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Everything posted by alfuckingcapone

  1. It's funny how Bush said "we will get all countries that harbor terriost". What took so long? I mean did we or did we not build and support Iraqu and Saddam? Yes we did, but it was all good at the time being because we used them to fight Iran. How about the Taliban? I mean come on now, did we or did we not know how terrible they were when the cia helped train then to fight Russia for us, then of course we left the country to rot under there control. I wonder why all these countries hate us. I bet you guys did not know that all of euroupe and asia is laughing at our president calling him a little kid! I was with him 100% untill he had to do something and mention those three words "axis of evil". He might have just got us in to some shit.
  2. Does anyone know how it has been? Who is spinning?
  3. I agree with dreamdrops 100% The media causes all the hate on both sides why is it when ever a muslim commits a crime, the media starts off the persons name with muslim this muslim that. How about when Mcvey blew up the fedral buliding in OKL? Why did they not start his name off with christian Tim Mcvey or all the other christians that have commited a crime? To bad these arab countries did not know that are govt and and media do not reflect the american people. i also find it funny how our counrty bomb the shit out of Japan and yes i know we had to do it because of Pearl Harbor, but we directly went out after all those civilians. Did that make us one of the most terriost countries ever? One last thing i find funny is how all these people just started to watch the news after sept 11 and now think they know it all.
  4. Yo relax guys! I said I feel bad for both sides. Yo Tribal I got the artilce on another message board(AOL turmoil in the middle east). About the houses being demolished, I saw with my own eyes on the news many houses being demolished. Yo breakbeats the israelis are retaliation, but the pals can say the same thing. Who knows who started this shit first, but I do know that freaks hamas and jihad stoped there attacks a month or so back, but then your boy Sharon was still doing some fucked up shit. You can't tell me Sharon wants peace. I feel bad for the innocent on both sides. As much as Hamas and Jihad don't want to see the exsistence of Israel at all, same goes for Sharon on his thoughts of the pals.
  5. I feel just as bad for the innocent palestinians as I do for the innocent israelis. The terrible actions by extremist like Jihad and Hamas, are killing many palestinians. Just like the terrible actions of Sharon, are making his people targets of terror. It's a two way street, not one. Close to 900 pals and close to 300 israelies have died over the latest uprising. Here is a good article that shows the other side is living a life of fear and terroist attacks on them too. THE US WILL NOT DARE TO CRITICIZE ISRAEL FOR ITS CRIME By Charley Reese The israelis bulldozed another 14 palestinian homes this week in a reugee camp in gaza. The US said the act was "provocative" Actually, it was a war crime. Actually, what the isralis have been doing to the pals has been correctly characterized by the internantional RED CROSS as war crimes and by the UNITED NATIONS as "an affront to civilization" Wow. Golly gee whiz. Old George Bush promised he would provide leadership, and that's real leadership, calling a war crime "provocative" Finally, after 8 months of refusing to utter even that bland a criticism, he managed to say the destruction of homes so precious to such terribly poor people is "provocative" One day, Americans are going to wake up from more than 50 years of ZIONIST propaganda and suddenly feel like strangers in a strange land, to borrow the title of an science-fiction work. They're going to finally see the simple truth: Israelis drove pals out of their own country and confiscated their land and wealth. Israelis refused to allow (and still refuse) palistinian refuges to return, despite the U.N. resolutions instucting them to do so. In 1967, the israelis attacked and took the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. Since then, they have ruled it and still rule, despite U.N. resolutions against their actions. Now, after dragging out so-called peace negoations for 10 years-how can the simple question, "When are you going to withdraw from the territories you illegally occupy?" take 10 years?-drama is heading toward a climax. The israelis have tried economic strangulation. They have tried to force the pals to accept a chopped-up pseudocounrty. They have tried killing their children, demolishing their homes and assassinating their leaders. They tried uprooting their agricultural orchards and sealing the pals off from normal travel. By the way, where are you enviromentalists while the israelis commit this environmental atrocity? Don't you know how long it takes for an olive tree to reach maturity and start bearing fruit? I thought were concerned about the enviroment. Oh excuse me-not when it's a palestinian environment. My mistake. I sometimes forget who is a hypocrite and who isn't because there are so many these days. What's next, of course, is for the israelis to take off the bloody glove and commit one super massacre in attempt to drive the pals out or to break their spirit. This is what the pals expect. They are bracing for it. They know that the israelis have elected the one politician, Ariel Sharon, willing to do it. It's already terrible what the pals are going through, and this next assault, when it comes, will be far worse. They need the support now of the decent people with the courage to stand up for human rights. As you can see, the Bush administration prefers to remain on its knees. Most members of Congress are afraid to do that. They prefer the supine position, total prostration. If you can't find courage to speak out against evil financed with your tax money, then at least watch palestinian children show you how real men and women live and die with honer
  6. Oh yeah, he told us Karch. Thanks for the real truth Perfecto. I know both sides have bad people, but people like Perfecto like to point fingers all at one side. Perfecto you got to understand that some people like myself and Karch are educated on the subject and can not be tricked by your propaganda. It is sad people are killed by both sides, but a fact that you don't mention is ,since sept 2000 the death toll for the palistinians are atleast 5x the amount of israelis. More palistinian kids have been killed then israeli soliders. What R U going to say next, the israeli army is just defending themselves? How about this, maybe if the israeli army didn't go into their land and destroy their homes and kill people(what are media fails to tell us) there would be less crazy palistinians. Even almost the whole UN knows the real deal, but then America always vetos. Thank god for America or Israel would be in trouble.
  7. Did any of you see that series that started last night(The Uprising)? It is great so far, it's about the jews in Poland that took matters into there own hands. They fought back for there pride and freedom, got some of those racist germans. Now what i want to know is, what is the diffrence between the palistinians now in the streets throwing rocks at israeli soliders, to that of the uprising in poland 60 years ago. I know both sides have there share of bad. I also think those sucide bombers are cowards who will rot in hell, but that is a small %. All you people say, these poor kids are brainwashed to hate and they are turn to evil,but you feed off are bias media. Maybe just like the movie with the jews being killed and fighting back, these palistinians with the rocks do the same thing to the israeli soliders. Most of the jews in this board don't want to hear it, but yes palistinians are being murdered and homes destroyed buy the israeli army, are media in this country will never show this. So just think next time you see a little kid on tv throwing a rock next time. They are mad about something and fight for there freedom too. Maybe 60 years later the real truth will come out like this tv series on the uprising with the jews in poland that are considerd heroes.
  8. Yo I respect what you say bro, but what do you mean when you say " this is how the israelis live"? Are you israeli? If so I would think you sould say that but, do you think non of the palistineans live in fear? I do think both sides have there share of bad and good, it's not all one sided, bad fingers point at the palistineans. Are media does not come even close in justfying what the palistineans go through. Has anybody seen the news this week with the israeli tanks entering 6 territories of the palistineans. Why? They said they want to bring to justice of the killers of an israeli leader, but how about the palistinian leader that was killed. The numbers are fact, nd in the past decade the death toll for the pals are way higher, so maybe they have fear too. Did are news care to tell us about the 11 year old girld that died from a bullet of an israel solider, or how the the israeli soliders prevented pals ambulance from entering the location of many injured, but if an israeli is killed we will hear about it all week in the news. How about those kids throwing rocks, do they do it because they are trained killers or maybe because they do it out of anger of all the death they suffered and homes being destroyed by tanks. What is wrong with those kids fighting for there freedom, this country did it some 200 years ago. I do think both sides have there bad and it is really fucked up their, but I don't get bought by are biased one sided media like most of this country does.
  9. i think i'm going. What time does Abyss close?
  10. You guys hear Ben Laden's statement. What a crock of shit, that coward is going straight to hell. How do you guys feel about flying right now? My uncle was going to fly to Italy next week, but now with all this he's holding back a couple weeks.
  11. I agree with you 100%. To many ignorant people out their. The Palistinians actually had nothing to do with it. Our media CNN(run by the jews) used them as a SCAPEGOAT day1 of the tradgy, but for all we know they could have have tricked us the views, and show us footage of them celebrating over anything. It could have been a week prior when Israelie troops left a palistine town. Even if it was true it was the same footage of the same 5-8 people but not the millions that live there. When we dropped the bomb on Japan Americans were celebrating over here, but thats ok.
  12. Hey ignorant person, have you been paying attention latey? The palistinians had nothing at all to do with this terrible tradgy. They were just the SCAPEGOAT for CNN news 2-3 hrs after everything happen. They showed that footage on day 1 and stop. They know they fucked up. Did you see any new footage of them cheering? Nope, but our CNN news failed to show the thousands at schools and mosques that gave a moment of silence and prayers for the victims. Some hundreds even gave blood. For all we know, that footage could have been from a week prior when Israelie troops left a territory. Even if it was real, that was in the war zone of Israel and did you notice the same 5-8 faces on all the footage? I didn't see know new one's. Gosh didn't any of your sociology profesors teach on how are media can be so misinforming? The good news is we now know who did it. They are DEAD!
  13. I'm glad to see that others noticed the same people in the footage. Cnn fucked up and they know it. Like I said not more than 2 -3 hrs after this tradgy they show footage of palistinians dancing with joy. Can you say they were looking to pin it on a group of people. The palistinians were the SCAPEGOAT. Now all the correct info has came out these last 5 days and the palistinians had nothing to do with it. Like I said who knows if even that footage was correct. We all know Cnn has tons and tons of footage of the palistinians. I just wonder why the news didn't show the footage of the thousands of palistinians who gave there condolences and prayers and even blood for are victims. Didn't your sociology profs give you guys a lesson on how are media can be misinforming.
  14. I'm going to try to educate some of you guys again. We made Saddam and it backfired on us. Yes we built him and his army to fight a long 8-10 year war with Iran. At the time we thought of Iran as a threat, but when the war was over Saddam was stronger on the aspects that he could beat the once powerfull counrty next door, thanks to America. Well he blew it up in our face. We made two mistakes with Saddam, we made him and then the second mistake was we didn't finish him at the end of the Gulf War. Bin Laden- In the mid-1980s- Bin Laden took aid and training from the CIA to fight the Soviet Army in Afghanistan. The CIA funneled it's aid through the Pakistani Secret Service, the ISI, to various cells in Afghanistan, one of them known as the MAK. In 1984, Bin Laden broke with the MAK anf formed a separate, more radical group. Ok we fucked up with these two eveil fucks, but I hope are goverment learned a lesson from this. Lets hope history does not repeat itself. What scares me the most is that we built the Israel army. We give them billions and billions of dollars a year. We are making their army stronger and stronger. They already have a inferior military, almost as strong as our's. Israelie's are the smartest people in the world, give me a break they practicly run this counrty.(media,gov't,and so on) Think for a second, from way back in history jews wanted to rule this world, you don't think when the time is right, when they get there first chance there going to stab us in our back. Maybe not now, but maybe when we are most vunrable. I hope if we go to war, they don't turn their back and take advantage. One more thing I would like to mention. I don't think bombing the Afghani people would do us any good. We must go in their with ground troops and go after Laden and the Taliban KILL them all. The Afghani people are also the victims in their own country. No food, no clothing, no nothing. They are weak as hell. They hate the Taliban as much as us. There lifestyle is ghetto as it could get because of the Taliban. If we bomb the shit out of them, the only one's that are going to get away are the Bin Ladens,Taliban,and cells. Why do you think Afghanistan is the capital of terriost in the world? The land is all jungle, you must go in their and make sure you kill them. It makes me sick on how some people can be so fucked up.
  15. Some people can be so ignorant. Why beat innocent people? Don't you think they are just as mad? Why label a whole entire race for the actions of a few terrible. How about us? Should we label ourselves from the actions of a few terrible? Do you remember Oklahoma city,Wacco Texas,# of school shootings, and many others. Shit why don't we kill everybody BLACK, WHITE, SPANISH, ASIANS, ARABS. How about the Palestinains we possibly saw cheering? I say possible because for all we know, we could of possibly falsely been portrayed misinformed news by CNN( run by the jews).Hello does anybody know what propoganda is? Don't some of you guys find it funny how not 3 hrs into this tradgyof WTC and are good old pals from CNN have footage of people cheering in the streets but yet these people don't really have tv's and radio's or could of it just been footage of people in streets cheering a week prior. When Israel soliders left a certain territory that belonged to them. Wake up people. Since when has CNN news ever tell you about the 5-10 Palestinain kids that are killed a day from Israel troops, but they'll be sure to let you know if one Israel civillian is killed. The whole thing down their so sad. When are both sides going to stop? Back to my point. Even if those people were cheering(terrible) it was only a terrible few, mostly kids who have no fathers or older brothers because they were killed, but did any of you notice the clips were the same clips of the same people. Not that many people in that group but no new clips. I bet you remember all the faces on those clips. I sure do remember, but it's funny how CNN showed the same clips and only aired then the first day, maybe because they couldn't find anybody else cherring but CNN decided not to show you guys the following day that thousands of Palestinian kids and adults in schools and mosques giving a moment of silence and their prayers for the victims. Even hundreds giving blood. Luckly while this board was down I found a music board with no ignorant people and somebody posted pics if you would like to see them(ezadreamer.com) since CNN decided not to show you. What I'm trying to get at is you can't even trust our news at all times because in some cases they are bias. Also don't judge a whole group of people on the terrible acts of others because are country has it's share. Don't fall victims into these terrible acts of Bin Laden and his cells, because then he has won. Think before you go outside and want to act on people who don't deserve it, because they are Americans too. I hope we'll kill that piece of shit too and his whole crew of scumbags. Keep your head up high America, don't fall in Ben Laden's trap. Peace to all and lets pray for the victims in this horrible tradgy.
  16. Wow I guess the one good thing about this board not working before was going to the other boards. At least the members were not as ignorant as you people. You people know nothing but this country and the news you see and listen to is runn by jews(cnn). Did any of you notice those clips of the palistinians were supposley a couple hours after this horrible event. For all we know is that cnn( run by the jews) could have just told you that they were celebrating over the horrible event that took place in this country. That for all we know could of have been footage of the palistinians celebrating a week prior when jew soliders left a certain territory over their. What if that really was true? How can you judge a whole country of people over the action of a small amount. Did you guys notice the clips were the same 5-8 faces but not whole large goup of people. It's funny how the news showed the reaction of the palistinians first trying to pin it on someone then they stop showing the clips. Let me teach you guys a lesson on something the news failed to tell you. The very next days thousands of palistinians in schools and mosque's gave a moment of silence for the victims and prayed for them. Hundreds also donated blood but you see cnn news didn't want to show you that but somebody on the ezdreamer club board was so kind to share those pics if you want to see with your own eyes. Why aren't we seeing NEW pics of the palistinians cheering but the same 5-8 faces? Because there aren't any. If they were really cheering it is fucked up but you guys know that our country supports israel with 15 billion dollars a year. So we are practicly aiding israel to kill the palistinians, because you don't hear about it you don't know that the average of 10 kids die a day over their from israel troops. They also might be mad that our counrty is the one and only country that veto's all the proposel's that NATO comes up with to help the palistinians. Are reall concern should be to get that fucking piece of shit Laden and all his cells and kill them.
  17. Anybody? Teo has been off the hook. Keep it up bro you have something good their for years to come
  18. Yo bro i only known TEMPTSKID for about 4 yrs.I go to school with one of his boyz.The stories i heard about him in high school and the one's that I witnessed myself when hanging out with him are out of control.I don't even hang out with him that much but he is the biggest stud i know. He's also great talking with the ladies. Yo Tempts do you remember seeing me at 7 11 last saturday? I finished an unreal night at xs(thanks Teo)so then headed over to 7 11 for some late night snacks. I see Temptskid walk in all drunk.Then a group of kids 5 or 6 of them walk in,one of the guys said something to Temptskid. All i remember is Temptskid telling the kid" i knocked your mommy up I'm your daddy son don't make me spank you in front of all your friends" then he spit on the kids foot and started to laugh at him for a good minute.For sure i thought a rumble would have started but nothing. I would had your back kid. That made my summer. btw you said your going out tonight,would that happen to be at JOEYS?If so i will see you their.
  19. This the same Temptskid who hid from his friends at SF when it was time to go home? He's not human.
  20. With out a dout it's the JUICE.#1 in my book. He hasn't been posting much but when he did back through august - october his shit was histerical.LMFAO every fucking time.
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