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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. No - but I think you knew that. I believe we met back at Vinyl many, many moons ago...I could be wrong.
  2. Wow, didn't I puke in your car after hitting some bar in Clifton that I think I was working at because of you....? How the hell you been man? Long time....
  3. Was it played in reverse order like Tar's films?
  4. You're 100% right. A very good friend of the family is a top sales rep for a pharmaceutical company which will remain nameless. She told me 5 years ago that there was a cure for HIV/AIDS but it won't be released because too much money is made on these people being in the hospitals. It's quite sad to know that there is something out there to help people but because of greed, and money - aka the AMERICAN WAY - they won't get those cures to continue on with their lives. But hey, everyone thinks America is all about fighting for freedom and protecting our citizens.....what a great way to repay the people of the world suffering from these painful and horrific diseases. It's really sad......
  5. When I started posting here many years ago, this didn't exist. So what exactly is it for? Shit posts? Anything goes kind of thing....?
  6. Is this Daryl from Clifton? And side note, do they film DS in Jersey?
  7. Basically it means they are interested and this is their way of digging deeper to make sure you are telling the truth about your previous employment. Now when it comes to inquiring with former employers, by law, they can only confirm your employment, duration, and salary. So don't worry about them saying anything bad because if they do, you have a nice law suit on your hands. At least, that's the way it is in NJ. Good luck - and if you don't get the position, get in touch with me....my fiance has a tremendous amount of connections at companies throughout the tri-state area. We'd be happy to help. krac79@comcast.net if you're still in need of finding something. On a side note, just be thankful they don't want to do a drug test from a strand of hair. I've had a company want to do that and I declined......
  8. Pour some sugar on it and you're good to go!
  9. I don't have a dealer anymore - clean in the '07 But back in the day, yeah, I carried mad loot. But I've learned that I don't lose it when it's plasticated.
  10. I can name basically EVERYONE in that top pic. Man, we've come a LONG ASS WAY!
  11. Man I know I'm getting old and out of the club loop when half of the tracks listed, I don't recognize. So depressing... But I've been jamming to GnR....Appetite - it's been getting me motivated for whatever reason.
  12. people still carry cash? Haven't you guys seen that commercial for a credit card company marketing the debit aspect of it and how fast and easy it is? Everyone is in sync getting their lunch and then, the half bald bastard steps in to pay with cash. Such inconsideration. Plastic is better....if you lose it, then you just lost the card. If you lose paper cash, then you lost actual money.
  13. Jeremy Piven is the friggin MAN! I can't imagine he took part in a crappy film. Then again, he knows he's set with Entourage so he doesn't need to worry about letting his rep go down for one lousy piece of cinematography. I'll still watch it - but when it's out on video, err dvd - showing my age there. And on that note, anyone else remember FRAGGLE ROCK?! That show was the shit.
  14. Well, we never made it to Blue. Too much wine at dinner led to a lot of "bedroom time" if you catch my drift. We wound up talking a walk around 12 am but didn't have it in us to really get into the dancing mood. Saturday, we ended up at the Clevelander and man, what a bore that was....lol But all in all we had a FANTASTIC TIME - I even dragged Dave into some real estate agents to look into condos. It was just sick to have my bikini on at the beach on Christmas Eve....I want to be there all year round now! Thanks for the suggestions everyone. We had massages in our hotel room - tried for the happy endings but couldn't find those - lol. And did a lot of great shopping on Lincoln Road. Sopranos was GREAT for dinner....I didn't want to leave! Hope you all had a nice Christmas!
  15. I actually checked them out online and totally dig the decor and party style. We may go there at some point over the weekend...it looked like a joint I'd fit right in at....and do the bouncers really dress like cops? lol Poolside....I've been to all of those places. Love the Sky bar SOOO MUCH. I remember seeing Howells there a few years back - awesome party. Even jumped in the pool after the party was over and security had to come in the pool after us! Ha! Good times in Miami for sure....thanks for the tips!
  16. btw....if anyone has suggestions for day time events, please let me know. Not club stuff....we plan on walking around and dilly dallying in between parties. Given it doesn't rain, we plan on venturing to the botanical gardens but we'll see. Thanks in advance...can't wait to run around your city!
  17. Thanks girl...I use all the same things you do! Ha go figure right!? Enjoy your time in Tampa. And yeah, my man is Cuban and never been to Miami with exception to the airport - lol. Strangely enough, when his Mom got off the boat, she lived there for the first ten years of her life! Gonna be a goooood time!
  18. Lolaaaaa - I can't believe I'm coming down and you're leaving! We're definitely going to the Lust party. We've decided to do dinner at the Chart House at 5 pm so we can wine up a little, go back to change clothes, and hit Blue. Very excited!!! We may do Nikki Beach on Saturday because they're having a latin party and my guy is Cuban so thought it be fun to do some dirty dancing. Space patio is also a possibility. I saw Sasha and Digweed there and hated the main floor but LOVED Sander on the roof - I can't remember who he played with though because it was 8 in the morning by time I showed and was under a few too many "bad things". lol Thanks for the tips all....I'm packing today and getting ready for the trip! BTW - Lola, what's good to put in my hair to stop it from fro-ing with the humidity? I use Biosilk and Chi liquid but not sure they can withstand your humidity....lol Thanks for the birthday wish too! 27 is gonna be a GREAT year! All odd ones are after all....... muah!!! Philippo....you sound like my kind of party guy for sure! It's too bad Miami went super club the way it did. Smaller joints are the place to be....so much more debaucherous.
  19. Oh lord, I totally do. It's just too damn big and caters to this "plastic scene" that I just don't dig. After getting the opportunity to party for hours upon hours for DT during the WMC with Yoko Ono many years back at the OLD Space, I just can't like the new venue. I prefer the small, dark clubs....they just hold a better vibe. The new Space is just utter shit.... But, if my man agrees to party till the sun rises, I'll go anywhere for a groove...it's been far too long.
  20. lol I know man....this is a first for me. But hey, must be a good man if he's taking me to Miami for my birthday! I looked at Space and am going to consider that as well....just need to see how much he can withstand. I hate the venue but love the deck upstairs so it may be worth it.
  21. Smaller than Vinyl? Hot shit! I can deal with that but don't know if my fiance can - but it's my birthday so guess he'll just have to deal. Maybe I'll bump into you guys....
  22. Wow, now THIS is a party I'd like to be at! I don't mind the small venue...Vinyl (one of NYC's best spots when open) was super small and my favorite place to be! I think I'll definitely be heading to Blue though - do they have a website? And thanks for the info hon - I'm starting to get super excited!!!!
  23. lol I know. I'm use to going to Miami for WMC...and that was when I was single. So in my mind, it's not going to be anything like it was years passed - obviously. I've looked at the venues that I've been to and found nothing all that appealing to me in terms of partying. My guy can keep up if he "wants to" but he's pretty much past the party stage of his life and only going to a club to humor me. So, for ME, I want to party until they kick me out...My guy has never been to Miami so I need some good parties as I'm using this trip as a precursor to convince him to go to the WMC. So it's important we have a slammin' time.....and right now, I'm worried we won't. I checked out Twilo being I use to hit Twilo NYC but their site shows nothing for Friday and is closed on Saturday. I'd really just like some house music and good booze. Some hott asses to look at and a good vibe. It can be anywhere - big club or small lounge. I just want to shake my ass....and it won't be at Space - I hate the new "supersized venue". Nikki Beach isn't bad, but I think of wearing my bikini and shakin' it on the sand, not what we can do at this time of year I don't think. Thanks for the suggestion though. I'd rather stay away from the tourist spots. The only thing I know for certain is I will be at Wet Willies and I will be dinning at the Chart House. If you think of any good parties, please let me know!
  24. lol I am.... I honestly would have rather we stay in NYC and I party with my friends. Now I'm being put on a plane and taken away from everyone I love. So, in order to make up for it, I want to fuckin party the way I did when I was single and I need a good party to do it!
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