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Everything posted by mr.sick

  1. You guys should try it. The rectum is one of the most absorbsive parts of your body. Plus, you wont have to worry about the bouncers finding your drugs on you. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  2. I work on the corner of 176st and Autobahn. I sell mad good hydro so good I put them in glass viles. So roll by anytime and ask for trees. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  3. I think you should scope out the place for anything valuable. Try to take things small things like jewelry so it will be easy to hide. If you want check drawers for any loose cash but be very discreet and dont look around too much. Thats always a dead give away. Its also wise to work in groups so you can look out for each other and get more done too. Also, dont leave together and dont come together. You want to make sure there are no connections with your partners. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  4. I was just wondering is this combination safe because I think they would really go well together. Especially when you start coming down. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  5. I checked his tour schedule and it says nothing about him coming to New York any time soon. I hope its wrong though because I never got the chance to hear him spin live. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  6. I live in Little Ferry, NJ. It sucks but I only live about 5 min from the GWB and the Lincoln Tunnel. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  7. Everyone just go to www.napigator.com. Here you can download napigator. What this program does is it list all the napster servers and the independent napster servers. Since napster is shutdown all you have to do is pick one of the independent servers and you're good to go. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  8. Dschwed definitely knows what he's talking about. I've been using Napigator for a long time now and there a lot of servers where you can download mp3's. Napster may be dead but it really doesnt matter because we can still download off of all of the opennap servers. If we all go to www.napigator.com and get it will be like napster never got shutdown. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  9. 100% Korean Born and raised in Jerzee. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  10. Percocets? I thought I was the only one who took those. Great painkillers escpecially with some alcohol and weed. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  11. Definitely Mercedes!!! ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  12. Nick Warren has got to be one of the best and most underrated DJ's out there. He definitely has skills with his mixing and his track selection. In my opinion, I think he can mix different types of music extremely well whether its trance, techno, or house. I just wish he would spin the states more often. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  13. The rumor of causing parkinsons is bullshit. I've asked doctors about it and read articles on it that confirm that it is impossible for MDMA to cause parkinsons in any way or form. This rumor was completely media generated. The real story was some people got a condition similar to parkinsons that is caused by a certain toxin that is found in some heroin and a synthetically made super heroin(forgot what the name was). You know how it is to them. They make it seem ecstasy and weed is just as bad as crack or heroin. As for the side effects of XTC most of them arent too severe. If take it too much you may develop a form of depression and anxiety problems. XTC is somewhat neurotoxic only a little though. You can lower the neurotoxicity signgicantly by supplementing 5-htp. It is especially important to take this after you roll. I don't know what other drugs you took, but if your not having serious symptons by now you should be ok. You should go to the doctor and get a check up just in case if you want to make sure. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  14. Definitely good. I had a batch of them and sent one of them to dancesafe.org. The results were 100% pure MDMA. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  15. it does...but it could be always be worse. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  16. dutchmasters, optimo's, garcia vega's Phillies suck. Theyre like smokin out of cardboard. You should try some of the specialty rollin papers for spliffs. They burn just as slow as a good blunt and all you taste is the weed. Personally, I recommend the papers made out of rice. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  17. I dont think it will affect your roll, but I dont think its good for you because of the increase in blood pressure. On the other hand, I know a lot of girls who are on the pill and smoke like a chimney. They seem fine to me...I think. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  18. I was thinking I got the tires, barbie dolls, aluminum foil, jar of mayo, and the chickens, but where am I gonna get 1000 lbs of jello? ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  19. I think the worst dj has gotta be that guy in the Burger King commercials. You know that guy who calls himself Supa Dupe your Burger King dj. I fucken hate that guy. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  20. I have to agree with Back2Basics. Detroit is where all the real techno comes from and Richie is god. No doubt about it. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  21. One time, I had this dream where I was going to the bathroom. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  22. mr.sick


    Wow. Judging by this messageboard, DC must suck. I'm the first one to post a topic in almost a month. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  23. It's not as good as pure Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  24. Word!!! I know exactly what youre saying. Weed has to be the most underrated drug. I done lots of drugs(E,K,LSD,coke,shrooms,GHB, painkillers,2-CB,speed,etc) and I have to say weed is the best. I think most people just dont know the real weed high. They usually just smoke some dry sticks and pebbles schwag. You gotta get that sticky, green, and hairy shit. The highs are not that typical "I dont want to move" or "I feel so stupid and hungry." Its about seeing the world in the different light. Its about chillin. Its about expanding your mind. Its about freedom. Its about anything you want. If may take several sessions to get to that point, but its definitely worth it. Another good thing about weed is there is no tolerance to it and you cant overdose. You can smoke with any other drug and the highs will be better. Basically, smoking makes anything better. Also, the availability and price is pretty good. No matter where you live whether its small town America or big city life theres always someone who can hook you up. You can get it from the dealer next door or making a run to those special spots. Bottom line is weed is the greatest drug. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
  25. Word!!! I know exactly what youre saying. Weed has to be the most underrated drug. I done lots of drugs(E,K,LSD,coke,shrooms,GHB, painkillers,2-CB,speed,etc) and I have to say weed is the best. I think most people just dont know the real weed high. They usually just smoke some dry sticks and pebbles schwag. You gotta get that sticky, green, and hairy shit. The highs are not that typical "I dont want to move" or "I feel so stupid and hungry." Its about seeing the world in the different light. Its about chillin. Its about expanding your mind. Its about freedom. Its about anything you want. If may take several sessions to get to that point, but its definitely worth it. Another good thing about weed is there is no tolerance to it and you cant overdose. You can smoke with any other drug and the highs will be better. Basically, smoking makes anything better. Also, the availability and price is pretty good. No matter where you live whether its small town America or big city life theres always someone who can hook you up. You can get it from the dealer next door or making a run to those special spots. Bottom line is weed is the greatest drug. ------------------ "Life is but a dream within a dream"
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