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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by djjoshuacarl1

  1. get the rane 2016 rotary or fader mixer!! its nasty!! ------------------ www.djjoshuacarl.com
  2. Has anyone seen his video for "rock dj" its another praise the dj type tune... the remixes arent bad...considering if you havent seen the video,heres a quick rundown: hes trying to win the attention of a female dj while being circled by girls on rollorskates first, he tears off all his clothes 2nd, hear tears off all his skin 3rd he ripps the muscle away from his body while tossing it @ the girls they catch the bloody chunks and eat them finally hes a bloody skelaton dancing w/ the dj.... nice ------------------ www.djjoshuacarl.com
  3. "WHAT !! he said i could have his puddin, ask him {in that voice} Yes, Eric can have my pudding because erics cooooooooool" ------------------ www.djjoshuacarl.com
  4. or??????????? BEING ELECTRICUTED... i was electricuted once -simaam ------------------ www.djjoshuacarl.com
  5. whoops... now its working sorry about that ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com" TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com</A> [This message has been edited by djjoshuacarl1 (edited 11-03-2000).]
  6. just curious? got klubbheads2 last week, i think it came out in july... not as anthemish as one, but still nasty alot of efx-tweaking he put most of the anthems on clubmix3 with christianB. ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  7. IM 2 WORK... ILL DEFINATLY LISTEN TO IT TONIGHT... YOU SHOULD ALSO POST IT ON WWW.SKOOLHOUSE.COM THOSE GUYS KNOW THEIR SHIT!!! ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  8. alfalpha NO DOUBT Maybe i can pull some strings and have him lay some phat vocal over PvD's tracks live! "I AM THE BARBER OF SEVILLE DUH DUH DUH RAISE YA GLOWSTICKS!!!!" ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  9. though a pawn shop might be a deal. i cant stress the importance of knowing a 1200's history. i know 5-6 guys that have bought used 12's and the brakes and pitches are all fubar...and really cant be fixed. also tonearms are burtnt too. my advice. talk fast w/ the peeps @ rock n soul they will flex there prices...a bit or any other certifiedd dealers think about it. spend the extra 50-150 to ensure your getting the best. hope this helps ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  10. www.djchat.com i currently moderating the club & the vinyl boards pop in check it out. great dj's there: hook ups and all that jazz just want to see some new faces! currently 85 club guys/girls there!! ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  11. hey jay, whats up bro! nice to see you here too! check out this kids blends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there tight ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  12. after looking @ all these i feel like frigin clint howard ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djjoshuacarl.com " TARGET=_blank>www.djjoshuacarl.com </A>
  13. strobe... if she'll go for it... if not... on, no doubt ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  14. coll bro!!! you should ftp' em @ www.skoolhouse.com for maximum exposure! ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  15. www.harmonic-mixing.com just a good tool if havent got it ------------------ www.djjoshuacarl.com
  16. after seeing RAF, i couldnt resist!! SIMON!! ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!] [This message has been edited by djjoshuacarl1 (edited 10-26-2000).] [This message has been edited by DaVe (edited 10-29-2000).]
  17. some "action photos" clockwise.... 1 doug cardplayin bikinicontestwinner corona's 2 to the right attacked by dummy beers shot; for the shot girl ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  18. here ya go... many more on the page ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  19. Hey all! were looking for vinyl cd mp3 mobile club...all djs we need your input bad! right now we have over 80 club dj's in our group!! we want more nyc, boston, germany, austailia and the UK are well represented on the board!!! also get hooked up w/ club gigs!!!! right now our weekly top ten track list has started... check it out to get the skinny on what the worlds djs are droppin so goto THE CLUB BOARD @ www.djchat.com -djjoshuacarl --moderator ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  20. Hey all! were looking for vinyl cd mp3 mobile club...all djs we need your input bad! right now we have over 80 club dj's in our group!! we want more nyc, boston, germany, austailia and the UK are well represented on the board!!! also get hooked up w/ club gigs!!!! right now our weekly top ten track list has started... check it out to get the skinny on what the worlds djs are droppin so goto THE CLUB BOARD @ www.djchat.com -djjoshuacarl --moderator ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  21. Hey all! were looking for vinyl cd mp3 mobile club...all djs we need your input bad! right now we have over 80 club dj's in our group!! we want more nyc, boston, germany, austailia and the UK are well represented on the board!!! also get hooked up w/ club gigs!!!! right now our weekly top ten track list has started... check it out to get the skinny on what the worlds djs are droppin so goto THE CLUB BOARD @ www.djchat.com -djjoshuacarl --moderator ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  22. WWW.DJJOSHUACARL.COM MAKING THE "WHAT THE FUC*" FACE!! ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  23. come on/// a FREE BEER PARTY??? who else is cheap and likes beer? hehehehehe my cds and club announcements are aimed at the females!!! ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  24. i dont think anyone should "BE" pc... if you are yourself...and it happens to be pc...thats fine... but if you run your thoughts through the pc filter b4 they come out...its a tad misleading... but them again if you got nuthin nice to say, dont say anything at all...or so mamma used to say. just be tactful thats all ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
  25. well then... maybe ill start remixing public domain songs like the mexican hat dance and ba ba blacksheep and see how sports promo teams like it when i steal there stuff muuuuuuuuhahahahaha(pinky to mouth) ------------------ djjoshuacarl.com [O!]{}[O!]
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