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Everything posted by unclebuc

  1. For someone who is known to pass out after drinking a sixer of wine coolers, you talk an awful big game......Bring it Old man Mahwah!!!!!!!
  2. Serge, I think its obvious that most people don't like it.....Just read the all of the above post, well except the two from the village idiot. Buc
  3. the music is gonna suck unless your there on a holiday weekend!!!!!!
  4. This fucking board is so Pro-Tempts and Anti-Everything Else that it is a joke....... MDW Merge was packed. Richie was killing the place like he does everyweek at Metro and Merge. I wasn't there last weekend but the weekend before EVERY club....I'll say it again......EVERY CLUB was EMPTY on saturday. Say what you want about the set up at merge, but i happen to love it. George is the best bartender in the tri-state area. Petey is cool and down to earth. I am so sick of this Tempts vs. Merge bullshit. Some of you complain about Richie playing madonna everyweek.....How bout the fact that Denny has been playing Relentless for the past 4 years non-stop. Jesus Christ if I hear those damn horns one more time, I think I am gonna explode. Every Juice head from Brooklyn to Cape May is in tempts with no shirts on. Assholes throwing water on each other to another song that was played out three summers ago..... Now go ahead and say what you want.....Everyone has different tastes in music and clubs....Just fucking go out this weekend and have a good time.....Wheter its at Merge, Tempts, XS, bamboo, Djais, Bar A....Have fun and be safe!!!!!
  5. Testicles in Tupperware man says he's done 50 castrations Michigan police investigating a suspect who allegedly cut off a man's testicles say he's performed 50 castrations. They were alerted to the 29-year-old from Oak Park when his latest kitchen table operation went wrong. Police found the man's 48-year-old 'patient' sitting on a kerb in blood-stained jeans. He told police he'd been voluntarily castrated in a nearby house where police found two testicles in a Tupperware container in the fridge. According to the Detroit Free Press, police say the suspect told them he's done castrations in the US and in his previous home in Australia. Investigators aren't releasing either man's name until they decide whether a crime was committed. Lieutenant Bruce Smith said: "I can't even imagine this. It's bewildering to me." The pair met on the internet. The 'patient' is out of hospital and recovering after several hours of surgery. Police have released the 'surgeon'. Jim Halushka of the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office says you can't commit a criminal assault on a consenting person. He added: "This makes no sense. This is just too weird."
  6. Please get rid of the foam....EVERYONE hates that Shit.... But I'll be there.....
  7. The Alliance are all fags......I heard you guys hang out in Chelsea, not the jersey shore!!!!!!!
  8. I am probably the only one here who can't stand tempts and really can't stand Denny....Thats why I avoid both!!!!!!
  9. the drink is called ADIOS MUTHERFUCKER
  10. Hey Silly Faggot....yeah you......Notallthere........I'm gonna kick your teeth in pal!!!!!!!
  11. Well, maybe if you knew how to spell, people would understand what the fuck you are always talking about....Go back and read what you first wrote...I am no english major but there are a ton of fucking mistakes in that post. If you want to meet me, all you have to do is ask...I don't hide from no one.......Hell, ill even buy you a drink
  12. Merge Pizza......Please...Saleen.....get some new material.....or better yet...get a rug for that bald head of yours.....Oh and your so fucking cool with having insider info, you should have your own column in the NY post. Notallthere is not even worth responding too. he is a fucking idiot, who contributes nothing to this board, and society in general.
  13. I was in seaside all weekend and all the clubs were empty. It was a slow weekend. Surf Club Sunday was the only place that was packed. Saleen, Why don't you shut the fuck up already about the merge staff. They are probably the best down the beach. I'll put george up against any bartender in the tri-state area. Pete is a nice guy who is friendly to everyone You are in Florida, so I don't see how you can make comments about the jersey shore anymore. Your opinion is worth as much as these little promoters that you bash. DT is probably the best dj in the world and you claim that he sucks. You have said it yourself that you have never been to vinyl, so just keep your mouth shut already. Thank you and have a nice day, Buck
  14. www.nightclubcity.com has all the info that you are looking for!!!!!
  15. yeah george, thanks again for everything on saturday. We all had a great time. Buck
  16. yo brian, good seeing you saturday. Merge was fun. I owned the bar once again. george fears buc!!!!!!!
  17. I have been to vegas a number of times and not once have I heard a good dj out there. I never heard kimbell Collins, so I have no comment but every vegas dj that I have heard spins Breakbeats and that shit would not fly down the beach. There is a good reason why vegas clubs fly in new york dj's all the time....Cause they don't have anyone worth shit out there.
  18. Jerry, Your review means absolutely nothing because you promote for the place. Let people who have no monetary involvement with South Park give their reviews.
  19. HBK won't be wrestling, atleast not right away. he is there to boost the ratings. www.pwtorch.com
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