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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by njguido69

  1. ok i will introduce you to my connect then i will help you get big you can watch me flex and i will let you squeeze the zits on my muscular ass it is part of the training my schedule is very very tough here it is : 8 am gym 9 am cup of ghb 915 am tan 1015 am eat flex and tan 1130 am gym continue this cycle until 12 midnight and follow everyday we will start on monday this weekend i am very busy tonight i will be flexing at club abyss and singing "oooh oh oh oh oh" tomorrow night i will be at club world i will be flexing and singing "oooh oh oh oh oh" i love zombie nation and danny tsettos ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  2. do what i do give her some ghb and then if she still don't bang you punch her in the face maybe she's a dyke ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  3. will he play zombie nation for me so i can flex and sing "ooooh oh" i love flexing and zombie nation and relentless ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  4. it is me when i am flexing and drinking ghb ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  6. you are really good people on this here message board i am so glad you guys accepted me into your group a lot of people sterotype me as mean and dumb just because i roid rage and punch people and instead of going to school i went tanning and to the gym and watched mafia movies that is why i talk like this but i am not mean or dumb thank you for the canoles cathyo is that italian my father told me if it ends in o it is italian like sambrero as i was saying i will go to twilo is that an italian club and flex and if you see me ask me for my ghb and i may even have samples of zombie nation to give you you guys are really great except tempkid ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  7. what did you say i dont understand you are you stupid like tempkid ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  8. the blowjob i got from tempkids mother ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  9. i have never been to twilo but i will go to flex for you and share my ghb do they play zombie nation at twilo i only like zombie nation and relentless but i cannot stay long because i have to go to world tomorrow and kick tempkids ass but i will flex for you ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  10. okay tempfag now you made me very very mad not only will i piss on your ugly head with your bad fade and your bad dye job i will punch you right out of your black pants and then i will take your silver plated watch and throw it right at denny tsettos and then i will drink my ghb and sing "ooooh oh" while your girlfriend watches me flex and inhales my creatine flavored farts ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  11. i just got back from the tanning salon and boy am i tan did i mention i was tan ? i am now flexing in my reflection on the computer screen and i am very build and tan but i am mad today i will tell you guys because you guys are my friends and do not make me mad like my father so i do not have to go around punching things all day i am mad because this morning after i got back from the gym and tanning i was sitting down flexing drinking my ghb/creatine mix polishing my silver chains and listening to my 30 minute mix of zombie nation and my mother came me and she said salvatore all you do is listen to that stupid "oooh oh" song and drink your ghb nad flex you are a useless bum so i got mad and i punched her and now she will not make me anymore canoles ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  12. you are very stupid i like to drink ghb and i don't like to punch people i am sorry but i get mad and then my roid rage takes over so i start punching wait a minute i know who you are you are that big doofy thing that has been following me around at tempts and djais all summer trying to squeeze my ass you have a friend that looks like mr miagi i remember you now you are just mad i didn't share my ghb with you and didn't let you pop the zits on my ass that one time i remember please do not be mad my girlfriend was there that time at tempts and if i let you squeeze my ass she would've got mad then i would've got mad and then i would've punched her didn't you get traded to the sonics or do you just look like patrick ewing in a k hole ? ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  13. my favorite rap group of all time is J.W.A. Juiceheads With Attitudes ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  14. tempfag now you made me very angry i will meet you behind the dj booth at world i will drink cups yes cups not caps of ghb just to give you the upperhand and then i will smack you silly and make you spit shine my shoes in front of all your gay buddies then i will piss on top of your balding head while drinking my ghb and flexing ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  15. ok this is what happened i was coming home from my tanning flexing lifting lunch and my day was good the sun was shining i was getting a tan on the way home from tanning and i was sipping my ghb i decided to stop for lunch at wendy's i ordered a salad so here i am flexing and tanning and waiting for my salad so finally they bring out the salad and i asked for dressing on the side they put dressing on the salad the dressing has salt in it ans salt gives me water bloat from my steroids so i took the little mexican wendy's worker and i punched him because he got me so mad i kept punching him and punching him and drinking my ghb so then his boss came over and said you can't go around punching mexicans so i punched him and then i peed all over the wendys and i came home and my girlfriend said i am too mean and she was leaving me so i got mad and punched her too anyone want to meet up at world ? ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  16. black people in the hood have no money for records they spend it all on crack and grape soda and sneakers and newports and colt 45 ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  17. are you his agent want to be my agent and squeeze my zits i will give you some of my ghb ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  18. because they are stupid if they saw me they would want to flex and drink ghb and workout but all they see is that dumb uneducated biglipped nappy headed ape wait till i am on television white suburban kids will become tan juicehead flexers ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  19. i tan 4 times a day 20 minutes before the gym 10 minutes between sets i then drive home then i drive back to the tanning booth tan another 45 minutes and then at night i drink 5 caps of ghb and i fall out in the tanning booth for hours did i mention i flex while i tan ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  20. i will trade your grandmother some ghb for some canolis and a blow job want me to flex for her too is it ok if she shaves my back for me i punched my girlfriend and she will not shave my back anymore thank you ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  21. goomba i love your remix you are not the only one who juices on here i do too want to help my girlfriend pop the zits on my ass and watch me flex and drink my ghb ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  22. i would bring my ghb my tanning lotion my copy of zombie nation ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  23. you are very nice thank you do you want to be my girlfriend ? my girlfriend now gets mad at me because all i do is lift tan drink ghb and punch things when i am mad just yesterday i asked her to shave my back and she told me she was busy so i got really mad and punched her she told me if i punch her again she will leave me but she gets me very mad when she don't do what i tell her to do and then i get mad because she is mad and i punch things do you want to drink ghb and shave my back? ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  24. that was very nice of you i like you you are nice i will give you some of my ghb at world this weekend and you can watch me flex i missed you guys too i got mad so i punched the computer so i had to wait to get a new one so i can post again my father told me to sit on my hands when i get mad and not punch anything but how can i type if i sit on my hands ? my father is stupid and makes me mad when he gives me stupid ideas so i punched him again ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
  25. this happened to me on the way to the gym this morning i was driving in my black monte carlo with the tops down because i try to tan whenever i can and i had zombie nation the 35 minutes denny tsettos version blasting and i was sipping my ghb through a straw and i was singing along with my cd singing "oooh oh" "oooh oh" and i hit a bump int the road and i spilled my ghb on my lap and it burned my tan thighs so i got mad and punched the windshield now my windshiled is broken and my father will be mad because he gets mad when i get mad and punch things so if he is mad at me i get mad at him and i punch my father and then he goes to the hospital because i am mad ------------------ FLEX LIKE EVERYONE IS WATCHING, DANCE LIKE A MONKEY IN HEAT.
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