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Everything posted by kove

  1. kove

    keep your hair...

    I wasn't all about bald eagles until recently. I'm still VERY turned on by the li'l line. What's that called? Brazilian, I think? Gotta agree with Dede, too. I won't go into details, but you get the point. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. *sigh* Well, I tried. You have to give me that much. I started out late, around 5ish. No problem, I'll still make it. Car problems in Mt. Vernon, it's now 7. Ok, I'll pay to get in. Flat tire on 294. It's now midnight. I'm fucked. Interview went good the next day, though. I actually got some sleep, and I think I've got the job. More details soon. Anyone know of some REALLY cheap apartments? Even if I don't get this job, I've got a Sunday Trib sitting here and I -will- get up there within the next week or two. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. kove

    Could I hold you...

    Damn. Hey, can't blame a guy for trying, right? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. kove


    The li'l fishies are usually a very good roll. We got a batch from St. Louis about 3 weeks ago. No dopey, all roll. Short (2 hours), but VERY intense. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. kove

    Could I hold you...

    *points to the "location" section of his profile* It's gonna be Chicago again soon, though. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. kove


    Hey guys, sorry for the lack of replies. I left the office and had to get some stuff ready for our guest dj at my club this weekend. Ok, I'll have to remember where Red is. Dunno that I've ever been there. I'm still not sure what time I'll get there, as I don't know what my sleep schedule's looking like. I'm -trying- to leave here at 2p, which will put me into the city at around 7p. Let's call it 8, though, for traffic's sake. That is if I don't fall asleep at the wheel. Either way, I'll def be at Cro by 10:30, barring death, of course. I'd love to meet up for drinks, but like I said, it depends on how the timing goes. B2B - If I'm coming in on 57/Dan Ryan, would it be easiest to just head downtown, or should I catch 294 and go around? I'll be totally lost for a few minutes, just so you know. I haven't -driven- in Chi since I was 17...lol. Gotta love Metra. If it's easier, drop me an email. I'm assuming you still have my addy. Ok, I think that should cover it. Hopefully my cell will stop acting up by then. Damn this area. I can't get PCS down here, so my old Nokia just comes and goes as it pleases. DAMMIT! I NEED A JOB IN CHI! Ok, I'm better now. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. Money's on the right track here. I really don't party much during the week, my body just can't do it anymore. Come Friday, though, I'm hardcore until Sunday night. It all depends on what you like, though. Personally, I'm rather tofu-ish. I blend easily with my surroundings. As long as it's not some stuck up, I'm better than you bullshit, I'm all about it. Give me a rave, a great night of trance or a good Chi house club and I'm ready to groove. So what is -your- passion? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. kove

    Help needed

    Boy do I feel like a moron... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. kove


    Hey B2B, grats on the promotion. *grin* Heh, why do I get a feeling that I'm going to be the young one this weekend? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. kove

    Help needed

    I'd love to help...if I knew the website. I've tried crobar.com and every variation thereof. When I left Chi, the web wasn't even big yet. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. kove


    Ugh! This is KILLING me. I -MUST- find a job back in the city. It's just tough. I'm a 3rd year IT student, but I've already passed all of the finals for the course. I'm just missing that little frigging piece of paper. Not to say that I'll actually -use- my degree. I'd much rather spend my life dj'ing and promoting. I grew up in the clubs, and it's always been my life. Working in radio for the past 7 years has only fed that addiction. Every day of my life, I touch a mixing board, and it only makes me want to go back to the studio. *sigh* What a life. Why the hell did I move away? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. kove

    Hey B2B

    You guys are the greatest! Now...to find my club clothes. Down here, I'm the dj. It's about 120+ degrees in my booth, so my continual wear is khaki shorts, black t's and sandals. It's all about comfort, not style. I know that the old diggs are here somewhere, though... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. As a guy, it's my duty to say CONGRATS! ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. True, Brandie. It's just obligatory when you're a guy. It's on page 523 of the "You're a Guy" manual that we all get when we're born. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. Pox, For the last time, NO you cannot hold me. I thought we already settled this... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. kove

    Help needed

    Posted. Hope he gets in. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. kove

    Hey B2B

    God, since getting with my 'family' a couple months back, I can count the number of drinks I've had on one hand. Something about rolls and I that get along ALL too well. Gimme a roll and my water and I'm a happy, happy boy. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. kove

    Hey B2B

    Yeah, that should be coo. I've gotta check funds this weekend, since this interview is essentially costing me over a grand. I have to pre-pay to get into the school, and that's before I know if I'm even getting the job. If I don't, the money comes back, but it's still outta my pocket this weekend. Cro's still open until 5am on Fridays, no? The interview is at 9a in Rosemont. I'm just trying to figure time and such. I'm crashing at my dad's house in Highland Park that night, so I'm figuring a good hour to the house, nap for an hour, shower and blast by 7:30 to get there on time. Once again, depending upon the coin in hand. At this point, I've got nothing definite, except for the fact that I'll be in Chi on Friday night. Heh, I could just go GQ that night instead of club kid. Who knows? Just kinda depends on mood and availability. Damn, this could turn into a coming home party of sorts, just with all new people. The crew that I used to run with is either gone or moved on to other things. I think I'm the only one who's refused to lose what I love. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. kove


    B2B or Money, Do me a favour and save my moronic mind. Head to the Cro's site and go to the vid clips. On the second clip, what the hell is the name of that song? I'm having a HUGE brain fart. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  20. kove


    Well, you've got a couple of real life years on me. Then again, who ever said that our life was real life? I'd prefer to think otherwise. Sorry...the mind of a trance addict. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  21. I'm headed to Chi this weekend, and prolly Crobar Fri night. If I get some good ones, I'll pop them up here. We should talk to Clubmaster about getting a pics section...or two. It's always coo to see what others are doing. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  22. kove

    Hey B2B

    Wait, I'm a crack smoker. Heh, I'll -try- to be at Cro on Fri. Then again, I only know about 3 people in Chi these days, none of which happen to be female. As much as I'd -like- to go to Cro, I'd have to go alone, and I'd prolly not get in without a female companion. Oh well, such is the nature of the business. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  23. Brandie One more thing, and it's a fact that I'm sure you know. I'm gonna say it anyway, though. DON'T STRESS. Nothing can ruin a roll worse than that. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. I was thinking that 1000 lbs of jello wouldn't be that much, if you're talking post-water jello. If, however, you're talking powder form jello, then your problem isn't finding it. The problem is where to put it. That stuff's light. 1000lbs would fill more than an average sized house. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  25. Just joking about not being able to post them, right? C'mon, lec, we all know you have the x'ers sitting around, just begging to be posted. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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