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Everything posted by thepulse

  1. The day/night should be good to end the summer, but it will depend on a few variables besides the djs, The weather is a factor, if it rains or is a nice day is definitely gonna effect the night, also how many people have access to the shore house the week after, most people probably don't. The other factor is how many people go all out Labor Day weekend and just decide they are sick of the shore and don't want to extend it another weekend. Its something new, something different, lets just see what happens. Gotta give Sergio credit for trying something new. Now onto the female djs, I've only met a few and I've never heard any of them, We could use a few female djs. Actually I take that back, I had one open for me one night, she was good, but she was just starting. Personally if a girl has talent, I prefer to play with a female jock, they give a different perspective on the whole thing. In Miami I saw more than a few female djs, and a few of them were off the hook.
  2. Lets hope they all don't play the same stuff over and over, there is way too much music out there. That is my personal pet peeve with the scene on the shore, there is very little diversity in the music, but then again, it has to do with economic and the dj's perception of what the crowd wants to hear. Personally when I djed Surf Club on Monday Labor Day during the summers of 1999 and 2000 I never played anything twice and each set was more than 7 or 8 hours. If I was playing that day, I would make sure I was there for the whole event, listening to what was played when, and I would make sure not to repeat anything from the set prior to mine, while at the same time avoiding tracks that I felt would be better played after my set, Its called courtesy. I have actually played with Kirk and Richie, we never had any repeats and we had a great time, I've never played with the other two guys, but I'm sure we would work it out, afterall they are all professionals so it shouldn't be a problem, I guess we will all have to wait until the 8th to see what happens.
  3. In California a carjacker/mugger attempted to mug and carjack a group of self-defense class instructors. Needless to say he got his ass kicked and got arrested. LOL
  4. Just read that article in the Star Ledger, sucks for Aaron and his family, Sucks about the relationship he had with his dad, Sucks that the kid whose house he was at could be held responsible according to some NJ law about who supplied the G. Never tried it myself, never will, I'm actually surprised and upset about the article and the headline, Its not a good thing for anyone, I know I wouldn't want to go out like that!
  5. DJ's should and you would think they would collaborate or consult each other beforehand, but they don't. Also you would think that the guest or following dj would come in and hour before scheduled to go on, but often does not, therefore you hear the same music during that transition hour. I personally used to take a pro-active approach and would do two things, 1) I would make a conscious effort not to play records that I thought the other dj was going to play, (either from listening to him previously or just common sense) and 2) I would let the dj coming on afterwards know what "hits" or even popular recurrent records I played within the last hour of my set so he wouldn't repeat them. Most of the time it worked. There is enough music out there new and recurrent for all the djs to play, hopefully they will collaborate or at least try to differentiate.
  6. but I thought maybe they made Porkroll Egg and Cheese Sandwiches at the 11th Street Diner, Those are originally jersey guys, Their sister used to hang at my shore house in 96.
  7. You have to adapt, have it sent to you, Porkroll down south is a little hard to find, its definitely a Jersey/NY thing. I have relatives in Alabama and everytime they come here they take porkroll back with them, LOL. I know its hard to believe, check a few supermarkets, Publix or someone should have porkroll, but Taylor Ham, the actual brand that we all love here in NJ will be hard to find. Definitely a few things I missed living in Fla, Porkroll Egg and Cheese Sandwiches and good Pizza, but I won't even get into that. I just got hooked on good Cuban Sandwiches, I forget the name of the place in SoBe, its attached to hotel somewhere up on like 14th or 15th and Collins, The Best Cuban Sandwiches in SoBe. the name begins with an R if I remember correctly.
  8. I was just reading the paper, and read about another dj who lived in Rahway for 15 years and recently moved to Houston, he passed this week as well. His name was John Suliga, he evidently djed in NYC, Roxy, Palladium, Webster Hall, etc and compiled the Webster Hall Cds vol 1 & 2, according to the paper. Prayers to both his and Aaron's families. I guess the man upstairs is recruiting djs this week.
  9. Honestly I've slowed down considerable over the years, I actually went a little overboard drinking once this summer, which can actually kill you too, but most people don't stop doing things until something major happens to them, and even then they don't stop. Its a shame, but its a part of life.
  10. Yeah, everyone says hopefully it will teach those that use this drug, I personally would never touch G, If that is even what killed him, But you can't tell anyone what to do or what not to do. Another family has to deal with losing someone, my prayers are with them. Makes you wonder if they will look to blame the music, friends, club culture or anything else. Hopefully they can remember him without looking to blame anyone.
  11. A friend of mine from Fla, a dj died last year and I never did find out exactly what happened. Just curious. Its a shame to see the young ones go.
  12. If guys let girls play them like that, than they deserve it.
  13. Sounds good, maybe chase it with a beer! In honor of the King. TGIF!!! I think I might have to finally check out Sandbar tonight!! Hmmm!
  14. Fuck baseball, I really haven't gotten back into it since last time they striked anyway, fuck them, if they strike they deserve not to have anyone show up at the games, maybe they will all get back to basics and remember the game before it was a business.
  15. Elvis is dead for 25 years, has the #1 record on the charts right now and made 37million last year. Things that make you go hmmm.
  16. thepulse

    Open Turntables

    If your looking for house check out Dance Tracks as well, 3rd st and 1st ave. And for Imports check out Dekadance, my personal favorite. I believe its still on 23rd by 6th ave, if not information can help. Also if you are at Dance Tracks be sure to mosey down the block to Beyond Bass, Johnny Vicious's store, some really nice stuff in there.
  17. thepulse

    Open Turntables

    I remember the patio being pretty good during winter 2000-2001, the crowd was good, and actually was really cool hanging with a lot of club staffers after they got off from work on the beach. But I guess all things have to end. As for the people doing coke thing, what would Miami be without it, its not my drug of choice, but hey its not a bad thing.
  18. SUMMER 99 Closing Party It was an incredible night, that was a great summer of music, we had a great house, we got to tempts around 9pm and closed it out. Haven't seen a night like that since. Hmmm.............Temptations, Labor Day weekend, Sunday (last night) 1999. That was the most ridiculous night I've ever seen there in my life, we were in there like 30 or 40 heads deep.........dancing, prancing, jumping, bumping (not that kinda bumping, at least not for me), moshing, the double fisted overhead pumping action was in full effect. Water was being thrown, napkins being tossed, I think I threw Mike Abrahms whole tray of lemons and limes into the crowd. Water gun fights with the bartenders and their soda guns. By the end of the night I found my self standing atop the bar, and when the lights came on I was doused in water and I could literally see steam coming off of every inch of my skin, WHOA!!! Needless to say if I knew every night at Temps could be like that, I'd be there every weekend of the summer, but it ain't
  19. thepulse

    Open Turntables

    Who gets to play when? Its a different story when you have the crowd there the whole time, but that never works. The guys that play during the lulls, when the crowd isn't peaking, lose out usually in the outcome. Personally I don't know too many of you who posted here but usually people asking for a sucessfull club to do an open turntable night are just looking to break into the scene, DJ's need to concentrate on smaller venues, create their own scene first- Pay Your Dues- then you can market yourself to jobs at better venues. Most bedroom djs complain that they are better than other jocks, thats not the way to get hired. And if you are "better" its because you spend all your time practicing while other jocks are out working. Just my 2 cents. PS. Personally I enjoyed hearing Ivano Bellini on the Patio, but that was during the winter 2000-2001. Then again, the Patio would be good no matter who plays- its the crowd that makes the patio! How many of you walk into a room at a club and before even knowing who the dj is or what he is playing, leave because the room or patio is empty? HMMMM, just something to think about. I've seen it happen a million times and I've seen packed rooms that stay packed even though the music is just average. House Music All Night Long
  20. The whole dj trend is way out of control, everyone with a computer that can d/l mp3's and burn cds thinks he can be a dj. Half of these people,(maybe more) have no clue about how to read a crowd, work a crowd, create a vibe, etc. However, if you are a REAL jock, you have no worries. Wannabes never succeed in this business, It takes alot of heart, which most of them don't have.
  21. If its traditional, with pork, veal, beef in the mix, then it is gravy, due to the fact that the meat is in there. If it just contains tomatoes, spices, etc, no meats, then it is sauce.
  22. So it was Kokomo's and the Dragon before that? Correct?
  23. Where is South Park, what was it before it became South Park?
  24. Who was the dj in Baltimore, I'm thinking I may know who he was or is. I agree with the whole mixing it up thing, Kraftwerk, theres a blast from the bast, most peeps no even realize that the Johnny Vicious Mindy K Moments thing was a remake of an old Art of Noise record. but the crowd rules what gets played here in NJ, they only have a few hours to get out, due to early closings so they wanna hear their favorites. Can't blame them.
  25. Anything else about the record, "Move it" is pretty vague, there are a dozen records with Move It in them.
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