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Everything posted by wakeup

  1. yes its my friends little brother, little 19 yr old punk who is quite funny
  2. more like how gay and i actually agree with saleen
  3. i think ud bash them under ur real name, jsut like i have done int he past
  4. i heard about this a few weeks ago, no way it ever catches on
  5. dj rage-back to darkness..possibly but knowing who spun last night i doubt it
  6. yea i made it up just like iu make up shit every day about who u know and what u got
  7. wakeup

    song ID

    benny banissi-satisfaction
  8. this guy cracks me up posts everywhere threatenin people and brags about what hes got and hes a world traveler meanwhile he doesnt realize what a fag he soundslike making a name after a foreign weightlifter
  9. its a lost cause but still me sayin a track blows is voicing an opinion, people shouldnt take it to heart cause i sure as shit dont and can careless if someone likes a track i like or vice versa. oh well im done with this
  10. how right i was jsut figured tomo he would. another tough guy who has to say hes 1 loaded and 2 beat someone up cant wait, caus eu know im such a little shit
  11. i bet the big high rollin queer pyrrosdimas chies in 2 this
  12. ok so basically u jsut said people cant have their opinions unless they submit something 1st :laugh: sorry i even tried to be civil with u
  13. so basically its not ok to say "such and such blows" but its ok for some clown to say "yea satisfaction or lets get ill track of the summer" which we did see and were all very wrong lol. they are both the same thing people giving their opinions which is exactly what this board as well as the country are about which sounds stupid but its tru. also not for nothing i gave up posting lists a while back on here, im not a moderator u guys are somewhat asked to stir up topics and discussions, which u dont do. i personally dont care either way but maybe instead of also always being negative like u say i am and tech u shouldnt jump the gun moving shit to the drama knowing ur just gonna start more shit.
  14. mindfag all kididin aside was there any reason to move the top vocal thread. i think u do it jsut to try to make urself feel useful and happy u can control something. cause 1 there wasnt any drama and 2 u contribute ZERO to the music section, so maybe if you actually did something besides every couple of nights comin on here goin " oh this is moved to DRAMA" maybe u wouldnt feel that some people " fuck with u". right away all u people bitch and moan when someone says a track sucks or blows, which hate to break to u most of the those tracks do.
  15. i with many others have been laughin at u for a long time on here, the icing ont he cake was u becominn a moderator which i so wish i made that thread goin back nominatin u
  16. uh oh that must be the psycho in him :laugh:
  17. wow u and dave the waves dickrider are some funny guys
  18. im laughin with u right to the bank
  19. http://www.ktu.com/onktu/playlist.html
  20. and i why do u get fucked with cause ur a fucking whining little leach, just like u whined tonight. i think ur the one who needs to grow and take ur tampon out
  21. hobby :laugh: mindfag has a hobby posting on a messageboard with the power to move threads as a moderator see mindfag lucky for me i get PAID to spin, get paid to do other work in the industry and not only do i buy vinyl but i get a nice load of shit free once or twice a week. so enjoy ur little hobby on the internet u clown
  22. i guarantee i make more than u spinnin 1 night than u do working for one weeks pay, if u even do work :laugh:
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