridiculous nature HOWEVER...NOW I feel the need to, but only to correct YOU tinkertoy (YOU want to talk about sceen names?)! Here we go... First of all... The whole abyss party thing was complete sarcasm and NOTHING else, so hypocrites? aaaahh...how about NO! Second...How well DO you know Denny? What are you his cousin? Here's a little FYI for YOU...In case you didn't notice, this topic began on March 15th. Since it's March 21st that would make the duration of this on-going nonsense approximately 6 days. IF you know him so well, you would KNOW that he was only in Cancun for ONE NIGHT. So your comment saying he IS/was? ...well, missknowitall...he IS NOT still there. I am surprised you didn't know that since you know his so well...I guess your medal is RETIRED!! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  22. looma, it's obvious you have no idea what you are talking about-as usual. When is the last time you even heard JP@ the factory or DT. Lets list some places were we can find these two DJ'S: Sound Factory World Temps Lets see where we can find your dj of choice, DJ majic juan: Kamisloppies Tickets Backyard parties.. hmmmmmmm Need I say more Sorry but YOU'RE the one who has no idea....Danny Tenaglia does not work at any of the three clubs you mentioned! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
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