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Everything posted by cotoncandydream

  1. Dialectics you don't have to come if you are reaaaaaaaaaally that busy:( MMMMMMMMMMMM BUNNY SLIPPERS!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM S-MAN!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM 7 bucksssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Heard he was filming a movie. Here we go again.
  3. I will not not say how much they spent but there was no good amount of money made. Everything there was rented or brought in personally for this. Bar was not paid to the promoters that was the venues. basically no one is buying a new car,but that wasn'tthe point of doing the event. Sponsors contributed product no $$$. and u forgot catering. Rob I know u are helping me out at Boo so this is done the right way Gianni what are you bitching about u told me that u loved it when I saw u on the 2nd level. trouble maker
  4. What are you talking about doors opened at 10pm I got back to the table at 10:01pm so WTF?
  5. We will have a Clubplanet Booth at Ultra I think we might have to raffle off some badges for it.
  6. Shut up I got back there 10:01 on the dot. If u wanna help next time lemme know I will send u to kinkos......lol
  7. I say we all meet up at Virgin and then go to the Pajama Jam @ Centro w/ Roger Sanchez??
  8. About the sound being lowered. That was due to the NYPD. The permits for that sound level lasted only till a certain time. Main reason for having Hawtin Upstairs was to keep the music at a louder level. Martin: I hear ya bro, but in all fairness not everyone is as saavy as CP. There were so many people that really didn't either understand english or just plain I hate to use the word stupid. But they just didn't listen to directions. I felt like I was speaking like alien to people they were just like HUH. lol u saw me at coat check I was like move down. PEOPLE would just stand there lol I was trying to not have a breakdown. idrthrbclbng: he didn't say he was spinning till 7. He said "WE ARE GOING till 7";) Well I tried to help as much as possible. ULTRA FEST next stop...
  9. FYI those peopl don't do it for that reason they spent shitloads of money for quality music and a unique venue. I think it would have been easier if the weather wasn't killing us.
  10. Well thank god you didn't pay for it Shanon. And I am wondering how you called me 5 times before the event but didn't call me when you got there so I can walk you guys up like I did everyone else. ??????? I am sorry you guys waited but you didn't call me or Kristy and we could have dragged you right in.
  11. Last Time kids, Say it with me! PAUL VAN DYK <---------------Correct spelling
  12. To all our Peeps that came to Destination NYC lat night at South Street Seaport, Thank you for braving the rain and cold and coming out to this enormous event. Thank you for helping and supporting our scene and the people that bring us together for events like this. I must say that Stuck on Earth and Tronic Treament rock and we can not wait till BOO which will be 10 times crazier. Now for the review and highlights. 8 pm running late I arrive at SSSP and already happy cuz my GORGEOUS HELPER Kristy aka Snoozi8 is saving my ass by helping the Stuck on Earth Staff. Also hanging in there is our beloved BogB. Due to a printer mishap Bog and I leave and head to the east village for a lil help at Kinkos. But not before stopping at PLANT for Carl's Press Party. After sucking down a large and quite strong Stoli Orange and Ginger Ale at the open bar we have to start running. Sidetracked quickly before we left we hug with Carl and arranged our interview with him for WMC. Quick Stop to pick up Ron and hit kinkos........boom ..... back to the SSSP. 10pm The rain is coming down the gates are open. Kristy and the ladies are kicking ass working the ticketbooth. I at that point space for 20 minutes and just held incense. *TIME LINE WILL GET SCREWED UP NOW* Highlights: *ERICK MORILO WEARING his COX HAT *Catching that creep jerk scalping fake tix *Walking Lizza Minella and her Fiance David Guest to the Atrium to hear Hipp-e & Halo *Carl giving me a Bear Hug and in a extreme brit accent go "GOREGOUS U NEED A VACATION, LET'S GET ON THE PLANE TO MIAMI NOW" me agreeing *Me standing in front of the heaters drying off because I was SOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK from runnin to the line and getting all of you! *Working Coat Check at 7 am with my volunteers I love ya BOO BOO BOO* *Seeing my friends from Kappa very cool missed them *Seeing so many peole in the industry come out and recognizing this was not a RAVE but a Music Festival. And with support there will be much more..... OXOXOXOXOX Thank you all again. Lainie Clubplanet.com, Inc.
  13. All our comps have been spoken for for about a week now. Sorry Joey!
  14. Deatils to come. Your CP cards will either be free before 12 or $10 till 2. Plenty of Free giveaways and I am Raffling off a special Prize from PERFECTO & V2!
  15. Different circumstances a tent has been erected for the event on the Pier Deck then u have to walk outside to get into the Atrium.
  16. I will be shutting down the ticket booth at 6:30pm. I ned to get all the lists to the venue. if you want to purchase advanced tickets click here http://store.yahoo.com/ticketing/desnycmar220.html This is your only guarenteed way of admission. Lainie "So I have always been kind of a "Hipp-E" that wears a "Halo", but when I get Excited I scream for a lil "MOR-ILLO" when a get a lil "COX" but usually all the good men are taken so I rely on my "PLASTIKMAN"
  17. OK check this out. For those of you who have been Subliminal and GBH regulars for the past 2 years you know the Staff of Centro by now. Cool, friendly, fun and all over good peoples. Well one of those people happens to be MIKEY LIGHTS. Their Lighting tech. We love this guy. And on Tues March 5th downstairs in the PINKY Room we are throwing him a lil Pajama Jammy Jam with DJ ROGER SANCHEZ. Now here is the kicker it is $7 bucks to get in. Roger wants to celebrate Mikey's Birthday but also make up for the craziness you guys went through to see him last time. Roger will only be play 3 more dates in NYC before leaving on tour. And he will not return until the fall. email me for info and get your Bunny Slippers out baby! lainie@clubplanet.com
  18. I will be shutting down the ticket booth at 6:30pm. I ned to get all the lists to the venue. if you want to purchase advanced tickets click here http://store.yahoo.com/ticketing/desnycmar220.html This is your only guarenteed way of admission. Lainie "So I have always been kind of a "Hipp-E" that wears a "Halo", but when I get Excited I scream for a lil "MOR-ILLO" when a get a lil "COX" but usually all the good men are taken so I rely on my "PLASTIKMAN";)
  19. They will stop letting people in. Unfortuntately this is not a club you can squeeze 2000 more people in. Fire Marshall office is 2 blocks away.
  20. There is no guarentee of admission without a advance ticket. Tickets that are available will be $50 + at the event. This event will reach full capacity.
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