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Everything posted by spd1980

  1. I'd say alcohol also. Everything else that I have tried I have liked. I've done E, Weed, and Shrooms. I really don't like to drink anymore now. It just seems like no fun compared to the other stuff.
  2. I think the new location of the booth makes it hard to walk through that half of the dance floor just because everybody is standing there shoulder to shoulder. Besides the traffic jams that the booth causes the new setup is cool.
  3. You can use mp3 or wav files in Mixmeister. If you have samples and effects as wav files you can add those to your playlist. Then you can right click on the new wav file that you added. Right click on the file in the lower window. Select, I think it is "track type", its near the bottom of the menu, and choose voice over. This allows the file to be played over the current song.
  4. I just got another Scot Project remix. Its pretty good. I just thought I'd put it up for all the other scot project fans Daisy Dee - Open Sesame(Scot Project)
  5. Could the one song be Wayne G - Twisted
  6. check out mixmeister.com awesome program, easy to learn (like 2 hours to figure everything out), does exactly what you want to do. I just finished my first CD and it is awesome
  7. That song is hot. I still think that is probably my favorite song, its so hard. pipdaddy is right, check out anything by Scot Project. You do have the Scot Project remix of The Second Trip, right? Some of Scot Project's better songs are Beam vs Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (Scot Project Remix) Elastic Culture - U (Scot Project Remix) Scot Project - Future is Now (Hard Riff Mix)
  8. What do you think was the best song that he dropped on Friday night?
  9. go to www.mixmeister.com
  10. If anyone is interested in making mix cd's but you don't have a lot of experience you should check out this program called Mixmeister 3. I just got it the other day. Its only a thirty day trial. Its really easy to use, I learned how to do everything in a couple of hours.
  11. I don't need drugs to enjoy the music. I actually enjoy the music better when I am at home listening to it sober. That's when I listen to the songs and appreciate all the buildups and everything. When I am rolling at the club I don't really pay attention to the music at all. Unless I know the song that is playing at the club, it usually just sounds like another beat to me. This is only when I am rolling because I am too busy focusing on the roll instead of the music.
  12. Yeah I'll be there with 7 other people. We're staying at the continental villas too.
  13. Matt Darey - Beautiful Ascension - Someone Delerium - Silence(Tiesto) All of these songs give me goosebumps when I listen to em.
  14. Yeah I know Murdoc too! I met him with mattyparsons. He always has all those lights and toys with him.
  15. spd1980

    Exit ID

    I don't know why but I got this melody stuck in my head today. I have heard this song at Exit for a couple of months now so it is not too new. Basically, all of a sudden the place is quiet. Then you hear what sounds like a chime or a xylophone and it first plays 5 notes like 123 45. It does this like twice. then it starts adding a few more notes to the melody. Then a beat is added in and you hear a synthesizer playing the same melody that the chimes were playing and then the song picks up and continues to play. I know this is probably tough but I know I have heard this song numerous times. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  16. I know I caught an episode of it recently. I remember it was on from 7:00-8:00 PM. I think it was on daily. The only thing is that I am not sure of the channel. It might have been Bravo.
  17. Well I don't know what K feels like. I have taken a bump on two different occasions at the end of the night when I was coming down off of the E. Both times I didn't feel anything. So for now I'll say E.
  18. If I go to the club and am counting on getting pills or am supposed to meet someone inside for pills but then I don't end up getting anything, that can ruin my night. Mostly beacuse I'll end up spending my night trying to find a pill rather than enjoying the music. But if I go with the intention of being sober than I can usually have a good time. It also depends on the people you are with and the people who are around you. I usually like to feed off of other people's energy when I am dancing. I seem to enjoy going crazy on the dancefloor more so when everyone around me is going crazy.
  19. Can you rent this movie at Blockbuster? I know you can rent the movie Groov at blockbuster. What did everyone think of Groove?
  20. I'd have to say The Sopranos. I also like Larry David's show "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
  21. Hey Blueangel, I usually go up to the VIP when it gets really crowded as well. I'll look for you guys in the VIP around 2. I'm really looking forward to meeting you guys as well as any other clubnyc'ers. I've never actually met anyone from the board.
  22. Hey man, What's up? I'll add you to my buddy list. I'll also just keep my napster signed on so you can download whatever you want off me. My napster username is xtcuser1980 in case you didn't add me to your hotlist.
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