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Everything posted by nautilus60

  1. I dont think we've ever met, unless i just didnt know your board name when we did meet. But yeah, Baltimore get-together sounds good. theres quite a lot of us now. Soon Dave will have to open up a new forum: Baltimore CP.
  2. LOL. Do you realize how much you've taught in the past couple of months? Thank you veruy much Mrs. Tinybutterfly.
  3. Ok, i've got a question for which prolly everyone knows the answer but me. I've been meaning to ask this for the longest time: How the fuck do you derive "love" from <3?
  4. I was expecting you to show up, but then i was like: Kuro, you lucky MoFo...
  5. Awww, your penguin is all grown up...
  6. Very very bad. "godfather of techno" my ass...he cleared the room in about 10 min. he wasnt even playing any techno. and the crowd kinda scared me.
  7. i am on a good mood too. Ahhhh, its good to be alive!
  8. i believe its actually Weekend Players...
  9. nah, man...you can have the pants...me and lobster are heading to NY to do some DJ whoring. Prolly gonna hit up shelter - always wanted to check it out.
  10. nautilus60


    Speaking of soulseek...How do i find a specific user, so i could browse their files? and while you are at it post your user names. thanks.
  11. La La La La La La...Cant get this track out of my mind for a week now. Anybody remembers when Tenaglia dropped it at DT/DH night? - i thought i was gonna cream my pants:) BTW, how old is this track? Oh, and we (me,lobster and shlongus) have decided to come down to Miami for Tenaglia's Labor Day set - ahhhh, South Beach...
  12. Dude, i was gonna post the same thread. Holy Shit! trying to remember last night - and i cant. Me, Yuri, Felix, and Yelena killed a gallon of smirnoff last night at this russian "dance club". Ok, gonna go puke my guts out now...
  13. I actually prefer to get an answering machine when calling for the first time. I always leave a message. this way she knows i called and the ball is in her court. if she calls back - i know she liked me.
  14. i think shady was reffering to the asian chick in the pic with Crank and Malanee.
  15. ...found it on Sideshow Bob's website. http://sideshowbob.darkravers.net/index.html
  16. Definetely great hanging out with everyone again. Too bad i didnt meet any new CPers:( Vic, its ur job to introduce me to everyone...you are fuckin' fired... BTW, Crank - thanks for your hospitality - it was a great pre-party.
  17. Soooo...can we see a pic? Just so we know who to look for:rolleyes:
  18. Crank, I'll be there too. I'll bring some vodka too - it seems tiny's bottle wont last long.
  19. ypu can catch a ride with us - we are neighbours for chrissake:)
  20. Hellz Yeah. I'll be there with the rest of my crew...Errr, that would be me and lobster.
  21. Yeah - you. Your score seemed a bit high to me;)
  22. Holy Crap!!! I didnt know i was that un-intellegent: You have a knack for greatness. For the record,you are: 73% Un-telligent! which is significantly higher than the current average of 60% Here is the custom report of your personality that led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are resourceful, sly, and guaranteed to get away with everything: "The subject shows a very high level of intelligence, and his sense of observation is one of his best qualities. Considering this, he shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation. "Finally, the subject displayed a healthy (better than most net freaks anyway) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a hot shot self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals."
  23. An accident just happened right outside my office window - sounded scary. Yes, people, i have a huge ass window surrounding my office.
  24. Ummm, it kinda does look like you. No?
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