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Everything posted by wakeup

  1. wakeup

    Top Ten

    mindfag gets tons of prereleases and promos way ahead of everyone
  2. kevin hes to underground
  3. i agree to an extent cause we all know no everyone is a fucking dj now. ur arguement about the rippers is right along the lines i stated for the most part. people forget everyone is spoiled now cause in the past they had to wait to buy a compilation w/ tracks anywhere from 6 months to a yr old or pick up the latest sf vs. exit cd for maybe some newer tracks:blown: now everyone expects to get the next hottest track within a couple of weeks if not sooner. this whole thing is like beaten a dead horse. gets no where till someone in the industry makes a huge statement some how some way against mp3s. by either winnin some kind of court case or some agreement maybe thru mediation for file sharing to actually crackin down and changin the trend
  4. they will never understand, until they actually charge for DLs or u have these idiot djs, or whoever who rip vinyl/cdr and give it to everyone nothing will change and will cont. to get worse for the labels
  5. yea cause people arent sick of la la land, yet alone want to hear it in any form..... ur so clueless, oh wait you have me on block right :laugh:
  6. no its not....... the party is in williamsburg, its exit 32 (metropolitan ave) off the bqe thats all i know off hand, cause i have a few friends who have lofts there.
  7. i see no humor in it either but i do see humor in a bunch of african americans shooting at each other over a car accident w/ one being named freaky zeeky. i guess u feel humor in pain with ur pic of jeter though
  8. wow he spun a whole 2 hours
  9. who the fuck is freaky zeeky :laugh: they said zapped and run over i gotta get me one of those huge chains
  10. u can take them out of the jungle but cant take the jungle out of them
  11. stop following me, actually me and him always bash the same idiots on here so id like ot meet him, but im not stickin around past 7am cause i have to do another loft later on
  12. i'll be spinnin there, what time u getting there cause ill put u on a list
  13. i will pm on monday, cause ill be gone for the weekend
  14. we like some of the same stuff but very very little
  15. its not that i dont think, i tried a bunch of times and been told its cause i have a splitter for my MAC, my laptop and xboxlive. no one can figure it out yet so annoying since new yrs i can receive/send shit maybe once a week if im lucky.
  16. possibly if my transfers would ever work, i tried to send him some stuff on mon or so
  17. :laugh: yea but come on its not like "so strong" is tough to get being 2 yrs old and all over the place. lets see him get some real tracks;)
  18. have u gotten any pms?? ive goten like 5 in the past 2 days asking for tracks i told them to contact u :laugh:
  19. dan all i get now is tribal, nothing buy fuckin tribal so if u want some tribal let me know, tribal is the in thing
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