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Everything posted by thepulse

  1. Those speakers by the bars, have limits for good reason, otherwise then bartenders wouldn't be able to hear the drink orders or think straight after hours of pounding music, Have a little mercy on them, they work long shifts and their ears are hurting by the end. I'll admit the music could be a little louder around the outside of the club, but it will be a long time before that day arrives.
  2. According to my sources, Bunka will open, late in Sept, early Oct as usual, after the DJais closing party, However the Friday nights will be geared toward live entertainment, bands, concerts, etc. Saturday the Original Dressed Up Saturday and Silver Ball once a month continues!! If they are closing, that would really suck, One of the best venues in NJ.
  3. Lets all wait and see. Enough of the predictions. I'm glad there is a new "Anthem" I can remember when anthems used to come out every month or so, I personally feel the music in the club scene is going through a change and its just taking a while for everything to adjust, whether its the war, economy, or what, I have no idea, I do know that the progressive/trance thing seems to be dying finally, if its not already dead. Oh, by the way, my opinion of Dark Beat is not only my own, I've played for a few clubheads, and got different reactions, and I've discussed it with more than a few people with varying opinions, All of them are valid, just different. Thats why I want to wait and see. I'm actually picking up a bunch of new stuff this week in the city, see if there is a new "anthem" waiting for me.
  4. I know its a little early, but I'm awaiting the Reviews of Robbie Rivera at Surf, want to see how (what type of music) he played and how the crowd reacted to him.
  5. I am one of the few djs who respects my fans, whether I agree with them or not, I also play what the people want, whether I happen to like it or not, that is what being a dj is all about, as for 5 minutes of fame and the party I did yesterday. I didn't look at it that way, I've played many clubs as resident or guest and will continue to do so. I would play Dark Beat, in the right room for the right crowd, I'm actually looking forward to seeing what remixes come out on the vinyl Twisted puts out, its one of my favorite labels, since they started years ago. I have plenty of Oscar G's mixes from back in the day. My personal opinion, as a listener, not a dj, is that the record won't last long, and will be quickly replaced by the records I see coming out in the next month. Take my opinion for what its worth. As a dj, I have the luxury (or task) of reviewing many records of many different types of music each month, and generally speaking, I am pretty accurate with my predictions on how a record will do. It doesn't come from anything else but experience, I can listen to a record with an open mind, evaluate it for what it is, who it will reach, its just something you learn to do over time. Its nice to be able to judge a record you hear in a club as a hit, try listening to it before it hits a crowd, its a little more difficult. I've played many records my crowd loved, that I didn't particularly care for or was sick of, thats just the way the business is.
  6. who I have seen critique, song after song, dj after dj, on this board and other board but have never djed themselves I won't sweat your remarks. sometimes I actually agree with you guys, this time I don't. But God forbid someone actually disagrees with one of you guys or doesn't fit into your opinion of what "good" is. Lets just let the track take its course and see what tracks and producer/dj you guys are jocking in September. Oscar G has been around for a long time, and does great work, I take the track for what its worth, As for me making it or not, everyone measures success in different ways, personally my longevity is one way I measure my own. Will I get into production, and eventually put out a record/track that you all like, who knows, we'll see, that would be a trip now wouldn't it. I'm glad to see you all love the track, the club scene needed an anthem, regardless of what it is.
  7. that would make you qualified to be a valet.
  8. When Dark Beat in dead and buried. Like I said, its good, its catchy, campy vocals are cute, I can see all the guidos clapping their hands, fist pumping, stomping, etc while they chant the little verse, but thats it. I personally just prefer records, The Reina Track is very good, The Thunderpuss mixes of Whitney's new one are off the hook, Those records will fare much better/longer on the billboard charts than Dark Beat. As for knowing something about Dance Music, well I know this much its always changing, I've been spinning since 1983, not because I knew anything though, I guess it was all luck, LOL. Just finished djing an engagement party for a very successfull dance music producer last night too. But I don't know what I'm talking about.
  9. The track is good, not great, there is one hook, the vocal, which is one verse, the record has no substance therefore no longevity potential. People generally get bored with things quickly. Past Examples: Revolution, Shiny Disco Balls, Zombie Nation, All good but limited shelf life.
  10. Fired Up from 1997, but the record had to leak so the guidos can learn the words before the end of summer,LOL, Cotton in my ears, I think NOT!! It may be an anthem for about a month. Watch and learn, it will be played by mid September.
  11. yes its leaked, but you know that was going to happpen. Its the equivalent of Zombie Nation from 3 years ago, nothing great, if it wasn't for the campy vocals that clubheads can chant when they are wacked no one would even notice the track. If you ask me Disco Balls has more energy. Overall the music has just been week lately, but its picking up finally, look for big things in September.
  12. Those guys deserve it, shock radio suck, they should do stand up and leave the airwaves to professionals. They seem to make their comedy at others expense, glad to see them go. I mean shit if I want to see raunch I will go see a comedian like Dice. Who I did see at the Spectrum in Philly back in the day, imagine if he had a show, LOL.
  13. Smoke cigarettes everyday, about 2-3 packs a week, drinking slowed down alot, maybe once twice a week, anything else, maybe once or twice a month, heavy drinking night once or twice a month. Back in the day, used to party or drink 4-5 days a week and work a day job and a part time night job, slept like 4 hours if lucky. eventually you slow down if you know whats good for you. I tried to do a hardcore drinking night in July, ended up praying to the porcelain God and that hadn't happened in years, eventually your body just can't do it. but you are better off slowing down, you don't need as much, and you feel better all the time.
  14. Jersey Sucks, this is a fucking police state, everything is regulated, fined, fees charged, or taxed to the MAX, Its all about the money, I've been battling the DMV for 11 years it seems like something new every year, and yes those licenses and especially the new paper registation is a joke. What is really a joke is the service, I was in one DMV office and this hoe was talking on her cell phone and joking with a co worker, while her line wasn't moving, bitch couldn't kneel down and suck dick at the same time. and now the fee for restoration is doubled, suck my dick DMV. I'm gonna restore my shit and move outta jersey for good, let the whole thing go down the tubes. the congestion is outta control and the air quality sucks, too many laws, too many people, South Florida is looking real good right now.
  15. A trainwreck is a trainwreck if you can't spin with vinyl, you can't spin cds, and vice versa, unless you get one of those digital set ups that matches beats for you(If you do you're a fag and don't deserve to be in any booth). CDs are great for some things, I just prefer vinyl, I probably do a 80/20% split during a typical set. I personally prefer the way vinyl sounds, its much warmer sounding than cd. Its just a personal preference.
  16. know about computers, windows, scsi, etc, I would love to get my comp working right. Or does anyone sell computers cheap, I need a good price on a box, intel pentium 4 like 1.6 or 1.8 ghz, lot of ram, video card, scsi card, and a cd burner(good one)teac or something. I have sound card, speakers, monitor, etc. I have a scsi hard drive with windows on it, but I may take another drive if the price is right and just network my scsi drive. let me know. Price is the key here.
  17. Does seem like the dj market is overflowing. I would put money on most of the New Jacks being digital jocks, at least 50-60% of them, remember cds came out in like 85, most of the kids starting today, bought most of their music on cd, never really had a vinyl investment, and vinyl is expensive! not knocking the digital guys, but we all really need to get together and get a union, like actors, ball players etc, so when we deal with clubs there are no more $75 djs or guys spinning for free just to break in. It would be better in the long run, we would all be able to command the money we deserve, and we could all buy vinyl if we want. Just think about, out of all the club employees DJ's are the only ones that buy their own supplies for work every week. By the way did I mention I have some vinyl for sale and a good amp for sale, email me if you are interested, sooperdj@excite.com or PM me. Doubleplay ? do I know you? Peace Love And House Music All Night Long.
  18. Already wrote my moment as a member of the audience, figured I would ad my moment as a DJ, early 90's I was playing at China Club a classic disco format on a Friday Night, It was a special event, birthday party for Nile Rodger (Chic) and famous dance producer, sister sledge, madonna, etc. Anyway I was on point with the classics, many celebs and heads in the place, and someone gave me a HUGE complement, said in reminded them of the old days at 54. Then Chic took the stage for a set, An Awesome night I will always remember.
  19. You need to love music, be able to read people and you have to have alot of HEART. or else, stick to the dancefloor.
  20. countries and worry about the USA first. we should leave those countries to their own devices, close our borders, police our immigrant population, and worry about our own homeland security, we ain't never gonna win on their turf, wait for them and Saddam to come this way, just like the RedCoats in the revolutionary war, and then when we see the turbins, fuck them up.
  21. Personal preference, try them out, but they are solid tables, more features and flexibility than the 1200's see, it breaks down like this, the 1200s were the bomb, but the patent finally ran out on the design, now there is a level playing field for manufacturers, but rumor has it, Technics is finally working on an improvement, could just be a rumor though.
  22. should check ascap, but honestly unless they are a huge band selling and mass marketing thousands of discs, they should be safe. Also they could probably get by saying its a promo cd and they are only covering their costs and its their own interpretation of the music, I wouldn't sweat it if I was them. And they will get a warning first-- Usually.
  23. If you want to, I have some spare time, I'll teach you to spin vinyl. Send me a PM (your box is full). I don't use cd mixers, don't own them, I may eventually buy one, but the true art form is Vinyl. Cds I use in the club when I don't have it on vinyl. Once you learn on vinyl the transition to cd isn't hard, cds are different and have their advantages, but for me vinyl is it.
  24. Now onto the female djs, I've only met a few and I've never heard any of them, We could use a few female djs. Actually I take that back, I had one open for me one night, she was good, but she was just starting. Personally if a girl has talent, I prefer to play with a female jock, they give a different perspective on the whole thing. In Miami I saw more than a few female djs, and a few of them were off the hook. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So is that a YES you will help me... I may help you, how serious are you? do you have equipment, do you spin vinyl or cd. I've taught more than one person the basics, but if you don't have access to equipment to practice, its gonna take a lot longer to learn.
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