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Everything posted by saynotodrama

  1. THAT'S CRAZY SIN!!!! I don't know yet if I am going ...I am going to Twilo on Sunday and I might need some rest before that night. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  2. Yeah...I got quite the shout out at World on Saturday, I almost forgot...thanks!!! NICE to go to TWILO...Meanwhile, I didn't get home until 1:30pm!! You missed a good night!! Although..Junior turned off the music and did a nice 5 minute lecture on Georgia Home Boy and how he does't want people doing it in his club, he doesn't want people bringing in his club and he doesn't want people doing it before they go to his club....He likes his job and doesn't want to lose it because they have to shut down the club due to too many overdoses from Georgia.. so STOP IT..he said...anyway, I thought of you!!! hehe..Are you going to World this weekend? ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  3. Tempkid...may I suggest Hooked On Phonics? I think we learned to spell the days of the week in like first grade...MAYBE Second, but WENSEDAY is spelled as follows: WEDNESDAY!! And it's not a typo because you did it twice! But HEY...look at the bright side, you got FRIDAY RIGHT!!! hehe..no offense bro I am just in a silly mood...seriously I think all these mind altering drugs are really screwing people up! We can't even spell anymore...GEEZ!!! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  4. THAT was the FUNNIEST analogy I have ever heard!!!! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  5. HEY...YOU WOULDN'T HAPPEN TO WORK FOR A BROKERAGE FIRM WOULDJA? I don't think you're girlfriend would appreciate the "mad ladies" comment. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  6. Couldn't agree more, and for some reason he is the most under-rated and least recognized DJ for the amount of talent that he has (IMO)! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  7. EASY GIRLS...Anthony is good people! He's been to world plenty of times...All he was saying is that it was hot in there, which we all know is not far from the truth...there have been plenty of times I have been at World and wished I was a guy so that I could remove some layers!! And I think we would bitch just as much as every other person about the coat check, lines, etc. but we have some luxuries that I think we take for granted sometimes. Imagine having to put up with the bouncers and other staff of the World ..you know how it is!!! I am so thankful of my close friends and all you guys do for me...you know who you are! Love you so much, more than you know...even though I tell you 30 times every saturday night when the flinstones come and get me! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  8. ANYTHING by Dave Matthews Band touches me like no other... ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  10. YOU GO GIRL....50 more posts and you will BE OLD SKOOL BABY! (I'm sure you'll be there by tomorrow!) hehe ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  11. EASY HONEY..with the "sweaty fag" remark!! Soundfactory is Twilo for straight sweaty guys with a Horrible sound system and an even worse DJ! MY OPINION OF COURSE THOUGH! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  12. Limelight...Disco2000 (YES ...WITH MY STOMPS, DAMNIT!) I was 16 or 17 ...Dunno...92-94 I guess somewhere around there. I wish clubs could still be like that, Palladium, Expo, USA...THOSE were the days. Astro Earl...EEK! ALL THOSE FREAKS USED TO SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME , but at the same time, I loved it!!! I went to limelight a few months ago and was disgusted at what I saw in there! Just not the same, I think when they re-opened it, they should have re-named it or something! I don't know..LIMELIGHT was LIMELIGHT! What's over there on 6th and 20th isn't LIMELIGHT. Just my opinion though! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  13. World is definitely the place for an older, classier crowd. Beautiful people, no one looking completely looking out of their element! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  14. What is your age, sisah? ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  15. EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! You're gross! Sin doesn't go both ways (as far as I know) so sad news for you, but you're barking up the wrong tree...I know she's gorgeous but GEEZ!! She ain't down with the carpet! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  16. Oh Yeah I do..."Mr. Happi...Always Happi" How could I forget, wasn't he Tsettos' Number one fan for a while? What ever DID happen to him? ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  17. SERIOUS QUESTION!! No JOKE, No DRAMA.. Just curious to know how old you are? Please Answer honestly. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  18. In addition to his GU CD's Tourism is also a suggestion. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  19. ok....that's horseshit because I was there the same morning for about an hour and a half and heard not one but TWO records! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  20. I would rather see Junior for $125, and stand on an hour long coat check line than see JP for two dollars!! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  21. Oooooooooooooooh...a "newbie" whatta know!!! MIND YOUR BUSINESS TINKERSKANK! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  22. Yeah...WTF are those things supposed to be? ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  23. I think Vervin KNOWS all of the people personally that he posted about. ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  24. Ok...that's the funniest visual I have gotten all day!!! We'll need motorcycles too!!! Denny's Motorcycle Bitch Posse in full effect!!!! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
  25. Listen ravegirl...I think your pacifier is stuck somewhere it doesn't belong.... If you look at the original topic and who posted it, you might be able to decipher the fact that this has obviously NOTHING to do with you and is an issue between Worldboy and Bumparella. Why you felt the need to stick your happy little ecstacy, why all the fighting, let there be PLUR bullshit all over this post is beyond me. Actually, the reason is probably because you're like 15 (hence your name) because most underage people frequent raves because their bouncer boyfriends can't get them into the places where the big kids hang out! And don't give me the "don't judge a book by its cover" story because I have already heard it! SO ZIP IT Little raverat! ------------------ "Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!
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