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Everything posted by spd1980

  1. I've been there on a Saturday night before and had a pretty good time. I really liked the music on the main floor, it was really hard. The only thing is that it seemed like you had to go with a big group of people to have fun because a lot of the people there seemed to be hanging out in there own groups.
  2. I would have to say "The Second Trip", this song always gets me going at Exit. The best was when, a couple of weeks ago, Draper mixed in the sample "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecstasy" right after the trancy part of The Second Trip and right before he let the song explode into the hard part of the song.
  3. I think the 27th is supposed to be the "Cancun Reunion Party" I saw a flyer down in Cancun for it.
  4. Plasmic Honey - The Funeral
  5. You can get Mixmeister 3 from http://www.mixmeister.com And you should be able to find a crack for it, I found one but I forget where. Without the crack you can only use the program for 30 days but you can still use all of the functions and burn a CD.
  6. I put up an ID a couple of weeks ago about the Christmas carol song that kvanzile was asking about. Does anybody know what that song is?
  7. I didn't ask about the aubrey vocal but I asked about his songs again. According to him he said the record with Twinkle Twinkle and Rythym Ready was gonna come out next week. So I guess he meant sometime this week since I asked him last friday. But doesn't he always say next week? We'll see what happens. And he was also telling his friends that he was still having copyright issues with the Stand By Me song.
  8. It was ASYS - Acid Nightmare I was in the DJ booth at the beginning of the night and Draper was like "this is the record of the night" and he pulled the Acid Nightmare record out of his bag.
  9. Are there any websites that have in-depth info about the topic of whether or not we landed on the moon. This is actually the first time I have heard about this subject and it is really interesting.
  10. I parked on 26th St. near 12th Ave one night to go to Tunnel and I got one of my car windows smashed. My car is a two door and it was the little backseat window that got smashed. It wasn't even a window that opens and the cheapest i could get it fixed for was $180.
  11. Hey, if anyone is interested I got the full version of Fruity Loops 3. I got it from an IDRIVE account. Go to www.idrive.com Look for the visitor login on the lefthand side of the screen and type in "ravenfiles" You should then see a list of files on the next page and it is one of them. The only thing is you have to download the file really early in the day. I finally got it before work one morning around 7:30. The reason you can't download it later in the day is because the site limits the number of downloads made per day from visitor accounts.
  12. Yeah, I'd like to know what programming is too. I thought programming meant track selection but you guys mention programming and track selection as two different skills.
  13. Some of the Big Cancun songs were Voodoo & Serano - Blood Is Pumpin Derb - Derb Spacecorn - Axel F Daft Punk - One More Time DJ Sakin - Miami Brooklyn Bounce - Born To Bounce These are not new songs or anything, they are just songs that I recall hearing a lot down in Cancun this year.
  14. go to www.deepernyc.com That is a site all about SF and the people on the music board over there would probably know which song you are talking about.
  15. Full Version: $99 Synthesizer Add-on: $35 Sample CD (7000 .wav samples): $35 Total: $169
  16. Does anyone know where to get a crack for this program or where I can download the full version? I want to get version 3. This program is siiiiick for creating your own dance tracks. I've just started learning the basics in the demo program. You can do so much crazy shit with this program.
  17. check your PM's
  18. Yo Temptkid, I know they played Voodoo & Serano - Blood Is Pumpin at a lot of the clubs. It seemed like I heard it once a night at every club I went to. Another popular song was Spacecorn - Axel F
  19. yo check your PM's
  20. Hey Lizzy, what's going on for the 20th? I'm going again this friday with my girlfriend so maybe I'll see ya there.
  21. spd1980

    Exit ID

    I heard a song where the melody sounded like a christmas carol. The one that has the words: "Do you hear what I hear" "Do you see what I see" Anybody know it?
  22. I'm guessing that Derb is probably gonna be this summer's Zombie Nation. Right now everyone is still digging Derb at the club but once it hits KTU and Z100 everyone is gonna be like damn I can't believe we used to listen to this. What other songs do you think are going to become played out anthems this summer? Either they get too much radio time or they get played two or three times a night at the Jersey shore clubs. Let's start a list and then see how many we got right this summer.
  23. Yo Justin, have an AWESOME time in Cancun. I went in March and had a blast. I was there for Jonathan Peters at La Boom. If you go downtown to Av Tulum you should be able to find a veterinarian and get those liqs. If you've never been there before you should definitely go to La Boom. You should also check out a place called Dady O. We went on a Thursday night and it felt like we were at Exit. They had awesome lighting, they had those green lasers, and they played a shitload of Exit songs.
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