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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by kove

  1. There's pirates all over the place, I'm sure. I haven't been home in a LONG time, so I'm not sure what dial positions, etc. Soon, though, they won't be pirate. The FCC has passed all but one piece of legislation that will allow Low power FM to be run legally. That'll be a good day. As for the three groups? Well, in Chi, I know that there's CBS/Infinity, Bonneville, Clear Channel and I think Cox. I'm sure that there's a couple of mom & pop's left, but not many. Radio all accross the US is being run by about a 10 group circle. Cumulus and Clear Channel are the biggest culprits right now. Clear Channel has 800~ stations, while Cumulus is near 300, though all of Cumulus' stations are small-medium market. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. kove


    I've had bi experiences, but I don't think that I'd classify myself as such. I'm not open, necessarily, to the idea of a relationship with a man. If I were, then I'd classify myself as bi. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. Brandie, If I head to NY, I'm hooking up with you, girl! All of my friends are all about going home at 3am. Hell, even where I'm at now (middle of nowhere), my club doesn't close until 5 on Fri & Sat. I forgot one thing on the drugs, though. I can't say I have -one- favourite, because hippy and candy flipping are equally my two favourite things to do. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. Female vocal, progressive house. She stops dead in the middle of the song and speaks "Y'all had enough yet?". Any ideas? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. kove


    I'm all about Dreaming. I think that you're right on track with what it shows. BT has a ton of talent, and it took a song as complex as Dreaming to truly show it. I'm looking forward to hearing what he'll do to follow it. Dreaming is very deep, both vocally and musically, so it's going to leave some BIG shoes behind. One of the ways that I can see how well a song is liked out of the box is to see, if any, who is remixing it. So far, I've only seen a couple of mixes floating, and they weren't that much different. To me, that says that BT had a VERY solid start, and a remix would only take away from what is already there. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. kove

    Hey Kitty19

    That's it! That's where I heard it! I found a copy of that song on Napster, but it was cut from a mix, so it sounded like shite. I'll have to go grab that Oaky mix, though. That vocal's just haunting. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. Howwww diiiid you....howww diiid you get here... -Still- dig that song. She's got such great vocals. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. Ahhhh, Chi-town radio. Gotta love it. My pop's the VP of programming for Bonneville. They own WTMX, The Loop and Windy 100. in Chi. Ok, so Loop and Windy are fairly lame, but TMX is strangely hip. That's what he's pushing for, though. He wanted to make a station that would "make mom feel cool". ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. kove


    Never been there, but I will. I can't wait to trance out to a Med sunrise... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. kove


    I've gotta butt in on this one. You know what's strange to me? In my day job, I'm in radio. It's my job to convey a message, be it in a commercial or on air. Not to blow my own horn, but I'm good at it. I have awards and plaques everywhere for awards that I've won. What amazes me, though, is that I can't for the life of me put my feelings on paper. I guess that's why my sets (club dj, too) are so emotional. I'm not ashamed to admit that a song or a melody can bring me to tears. When I look out at a sea of people, all of them grasping for the next beat, that's my emotion. I may not be able to put it into words very well, but if you'll listen to me play, then you'll know how I feel. Anyway, just my unsolicited words. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. kove

    You lost that

    But I always close my eyes, and there's TONS o' tenderness in my fingertips... Wait, that's another pill thing... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. kove

    are you...

    Depends. Are you listening or looking? Not that I think myself ugly, far from it in fact, but my voice or my music are what most people prefer. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. kove

    I can't...

    Sad and true. They are usually the ones wearing ripped Levi's, Cons and a Metallica t-shirt. Often found driving mid-80's Camaro's with 6x9 speakers in boxes on the rear shelf. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. kove


    Caly, hun... I wasn't intending to be mean or nuthin. I was just addin my comment. No hard feelings, hun? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. Danny Tenaglia, Frankie Bones (what would we be playing if the Warehouse had never been?), Junior Vasquez, Richie Hawtin, Digweed (how can you doubt the importance of Heaven Scent?). Who -will- be a legend? Here's my thoughts: Vasquez - Junior's so good, he'll make himself a legend AGAIN. Sasha Oakenfold Barry from Thunderpuss. Ever heard him just be a dj? Amazing. BT Kove. Hey, a guy can dream, right? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. frankie, chill, my musically-inclined friend. I think tranza was joking, thus the ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. kove

    I can't...

    Damn, I just realized. I missed my chance for the cheese lines. With a response like that, I was -supposed- to say things like "I don't believe you, Brandy. You'll have to get me pictures of the various body parts mentioned". Ain't retrospect a bitch? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. kove

    I can't...

    *sigh* Sure, just tease me. You know, about a week ago I decided to get back into this shite full force. Maybe it's time for a trip to NY... Only problem is, I'd have to find a job, and I'm not quite NYC club caliber...lol. One of these days, but not yet. Maybe I can get a gig polishing the tone arms on the players at Cheetah. Or...maybe not... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. kove

    I can't...

    Wanted: Amazing brunette who either works in/understands club lifestyles. Willing to put up with a Dj who spends way too much time dreaming of fame, all while playing with stacks and stacks of DJ toys. Must be able to put up with the stigma that comes from being a "dj's girl", and understand that it is more than a job. Preferred statistics: Brunette Height - iddy biddy, teeny tiny Eyes - no concern, but prefer blue Weight - iddy biddy, teeny tiny (no offense, just a personal preference) Breasts - Smallish. B-cup preferred. Musical preference - from Armande to Amadeus Boy...I don't want much, do I? Anyway, that's what -I- can't get enough of. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  20. In the words of one of the greatest songs ever made - "A little bit of ecsatcy..." Ok, so it's my gf's stage name, too, but it's still my fav. I've not done too many of the other "club drugs", though. I've done heroin, meth, coke, acid, shrooms and pot (hate that stuff). I've never had access to GHB or K, though. I don't think I'd do GHB anyway. K doesn't sound too appealing, either. I really enjoy the feeling that a good roll gives. The ability to snap back to reality is nice, too. I can't function on most other drugs. There's just something about sitting in a blacklit room, some amazing trance playing and a sweet roll. I don't know when I'll give this up... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  21. *drool* Love the quote, Met4z. Quite fitting, don't you think? B2B is right, Leary has some HUGE cojones (sp?). I know that, if I look at myself, I see me in a whole different light than I used to. I don't know that it's ever been a bad thing. Scary, at times, but never bad. I guess the most frightening thing about looking from the 3rd person is that you see who you really are. The last time I rolled, I spent about 3 hours on the comedown just wondering what it is that I really want in this life. I've found it, now it's just time to make it happen. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  22. kove

    Hey Kitty19

    Reference your quote, "turn it around baby". I've heard a song with those words. Female vocal, very slow. I can't, however, remember -where- I heard it. Care to solve my mystery? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  23. As a roller and intense trance addict, I have only one big request - F R E E W A T E R ! ! ! C'mon, owners, let's get real here. In my club, we charge $.50/bottle and STILL make a profit. Your distributors should be giving you a price of around $.15/unit on bottled water. If you're paying more than that, check your local liquour laws and see if you can sell it from bulk stuff that you've bought at Sam's Club or some other bulk retailer. In fact, depending upon your state, bottled water sales MIGHT not even be regulated. When you look at the grand scope of things, you might end up saving money (if not a little face) for giving water away. If you have a hot club, and end up having people pass out every week, eventually you're going to lose customers. Keep them coming back and feeling safe by providing a service that could keep them healthy. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. Yup. As religious as I was about my music, and the feeling that it gave people, it's even more intense now. Even when I'm not rolling, I get wicked emotional about a great rave scene. Hell, I got goosebumps listening to Heaven Scent the other day. Here's a trippy one. Go see Groove. Sit and watch it without getting pissed off, nearly crying or dancing. If you can do that, then one of two things is certain. Either E hasn't changed you, or you're dead. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  25. For a butt of one of the "sisters", I'll be a pain anytime. Me, show up? Sure! You're buying the plane ticket, right? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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