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Everything posted by kove

  1. Just joking about not being able to post them, right? C'mon, lec, we all know you have the x'ers sitting around, just begging to be posted. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. kove

    Read this.

    This was found when I went link chasing today. It's a girl named Katy who works for ravegear.com. I've no idea if she wrote this, or if she found it somewhere, but I certainly couldn't have said it any better myself. Sorry that it's so long, but it's well worth it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology. Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none. Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be. You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You may be unaware of our existence. We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you. We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children. We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself. We are The Massive. One Massive. We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother's heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring. We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it, we came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal. And somewhere around 35Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these initial realizations that each of us was truly born. We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you've abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night. Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it's purest, most intense, most hedonistic form. In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilize and secure for us. We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackles and restraints you've put on us for your own peace of mind. We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born. Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels. Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourish ourselves with our own capable hands. Programming that tells us to close our minds, instead of open them. Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of a world you've created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect. Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence. But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party. You don't have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end. I am a raver, and this is my manifesto. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. kove

    Hey B2B

    I'll def. be up in Chi on Fri night. Dunno if I'm going out, though, since I have to be in Rosemont for the interview at 9am. If I do, I'll be at Cro, most likely. BTW, what's the going roll price right now? Around here, we're paying from 15-25, depending upon who gets them and what they are. If I get this job, I'm just staying in Chi. My dad's company has a condo downtown, so I've already made plans with them to just crash there until I get an apt. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. *sigh* Yet another way that the kids of today will never have a chance to experience. I'm not all for turning everyone into a roller. Even though, if everyone could be as PLUR'd as my group, the world would be a great place. The fact is, though, that they'll most likely not have the chance to see what's out there. It's kinda sad, really. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Brandie, www.5htpdirect.com I'm tellin' ya, girl, you'll roll. If you'd truly give anything for just one more, then give 15 bucks and buy a bottle. Get the fortified ones, though, that have vitamin b in them. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. I've never been terribly close with the majority of my family, so I hold my friends in VERY high places. I have a group of about 15 that are known as "the family". Very literally, we love each other like fam, and always will. We roll together almost every weekend, and it's always a fantastic experience. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. *drool* Oakey's gonna be in Chi? Hells yes I'll be there! That's the day after my b'day, too. What a present. Just hope that this job thing comes thru and I'm able to move back home. Even if not, on my b'day will be 1 year at my present company, so I can take a vacation day or 3 to come back home. Yeah, def. gotta meet up. I'll be the roller in the corner with the drool out of the side of his mouth as Oakey spins. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. met4z, Dude, the pic thing was cool. I just wish that the pricks of the world would find better places to show their nuts. I don't think that any of us that you know well had -any- problem with you posting. In fact, that's the shit, bro. It's always cool to see party pics. If some other dude gets his rocks off by slamming you, then just ignore it. As far as I'm concerned, and I think most would agree, pics and such are all good here. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Yeah, girl. Rolling every day for 5 weeks would SCREW your system. I roll every weekend, usually 3 pills/night. Some 5-htp trypto helps me get back to normal. Be careful. Most of all, HAVE FUN. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. Hey newbie, In case you haven't noticed, there's a pretty decent vibe that happens on this board. It's called PLUR. Maybe you should look at it sometime. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. Wise man once say - No matter how good s/he looks right now, someone, somewhere, is tired of puting up with his/her shit. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. kitty, hun, you've GOTTA try rolling with 5-htp. I won't roll without it now. It increases your roll (or in your case could actually get you one) and helps to keep you from killing ALL of your seratonin. Believe me, girl, it's worth it. My rolls have been so hard the past 3 weeks. I literally have gotten to the point of worthless. I'll do the 3rd pill of the night, and my group of friends just looks and waves. They know that I"m about to reach trance heaven. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. As usual, I have to agree with B2B. I have a friend that has the same problem. She actually takes quarters. We've tried all different combos and such, but this just works for her. Play around a bit, but it sounds like you're getting your ass kicked right now. Imagine if that was what rolling did to you -all- the time. Then you'd be me. I get rolled out and I'm worthless. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. Awesome work, all of you! Nothing makes me more happy to be part of PLUR than to know that we understand what's happening to our bodies. My friends call me Obi when we roll. They say that I've rolled enough to be the Obi Wan Kenobi of roll parties. I take what I've experienced over the time that I've done it, and just help them thru it. Sometimes, the best thing that you can do for a friend doesn't come from a book. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be there. If they're having a funky roll, or going too hard, you just being there and walking them thru it is the best med's of all. Ok, that was -way- too Kodak moment... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. No personal exp, but try www.pillreports.com ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. I get dopey if I eat less than 3 hours before I drop. 5-htp could help, too. Get the good stuff from www.5htpdirect.com You won't regret it. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. *grin* I'm counting the seconds, man, believe me. Dunno if I'll go out Fri, since I have to be in Rosemont by 9am on Sat. If I do, though, it'll prolly be to the Dog, or maybe Cro. Wish I could stay until Sun, though...*pout* Oh well, all things come in time. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. Weed is a hard drug that does serious damage to your body? Since when? True, loss of Seratonin isn't a good thing, but it's easily replacable. What about the people who lose a liver, or have thousands of detatched brain cells from alcohol? Brain cells, up to this point, have not been found to grow back. I don't think that people are comparing the drugs themselves, I think it's an issue that we should be free to choose, as we are with drugs that already have long-term, proven and -very- bad side effects. Most people who have medical problems from Ecstacy are succeptable to other alergens as well. The majority of those who have problems are partly to blame themselves. They drop E, then go dance for hours in a hot club, don't drink enough water and then blame the drug for their heat stroke. Don't let the "words" of others influence you. Find out for yourself. As it stands, you've only posted a working draft for anti-drug campaigns. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. Seconding B2B's comment. Detroit was, is and always will be the home of Techno as we define it. Most of my tastes were semi-industrial: Front 242, early Praga, Lords of Acid, Frontline Assembly. Life was...interesting back then. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  20. kove

    I love my dick!

    I thought I told you never to call me that here... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  21. Woot! I'll be in town this Friday and Saturday, but I have to come back before Sat. night. I'm in town for an interview with United Airlines, and it looks quite promising. I might finally have found my way back home!!! ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  22. kove

    I love my dick!

    ROFL! Well...ummm...congratulations. I guess... *confused* ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  23. A friend of mine gave a great description of her E experience. She was a first-timer this weekend, so we played with her all night. The next day, I ask her what she thought - "It's like a 5 hour orgasm, but without the mess." LOL. I love it! ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. Nearly every new rap song that comes out. I have respect for the old school stuff, especially since so much of today's music is based from it and disco. Anything that speaks in "ebonics". Try a real language. Most progressive cheese house. I do like Unspeakable Joy, though... *duck* Anything from Eiffel 65 that's been on the radio. Too Much of Heaven, Your Clown and The Edge don't suck...too much. Thunderpuss Anthems. I'm SO FUCKING SICK OF THE SAME GOD DAMNED SHIT IN EVERY REMIX. Beat-build-climax-vocal drop-beat. How about some points for originality? Zombie Nation. Just because it's played out. For that matter, here's my "played way to fucking much" list: The Thong Song Back That Azz Up Drop It Like It's Hot Damn near every fucking R&B piece of shit that's new this week. Ok, so I'm a progressive and goa trance junkie, so sue me. About the only rap that I've heard that gets respect is from people like Roots. The first Wu Tang album was sweet, too. It's the off the wall shit that I like. This 'made for radio' bullshit is weak. And that's coming from someone that's worked in radio for the past 7 years. Give it a rest. That's why clubs exist, so we don't have to hear the same shit that's on the radio all day. Ok, this has turned into a novel. I digress. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  25. *pulls out his slappin' stick* Bah! No answer for you until you distinguish your definition of 'techno'. That's like saying 'electronica'. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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